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And this is why I steer clear of threads about upcoming releases. People seem to be more willing to invoke ad hominem et al than actually discuss the original topic.

Personally, I think the fact that they're making some noise about this says something. Maybe they've realised that the series lacks something in the eyes of its consumers, and is looking to reinvigorate the series. Maybe they're doing something totally new with the series. Maybe we'll actually get to kick some ass without some 5 hour tutorial.

All these questions and more are a hell of a lot more interesting, and constructive, than talk of trolls, flames and defecating on relatives. Other people have an opinion, and you don't need to get offended that theirs is different. Talk with, not at.


Problem is people have said "reserve judgement until the game is out" about Final Fantasy before, and been bitten on the ass for their optimism. Maybe everyone's just too conditioned towards constant disappointment to have any sort of excitement for another FF title.

Fran and her ass were well-rendered perks. I enjoyed the game itself.

I gotta agree. I mean in terms of overall game girls which could be debated till doomsday she's top 5 all time. 12 was cool but the story was a bit convoluted and the MMO style fighting wasn't quite what i was hoping for. Overall i enjoyed it but square needs to go back to move forward. They need to get some american story guys on these crews and get some debate going to make it work. Hopefully 15 will be worth owning.

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