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*NO* Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'The Power of Light in a Dark World'


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ReMixer name: Mahrellon

Real Name: Andreas Flodman

E-mail: Mahrellon@gmail.com or Andreas_flodman@netatonce.net

Website: None

Userid: 34595

Game: Zelda 3 - A link to the past

Song name: Dark world theme

Original song:

Original Composer: Koji Kondo


I have always been a fan of the Zelda series and the music and I've

always wanted to make a remix of at least one Zelda song just for fun.

How ever, I had no plans at all about making a remix of the Dark

Overworld theme from Zelda 3 until a friend of mine sort of "dared me"

into remixing one of the songs I didn't consider to be my favorite so I

chose this song and this is the resault. I got the inspiration for the

actual sound from trying to learn how to play the Gerudo Song from Zelda

Oot and thought that the Dark Overworld theme would sound sweet if I put

some guitars in it.

Well, hope you guys enjoy!

Oh, and please let me know if there's anything else needed to submitt

songs. It's my first time =)


I love this arrangement. I think you did a great job of bringing out a lot of emotion from the original, and there is definitely a lot of detail that really makes this shine. I wish there was a little bit more dynamic range, because some spots I think could have been a little more bombastic to make a better contrast with the more thoughtful sections.

I think for what you did with them, the sounds are good, but this would sound a lot better if there were better samples. They aren't horrible by any means, but they aren't great either. It's a bit unfortunate that the arrangement is being held back by the sounds, but that happens sometimes. The string sounds are what bother me the most, although there are some other sounds, like the horn that comes in later, that also are to blame.

Overall, love it. YES

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  • 4 weeks later...

The main melody and sections are pretty close to the source, but there are some good interludes and an extra section that expands on this pretty well. Overall i'd say that it would need a little more expansion, but the concept is sound, and you have the skills to pull it off.

Samples do drag it down, especially those melodic strings, which have too slow of an attack to sound like they fit in that well. I think with a lot of care and work put into humanizing the performance, it'd be fine, but right now it just seems like they are added in without much thought of creating a performance.

The guitar sounds good, and the percussion and everything else is passable, but it's those lead instruments combined with a conservative arrangement that makes me think this needs a little more work. I really enjoyed it, and I think you are onto a fantastic start, but it's ot quite there for me. I strongly encourage you to polish it up just a bit mroe and resend it to us. :-)

No, please resubmit

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The mix is dark. You might cut away some of the low mids of the guitar and emphasize the highs.

That's not really the biggest issue here. Some of the samples really don't sound great, and the writing is very mechanical. The vibe of the first section is really cool, but aside from the guitar, the whole song is held back by writing that is somewhat rhythmically lifeless and harmonically unsophisticated. The faster runs like at 2:20 really stick out because the velocities are the same and you can hear that each sample hit sounds exactly the same.


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Nice concept; I really like the guitar parts.

Samples are an issue. Need some more humanization on the winds and strings; those string samples especially have a week attack and have that whiny crescendo sound (..eeeeeeEEEEEEE). You need some faster strings. Ocarina sample is good too, focus on that a bit more.

Work on velocities and samples and please resub.


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I'll echo the criticisms of the samples and articulations, that's pretty much the only thing holding this back for me. The backing parts are entirely new so there's a lot of personalization to this. I liked the arrangement quite a bit. There could have been more dynamic contrast, but that's a minor concern next to the other issues. Work on making the production as good as the arrangement.

NO (resubmit)

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