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Yeah. If you right click the volume dial of the sample, you get an option that says "Edit Events". From there you can draw what you want it to do. The top of the graph is maximum, the bottom is minimum. Left clicking lets you draw like normal, right clicking lets you draw in straight lines. What you're gonna wanna do is start the volume where you want it, then toward the end of the sample, sharply lower the volume, cutting off the sample where you want it. I'm not great at explaining it, so give it a shot, experiment, and let me know if you need more help.


Alternatively, if this is something you're doing a lot (as opposed to one instance), you might instead edit the envelope (lower-right section of FPC) and use a volume envelope. You'd probably want 0 attack, 100% sustain, and 0% release. Then when you're drawing your note in the piano roll, just draw it to how long you want it to sound. Since you have 0 release, the end of the note will cause the sound to stop.


Or, what I sometimes do is to set the sample to Cut Itself and then put in an extra note after the cymbal with 0 velocity, effectively causing the sample to be cut off by a silent extra note. Useful for those annoying instrument samples that have built-in delay and tails, too. Try it, it's handy. :-)

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