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A quick comment - using the 'Advanced Edit' mode would've been a smoother idea than making a new thread of the same track. Just throwing that out there for ya.

Now that I have some proper listening equipment, let's see what you got, here.

The snares. You need some stronger samples in there - the double tap is the only thing that's coming out in the basic loops (the other snare is nearly lost completely), and even that is a little too weak to carry the track. Get some snares with a little more 'snare' to it (har har, marching band joke). The rest of the drums are also weak (that bass doesn't do much, and the hat work is almost inaudible), so I'd take a quick look into fixing those up.

Excellent samples and sounds, otherwise. The soundscape fills out quite nicely, and the arrangement is very neat. I think you have a winner, here.


Altho this version is great,sub you Shadow Queen Remix [ Second Attempt ] instead, this indeed is your best version, instruments were clear,EQ was good,your mixing was completly perfect except the master mix. just use a compressor and reduce the threshhold and raise the gain a tiny bit to restore instrument quality. then use EQ if necessary. and for the guitar track(rhythm) use the haas trick, which means copy the guitartrack then one of the guitar tracks should be played 17-22ms later then the original, then Hard pan on guitar left and the other right, or pan the tracks to be equi-distant to. this gives you delay panning(stereo mixing) and it give more space to your synth leads, and etc.....

Nutritious, he has a link to the tindeck version in the YT description --> http://www.tindeck.com/listen/jduu

Sounds awesome. I'm clueless about OCR judging, but it's good enough for a download fo sho.

EDIT: Mind if I ask where you got the violin samples? Or is that recorded?

Cool, thanks. I usually review these over my lunch break, but can't get to YT here. I'll edit this later with my crits.

EDIT: Production crits

To start off, the vocal samples really stood out in a bad way. Jarring transitions from note to note. Either they need to be smoothed out to sound more natural, or I'd drop them. Same thing at 1:29, though it's covered a bit better by other elements.

Pretty nice guitar work here. The overall levels are pretty low, so some mastering compression is needed. This should also let more elements be heard.

Not a big fan of using the flam snare hit (did I say that right?) so often in the beat. It's kinda distracting, honestly. I'd save it for fills. Also, try to vary up the beat more, as it spends long sections on autopilot. See if you can throw in some off-beat hits, more fills, change-ups, etc to get it more interesting.

As soon as the kick starts hitting, it sounds like the track could be clipping or pumping (note: I heard more of this on the tindeck preview, but less often on the downloaded version, but I'd still take a look). Needs some compression to get that under control. It continues to be a problem throughout the track, but especially is apparent on hits like at 2:10 section.

You've got a good base here, but I think there is a lot more potential to be explored. Good luck, dude.

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