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Hi, I send you mi remix of Duke Nukem Grabbag. In Any case, I give you the address to download from Mediafire

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ReMixer name: eddiekramer

Real name: Eddie Kramer

Email address: eddiekramer@gmail.com

Website: Not have yet.

Userid: 25412

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged: Duke Nukem 3D

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Grabbag

I think that's all... Thanks for your time





Pretty natural way to take the opening track. I think there's a lot of good things going on here, and overall you've got a pretty badass sound going on. The arrangement is good overall, although I feel like it gets a lack of sonic change starts to wear out my ears near the end. A breakdown somewhere in the middle might have helped out. Solos feel natural, and I like the guitar patterns going on. The key change is pretty sudden, and kind of awkward.

The bass drum could use a little more cutting power, and I think the lead guitar could be brought up just a tad.

I'll chew some gum to this one.



Gonna keep this short and badass, just like Duke would want it.

Nice arrangement, it's similar stylistically, but there is a lot of interpretation and expansion.

Guitar playing is excellent, great chops and shredding, but also restraint and a good melodic feel.

Drums were the weak point, with a kick needing more beater, and a bleh snare.

Guitar tone was decent, but was a bit too scooped.

Overall, the strengths way overpowered the weaknesses. I'll kick some ass to this.


  • 2 months later...

The guitar playing was excellent here. That went a long way for me, but I'm not sure it covered for this song's shortcomings. The drum programming was very static and rigid, the kick and snare sounding like the same hit over and over. It was especially weak in the drum fills, which were copied and pasted to boot. Even during my first listen, I noticed fills I had already heard before. I also had some issues with the arrangement, there was a little too much repetition. Many sections get several iterations of roughly the same thing. Maybe with some more varied drumwork, I'd be ok with that. The key change was also too abrupt, and I would have led into that a little better. This is a good candidate for fixing up.

NO (resubmit)

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna agree the drum mixing is weak. The track in general is awash with high mids. I can really hear the compression..why did you make this 128kbps? 192 would be within our size limit..

I'd like to hear some tweaks to the mix. Put it up next to a successful metal record and adjust the drums accordingly. Also, encode a higher bitrate!


  • 1 month later...

Nice job expanding the source while staying so close to the original style. Drums need to be beefed up, though, and yeah the mix overall could be polished. You've got space to rebalance things.

I highly encourage you work on this and send it back so we can reach our rock quota.

NO (resubmit)


Cool mix but yes, it has some problems that has been pointed out. I don't think fixing the drums would be a very big fix for you and a re-encode at 192kbps is the same story.

Nice work overall so I hope you fix the issues soon and send it back to us! You'll probably be satisfied you did when all is said and done. :nicework:



Definitely opened up sounding fairly strong. Some nice intense production here. The theme finally kicked in at :48 with some pretty cover-ish guitar work. During those main verses, the drumwork was surprisingly flimsy and didn't fill up the background space well. At 1:15 when more guitars were added, the soundscape got a bit muddy, though it wasn't a huge deal.

About a minute and half in, the arrangement just wasn't very interpretive yet, and felt too much like a sound upgrade. At 2:01, the soundscape got crowded again and 2:07-2:13 just sounded like a compressed mass of noise with some machine guns drums on top of everything and no clarity. I did like the arrangement getting a bit more interpretive from 2:01-2:23 before going into some original writing.

2:58 finally got into playing the source tune with some different backing writing, but it was very brief, only until 3:09. More original soloing before referring back to the source at 3:20 with good interpretation, but again only briefly before a key change at 3:35 for a final personalized take on the Grabbag theme. I hear what's wrong with the drums, but thought they sounded reasonably OK regardless.

The second half of the arrangement threw in more personalization techniques to put some slight variations of the source tune, which definitely lifted the arrangement up.

With the prodiction, the fuller sections being so crowded definitely threw me off and the drums could stand to be further humanized. It didn't bother me as much as the other NOs, but the drum issues that were pointed out were more exposed in some of the sections that weren't as dense.

Sorry for the long wait on a decision, Eddie. When the call is split, we need more opinions and feedback to get at the issues and make it clear what needs work. If you still have the source files and could spit-polish this, this could easily be out first approved Grabbag mix and we'd love to post it! Please make those recommended tweaks and send it back. We'll fast-track the evaluation of a follow-up submission of this.

NO (resubmit)

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