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Sweet Cyborg Jesus. That's really good. That deserves a replay. At first, I thought there was alot of clipping and static. Then I realized my hair was wedged between my ears and my headphones. The headphones were sliding a bit creating a static sound.........I know I'm stupid.

Anyway, that was killer and I totally dig the water sound effect but in my opinion it could use some light percussion to give it just a bit more power.


Cool, thanks for the feedback.

At first, I thought there was alot of clipping and static. Then I realized my hair was wedged between my ears and my headphones. The headphones were sliding a bit creating a static sound.........I know I'm stupid.

Ha, that happened to me too. I thought my 'phones were broken for a good while before someone told me there might be a hair stuck in there.


Agreed with Shadow. Wow. This is great! It reminds me of Dark Cloud's soundtrack. I like the pad effect about 4/10ths of the way through. It's very beautiful. I really like it.


Wonderful composition! It reminds me of Dire Straights and Tangerine Dream.

As far as the composition, absolutely nothing is wrong here.

The mix is good for what you had to work with, but I don't like a lot of your instruments. I'd love to enhance/revoice the instruments in this and make it release ready. You had me with the keyboard instrument at the beginning. I wouldn't change that layer. You lost me with the fake voices and the fake record scratching.

The guitar sounds mediocre. That's not good for a composition that's based around a guitar. It needs to be a real guitar. If you can't do that, then your samples need to be stellar. The synth layers, I really respect what they're doing in the arrangement, but they need revoiced too.

You've done a great job. In any other composition I wouldn't critique the instruments so harshly if I didn't think the composition deserved better instruments. Understand that I'm being hard on it because the composition is so well done.

Wonderful composition! It reminds me of Dire Straights and Tangerine Dream.

As far as the composition, absolutely nothing is wrong here.

The mix is good for what you had to work with, but I don't like a lot of your instruments. I'd love to enhance/revoice the instruments in this and make it release ready. You had me with the keyboard instrument at the beginning. I wouldn't change that layer. You lost me with the fake voices and the fake record scratching.

The guitar sounds mediocre. That's not good for a composition that's based around a guitar. It needs to be a real guitar. If you can't do that, then your samples need to be stellar. The synth layers, I really respect what they're doing in the arrangement, but they need revoiced too.

You've done a great job. In any other composition I wouldn't critique the instruments so harshly if I didn't think the composition deserved better instruments. Understand that I'm being hard on it because the composition is so well done.

Hey I've heard your stuff before Aaron! Most ambient stuff puts me straight to sleep. However, I find your work entertaining! I always look forward to pressing the play button so I can hear all kinds of new and interesting sounds. Didn't know you were on ocremix. This is my chance to tell you that you're work is awesome.

Anyway. I've never been too picky with tone. That guitar, fake or not sounds better than the crap gear I've been having to put up with for the longest time. Never beat yourself up for using what you can afford. That is unless you're using a Fender MH-500 halfstack. Then and only then should one beat themselves up......

Building off that, if you know someone who has a really sweet acoustic or whatever, ask if you can use it! Like playing live with my band I'll be using a Marshall tube halfstack and (possibly) a high quality ESP guitar. Neither of which do I actually own but hey, if you know nice people......if I can't use the ESP for some reason I'll just stick with my Jackson.

Anyway, I'm hoggin' the comments on this thread.......bye for now.

Hey I've heard your stuff before Aaron! Most ambient stuff puts me straight to sleep. However, I find your work entertaining! I always look forward to pressing the play button so I can hear all kinds of new and interesting sounds. Didn't know you were on ocremix. This is my chance to tell you that you're work is awesome.

Thanks Chris. I really appreciate it. Your name sounds familiar.

Anyway. I've never been too picky with tone. That guitar, fake or not sounds better than the crap gear I've been having to put up with for the longest time.

The guitar doesn't sound bad at all. It's not as good as the composition. It's just such good writing that I wish the guitar layer had just as much integrity. The mix could use a lot of work. Based off of this composition I think Mordi could easily get signed. He just needs a killer mix


Thanks for the feedback, duders.

I am really not content with the fake guitar, but it's what I've got, so... It does sound realistic enough to give a guitarist the idea though.

I do know some guitar-players. I can't play worth of two cents myself, so. I can ask someone to do it, unless someone on this forum is interested in doing it?

Thanks for the feedback, duders.

I am really not content with the fake guitar, but it's what I've got, so... It does sound realistic enough to give a guitarist the idea though.

I do know some guitar-players. I can't play worth of two cents myself, so. I can ask someone to do it, unless someone on this forum is interested in doing it?

I would do a remix. I'd stick pretty close to the original arrangement, but give everything more definition. You should release it as a single.

Martin Tallstrom would be an awesome fit for this track. I'm not sure how much he would charge for a session.

Martin performing a song from Twin Peaks:

Thanks for the feedback, duders.

I am really not content with the fake guitar, but it's what I've got, so... It does sound realistic enough to give a guitarist the idea though.

I do know some guitar-players. I can't play worth of two cents myself, so. I can ask someone to do it, unless someone on this forum is interested in doing it?

Hell I'd do it. If I still had my acoustic and classical guitars but I sold them long ago.

Aaron's suggestion of Martin Tallstrom is a great idea. Martin's playing seems to have that vibe you're goin' for Mordi. Who knows though? He might charge a seven figure price.

Thanks Chris. I really appreciate it. Your name sounds familiar.

No prob man, keep the killer music coming. As for me sounding familiar, there's alot of Chris' out there. I'm not even good or slightly popular lol

Very cool stuff Mordi :)

Is the crackle in the intro and some other parts intentional? If not i'd try and get rid of it. I'm totally getting the dark cloud vibe, would work great in a PS1 game soundtrack.

Reminds me of Dire Straits, Early Heart and Led Zeppelin... good stuff to sound like imo ;)

Very nice composition, Production is slightly rough, particularly the sequenced acoustic guitar, but for what it is, I don't think anyone is going to care ;)

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