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This song is actually very near and dear to my heart. Kingdom Hearts has been a big part of my childhood. I remember the first time I played the game at a friends house. He was in halloween town, and it was around Halloween when I was about 11. I'll never forget that night, and for my birthday two weeks later, I received a PS2. I immediately bought the game and played it for hours. But my favorite part of the game would have to be Traverse Town. There is something about that place that is just so memorable and nostalgic. So naturally when the theme song came up on my iPod the other day, I said I was going to make my own version of the theme. I tried to make it my own, but I stayed pretty close to the original. Maybe a bit to close... Oh well. Anyway, I want to hear from you guys about what you think.

There I go again talking to much. Here are the links.


And My version:


Happy New Year! :-)




-put compression on the drum part and some variations would be nice (something other than that shaker thing)

-add some other kind of chorded background synth. The epiano/whirly thing was chill, but after awhile it seemed like the music was needing extra chord structure. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's a cool mix so far.


Really nice indeed!

I'll inspire this piece of work on my future works too. The custom tracks you made are great! Did you used Midi? What VSTi did you used?



-put compression on the drum part and some variations would be nice (something other than that shaker thing)

-add some other kind of chorded background synth. The epiano/whirly thing was chill, but after awhile it seemed like the music was needing extra chord structure. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's a cool mix so far.

when you say compression, what should he do with the compressor, he cant just use a compressor with out knowing the problem of the track8-)

EDIT:: this is a great concept but i think you should add more inbettween and after that a mix of your own and the sound track.

Other then that great production, mix could be a tiny bit better with lead synth part,drums could use variation but again this track is great.


@Sir Jordanius Thanks for the feedback. I will keep your suggestions in mind as I work on it.

@Hidan Thanks! Glad you like it. :smile: I made this song in FL and used Sytrus and the rhodes preset for the e piano. I threw a flanger on it too. I did not use a midi. I know how to play it for guitar, and I could click it in to FL's piano roll. I learned it all by ear.

Thanks for the responses! Ill have a revision up soon.

@Hidan Thanks! Glad you like it. :smile: I made this song in FL and used Sytrus and the rhodes preset for the e piano. I threw a flanger on it too. I did not use a midi. I know how to play it for guitar, and I could click it in to FL's piano roll. I learned it all by ear

You sir, are a badass,

You sir, are a badass,

Why Thank you! I've been described as a badass ever since I was a child. haha

Anyway this is the newest version of the song. I think it is pretty

much done. I didn't move away from what I had before to much. I just eq'd it a little bit more, changed one of the epiano sounds, the lead synth, and the drums a little bit. When I was working on this one I wanted it to be like the original in the aspect that I wanted it to be sort of background music for the area, not like a stand alone song. Not to say that the original theme cant be its own song, but it was written to be bgm. I would love to hear feedback on whether or not it would make a good background song.

And here's the link.


:smile: Am I using emoticons to much?


I love this. Very mellow; it does sound like good bgm, and fits the mood of the original location, but with your own twist upon it. In fact, it makes me imagine what Traverse Town would be like in a Paper Mario game...

This song is dear to my heart too. I play the melody on my saxophone!

I don't think it's quite finished though. The drums still need a bit of work. Somehow the overall sound of the snare is just too... simple. But I'm new at this, so I don't quite know how to help you or what to say =/ Just that it's not quite done, but I look forward to when it is.


Needs more variation, lows are too loud, needs more in the highs than just a hihat pattern. Some nice stuff, like the bass under the synth lead. Kind'a vanilla arrangement consisting of repeats without much variation.

The sounds themselves aren't bad, but you need to even out the frequency balance and fill up the highs more. Humanizing the bass and keyboards would also improve the track (synths don't suffer _as much_ from sounding mechanical). The snare and bass drum are boring, and tho not every track needs pounding unts and hard snares some groove wouldn't hurt. Ghost hits, fills, stuff like that tend to go a long way towards making the track's rhythm more interesting.

Don't believe the hype, you can do better than this.


Hello again!

I took the suggestions made by Rozovian to heart and reworked the drums. I hope they came out alright. I am not a drummer so I just made what I though sounded cool. I also reworked the eq'ing and hopefully evened out the sound a bit more. I think it looks fine and wave candy tells me that I have a full spectrum without the bass overpowering anything. I would appreciate any feedback you have. Thanks for listening!




Nice, it's a lot groovier now. :D The frequency balance is a lot better too, nice work.

The looped shaker/whatever rhythm gets annoying fast, you could mix it up with a slower rhythm. it's a cool rhythm, but it's not a good fit for the track imo. Works as a fill or for the intro and other special sections, but for most part something simpler would probably fit better. While on the topic of rhythms and fills, write some fills for your drums, and avoid just dropping out the hihats like you do here.

Piano and synth lead playing in unison is a bit redundant, the piano could do something interesting instead, like play some arpeggios based on the chords. Also check the volumes, the e-piano stuff is pretty loud compared to the rest of the tracks., as is the shaker thing (making it softer might also alleviate the speed disparity).

The arrangement is still pretty vanilla, have you considered messing with the chords or rhythms to get more of those dynamics into it? Try it out (I recommend taking a backup before doing any big changes tho).

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, It's been a while but I think I've done it.

I reluctantly call this one done, merely for the fact that someone is bound to find something they would like to change. I appreciate all the feedback I get, but I honestly don't think there is anything else that can be done to it. I am happy with the way it sounds now, and just want some closure.

Here it is. The final version of Downtown, My Traverse Town Re-imaginig.


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