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*NO* Legend of Zelda: LttP, OoT, MM, WW 'The Enduring and Unchanging Hero'


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Monkey Kong

Daniel Rosenqvist, Lucas Grönlund, Axel Johansson, Anton Dromberg and Anton Fluch.

email: monkeykongmusic(at)hotmail.com


userid: 5179

Games: Zelda A Link To The Past, Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Zelda: Majoras Mask

Songs: Master Sword, Title Theme (OoT), Ocean/The Great Sea, Stone Tower Temple




Name of Track: The Enduring And Unchanging Hero

Hi Ocremix and thanks for everything you've done so far.

We are right now in the recording for a medley to the DKC3 album, and since we are recording that a whole year after this Zelda medley was recorded, the mixing and everything will be soooo much better since we have evolved a lot in our musicianship and mixing techniques , thats why this song must be posted BEFORE the DKC3 album is released, otherwise people will think that the zelda medley was made after..i hope you understand.

Anyway, my comments about the track:

"2010 has been great for us so far, the climax of course being an Opening Act for the Distant Worlds II Europe premiére in the Stockholm Concerthall, playing nothing but Secret of Mana and other Square Enix titles for half an hour, ive even heard that Mr. Uematsu himself heard and liked us but i cant confirm that.

Words that points beyond the words and games that points beyond games. When i was five years old, my love for game music started and i recorded the music from Ocarina Of Time through a tape recorder next to the TV, just so i could play them whenever i wanted (especially Gerudos Valley), so its nice to go full circle and actually cover it with Monkey Kong. This was all made in the beginning of 2009, looking back...everything about it is not perfect, but it is what it is!

What we try to express is the feeling you get when playing Zelda, the sense of freedom when sailing in Wind Waker, the Epic greatness of the master sword, the stillness of Hyrule…these things you cannot express in words, and thats why: "The Link that can be trodden is not the Enduring and Unchanging Hero", just as it was written in the Tao Te Ching 2600 years ago…"

Cheers from Visby and Gotland School of Music Composition, Sweden

Daniel Rosenqvist


- MM Stone Temple

- OoT Title

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBjcIYRc5zQ - LttP Master Sword

- WW Oceans
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There are a lot of interesting ideas going on here, but overall this suffers from medlyitis pretty strongly. There's a decent amount of arrangement in the backend of things, but the source melodies are nearly untouched, and overall each section feels like it's own separate cover. Without more interpretation of the source melodies I can't write off on this one.

Along with that, I felt a lot of the samples aren't as strong as they need to be. There's nothing that is super weak, but there isn't anything that is standing out as great either. That combined with the arrangement is putting this below the bar for me.

With some more interpretation and the upgraded sounds you have (based on your submission letter), I think this stands a chance, but it needs work. I'm not sure if you're considering revisiting this, but if so, I will look forward to it.

NO (resubmit)

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I really like this, but I have to agree that arrangement-wise, it's a solid medley, but not really a cohesive single arrangement. Some of the keyboard patches were good, but some, like the brass were pretty weak overall.

It sounds awesome overall, and congrats on your huge success opening up Distant Worlds, but it needs to be a little more cohesive to fit within the OCR guidelines.


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  • 4 weeks later...

It certainly is a fun piece, but like the other judges have said, it's really more of a medley for medley's sake, rather than a cohesive piece. I'd prefer to see each section split off into its own standalone piece; as it stands now, there's no real reason to link these together.

Not a fan of the trumpet sample for the Gerudo Valley section either.

NO, but please consider breaking this out into multiple arrangements. I'd love to see the OoT Title theme arrangement as a stand-alone piece especially.

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