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Hey, What is the "BraveNewWorld" warp, exactly? All there is is a circle to spawn on, and an unfinished bridge.

Since it doesn't seem important, I'm gonna build a Lodge or something near there.

Hey, What is the "BraveNewWorld" warp, exactly? All there is is a circle to spawn on, and an unfinished bridge.

Since it doesn't seem important, I'm gonna build a Lodge or something near there.

It is a map that was made for the new biome code back in the day. It works the same way that Mainworld does regarding claims, etc. I'm thinking of resetting Brave New World once the 1.7 biomes are released. And I'm more than willing to transfer any claims currently in place to the new Brave New World once made.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so some changes are coming. I have installed a plugin that will help me automate the claim process. You'll be able to buy claims by clicking on a sign. That'll make things super easy. It will also mean that I have to fly around and set up the claims before it will work. So, that will take some time. Once it's finished, though, you won't have to wait for me to tell you an area is or isn't claimed before you can start building. Plus, it'll mean you can claim apartments/houses in Spawntown or other areas and towns that may be coming.

One of my main goals is to make sure that everyone already set up with a claim is able to buy their claim (for free of course). Talk with me to get that set up.

I've also installed a plugin for an economy. Right now, unless it's still not working, you should be able to get funds from killing mobs. You can check your balance by typing /money. Claims are the only thing to buy right now, but I'll think about expanding that as we go.

Anyway, just some of the results of the homework I've been doing to make the server more inviting. Also, does anyone know what date Fireslash set up his version of the server? He doesn't know himself, but I'd like to use that as the official birthday for the server.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

So, it came to my attention that some of the permission settings were making it so players who were in the "Default" group were unable to interact with the world and also unable to chat. I have fixed that and I apologize for anyone that logged on and was unable to enjoy their time because of it. I hope you have not completely been turned off from our server. :(

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

First time logging on in a while, and I gotta say some of these additions are awesome.

Although I have to ask, how do you use the chessboards?

EDIT: The server has been down for the past hour and a half, after a "Server restarting. You will be kicked" message appeared. Is this normal, or are you fiddling behind-the-scenes Aba?

Edited by Anorax
Posted (edited)
First time logging on in a while, and I gotta say some of these additions are awesome.

Although I have to ask, how do you use the chessboards?

EDIT: The server has been down for the past hour and a half, after a "Server restarting. You will be kicked" message appeared. Is this normal, or are you fiddling behind-the-scenes Aba?

That's not normal... hold on.

{Edit} - Fixed. Sorry about that folks. Should be all good.

To use the chess board there's a sign on the side that has a bunch of options. You'll need to click on them. :D

Edited by Abadoss
That's not normal... hold on.

Woo! About to make a reply about the online map being down as well, and then a page refresh later it (and the server) came right up! Thanks!

Posted (edited)

Server's down again. I'm getting a "bad login" error (followed up by a stream lost error) and my brother on a separate computer (while running the same account - he mooches off of me and it's about to get him in trouble) is getting a connection dropped error.

EDIT: ok, maybe the server isn't down (I get server information on the multiplayer server select screen incl. # of players), but I can't connect to it on either machine. May be my internet connection

Edited by Anorax
Server's down again. I'm getting a "bad login" error (followed up by a stream lost error) and my brother on a separate computer (while running the same account - he mooches off of me and it's about to get him in trouble) is getting a connection dropped error.

EDIT: ok, maybe the server isn't down (I get server information on the multiplayer server select screen incl. # of players), but I can't connect to it on either machine. May be my internet connection

The "bad login" error is usually Mojang's side of things. Sadly, the only way round is just to keep trying... :/

  • 1 month later...
In case anyone is interested, I am currently preparing the server for upgrade to 1.7.2/1.7.4... :D

{edit} - Okay. Surprisingly easy transition. We're on 1.7.2/1.7.4 now! :D


I think we may need a map of the spawntown districts and, more specifically, claims therein

Whitelist request for a friend of mine: username "thatwelshgamer"

We'll probably be doing some building together. I guess I should donate again if I'm going to come back to the server. :P

Edit: And what's the word on a Brave New World reset?

That is a superb question. Still working on that. There's a couple people that have homes there that I'll need to relocate.

I'll add your friend now. :D

{edit} - In case anyone is wondering, there's a little bit of an issue with the server restarting a little too often. I'm trying to isolate the issue and fix it. Sorry about the trouble.

Posted (edited)
That is a superb question. Still working on that. There's a couple people that have homes there that I'll need to relocate.

I'll add your friend now. :D

{edit} - In case anyone is wondering, there's a little bit of an issue with the server restarting a little too often. I'm trying to isolate the issue and fix it. Sorry about the trouble.

you have my permission to burn my house with explosives if need be, so don't fret over relocation for mine

Edited by Anorax
Posted (edited)

I was just reading through old posts and suddenly remembered having to use fishing rods on sheep. :<

I was thinking about my first single-player world, too. It was a snow world from back before biomes got added. I think it was cloudy and snowing all the time? It always seemed so quiet and creepy and lonely in a way no other game had felt before. Kinda makes me wish I could unexperience Minecraft so I could start as a blank slate and be terrified of creepers again.

Anyway, I'm just feeling particularly nostalgic because my friend hasn't really played before. We're gonna do some legit survival together and it'll be awesome. We might wait until Brave New World is reset, although I guess we can always get started with a temporary resource-collection base in the main world.

Edited by Hylian Lemon
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

The server IP changed a little due to some technical things on Multiplay's side. Here's the new IP: You can connect with MC versions 1.7.2 through 1.7.5.

Also, the renewal for our subscription is in 5 days. The invoice is once again £69.11 ($117.71). Please consider donating either through ClanPay, PayPal, or /buy in-game. Thanks!

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