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I actually had sent this simple acoustic ReMix to OCR submissions back on September 7. Given the long queue in the inbox, I thought I would start up a thread here for some feedback. If there's anything to be fixed, I could probably fix it before it's even downloaded for review. :)

Didn't really work on practicing this song too long, maybe a week. This recording came out pretty nice on the first attempt, so I added some reverb and did some minor EQ and gate adjustments. Sadly, the pickup in my acoustic is busted right now, so I wound up just recording one mic'ed up track. My original intention was to record two tracks to make the sound a little more full. I was happy with how it turned out, anyway, so I figured I would just submit it.

Mirror 1: https://docs.google.com/a/lagged.ca/uc?id=0B-Lfu5N2tmL4M2JjNzA2YjctMjVlZC00ZDM4LWI4NzUtZmUyYjQ4YWViNDc1&export=download&hl=en

Mirror 2: http://lagged.ca/Red_Light.mp3


Thanks for listening!


Sounds pretty nice, the playing is all right. The problem I have with this track is that I keep waiting for something else than the strummed guitar to come along. I don't feel that it keeps my interest on its own. Cool to interpret that source on an acoustic guitar though! While I say it doesn't really keep my interest, it does have a lot of variation in the arrangement and the intensity. Good luck with the panel.



i'm no expert with a guitar, and i don't feel i can give an accurate guess at what exactly the judges will think, but I thought this was a very enjoyable track. personally I would have liked it EQ'd slightly higher (i love my high frequencies), the mid and lows seemed to have good presence. the actual performance may have had some minor flaws but overall, seemed like a pretty clean take.

as for the source, maybe it's me but I'm having a hard time hearing the connections. there are a few details I think I'm recognizing but even those I can't really place my finger on. seems like a pretty liberal arrangement, a source breakdown would be helpful. as long as 50% or more of the mix has a overt connection to the source, you're in the clear.

enjoyed the mix, best of luck! :)


Thanks for the feedback so far, I really appreciate it! This piece was influenced by the grunge genre of the mid 90s, around the time that Duke Nukem 3D was released. I wasn't trying to be perfect and I'm happy that it is seems to work, even with the flaws.


You playing great. And thats all I can to say.. As for the source, well.. interesting, but.. Empty. Fill it with 2 rhythms, play solo acoustic, write drums and it will be GOOD! And about frequencies. Yes Halc!! It needs more high! Or if you still want this mix stay in soling rhythm, then you should enlarge sustain(just a little, cause with more high it will be nuf). But after all, I still like it. Reminds me Diablo)

P.S. I wanted to mix that source, but I'm too late) Hm.. Colab?;-)


I can't hear Red Light District - Death Toll in there at all. It sounds like Grabbag.

... :???:? Why is it called Red Light?

The track itself sounds decent. Though it doesn't sound "good" to my ears. Or maybe just not very interesting.. It reminds me of the Tristram guitar theme in Diablo, which on the other hand I really like. Except you switch to full out chords after about the half way point. Maybe it's that some of the notes really sound dissonant with the chords. I don't know, it doesn't sound pleasant to my ears. Sorry :(


It is a remix of Grabbag. I actually called it Red Light because one time when I was playing it my daughter thought I was being too noisy and shouted "Red Light!" meaning "Stop!" ;)

Has nothing to do with the Red Light District level, just a coincidence.


Thanks mak. I know I won't be able to satisfy everyone, but I was trying to create an intimate guitar piece that quickly fades into a little something a little more punchier. Not using any other instruments is deliberate. I did mess around with some piano early in the song, but it just didn't work.


My advice would be to back off from the lows. It's too much. Or maybe just change some of the chords to sound better. You're playing at the beginning reminds me of opeth's acoustic stuff. Which I like.

Also near the end 2:15, there's a melodic section that you could have emphasized far more. I would have backed off the low there almost completely and really brought that part out, and maybe even add some improvisation and take that little solo somewhere.

Personally, no matter what version of Grabbag I hear. That portion of the song is always the high point. ..In your playing its kind of hidden.

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