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So I've wanted to do this track in the style of Pendulum's "In Silico" for like... forever...

So here it is in a WIP version - it needs the bridge and a final chorus.

Basically, I'm unsure of the vocals, and I'm currently talking with some friends that might be able to pull of the "rob" sound a bit better.

But I wanted to share it and see what you all thought before I totally change it... haha

If you don't know the original track, GO PLAY SONIC ADVENTURE, seriously, you won't regret it.

Crush 40 is awesome.

edit: update final?



:twisted::twisted::twisted:NEEDS MORE SAWS!!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:

this is sick! , but this kinda sound like immersion then in silicon

Anyways moniter overload, kinda a bit loud with the octave saw for the lead, and on the lows a bit to much but it could be me just me on the lows part

this is great

finish this track, DO IT :D


Fucking awesome. That's all I have to say.

Gimme a day and I'll take a crack at the vox. I adore this source. Dunno if my vocal style is what your after, but there's no harm in taking a stab at it :D

Here's a (rough) current vocal sample of an original I'm working on... it'll give you a good idea of my vocal style. I can also add in a bit more mongrel to my vocals when it's called for.


Lemme know man, either way.

We should collab one day anyways :D

I dunno, the intro instantly struck me as... I dunno. Flat.

found the problem in my mastering chain... stupid 4x oversampling...

so the new one should sound better, hopefully.

(updated OP)

mr. belmont, though I am a huge fan of your vocals, I don't think your style is quite what I'm looking for.

but feel free to prove me wrong!

bring it haha


Needs Johnny Gioeli on vocals again. Check out Hardline the (better) band he was in before Crush 40!

I got to be honest I just didn't like this one at all. So far I'm the only one who seems to not like it. The vocals are terrible. It reminds me of some robotic boy band now and my god....did you auto tune it? That is a sin for which there is no forgiveness.

The rhythm was actually pretty good but you cut out much of what would be the palm mutes and that speed metal style Jun played it with. Doing so killed much of the energy of the original track. The leads are basic leave more to be desired in the tone department.

Overall I just didn't like it. The power and emotion was lost, the vocals were bad, no guitar solo....

This was like if T Pain or *cringe* Ke$ha covered Crush 40. It just doesn't work in my opinion.

I know I'm gonna get flamed, but if I didn't tell you how I honestly felt about it then what good is feedback?

It took courage to take this song and put the spin on it that you did (any type of hip-hop or electronic remix of a Crush 40 song makes fanboys go bananas)....but this mix doesn't prove to me that it works. However, if you get better non auto tuned vocals, a guitar solo and change up some of the tones. This has potential.

This is a work in progress like you say. I hope the finished one totally kicks my ass.

Over and out.

Needs Johnny Gioeli on vocals again. Check out Hardline the (better) band he was in before Crush 40!

I got to be honest I just didn't like this one at all. So far I'm the only one who seems to not like it. The vocals are terrible. It reminds me of some robotic boy band now and my god....did you auto tune it? That is a sin for which there is no forgiveness.

The rhythm was actually pretty good but you cut out much of what would be the palm mutes and that speed metal style Jun played it with. Doing so killed much of the energy of the original track. The leads are basic leave more to be desired in the tone department.

Overall I just didn't like it. The power and emotion was lost, the vocals were bad, no guitar solo....

This was like if T Pain or *cringe* Ke$ha covered Crush 40. It just doesn't work in my opinion.

I know I'm gonna get flamed, but if I didn't tell you how I honestly felt about it then what good is feedback?

It took courage to take this song and put the spin on it that you did (any type of hip-hop or electronic remix of a Crush 40 song makes fanboys go bananas)....but this mix doesn't prove to me that it works. However, if you get better non auto tuned vocals, a guitar solo and change up some of the tones. This has potential.

This is a work in progress like you say. I hope the finished one totally kicks my ass.

Over and out.

My only flame, crush 40 > hardline lol jk there both great i say equal to me:grin:!

Opinion 2: compression is super harsh, synths are cool but they start to bleed from the bass saw and you vocoded vocals cause of the compression.


I got to be honest I just didn't like this one at all.

This was like if T Pain or *cringe* Ke$ha covered Crush 40.

Ouch, that comparison really hurts, man. Watch out where you throw those names around or you'll severely injure someone haha

Anyway, I knew that this would be one of those all or nothing mixes, that you'd either hate it or love it.

But, to remain true to the sound I'm going for, it's going to be pretty far from the original.

TBH, I don't think Johnny's original vocals would work, same for most of the actual track. It's too "metal" for the more glam-rock sound of Pendulum.

For instance, there's no way a guitar solo would fit the mold any more than the palm muting would. At least for as strictly as I'm going for their sound.

Think of it as if a different band wrote the original moreso than a cover. Kind of weird but it makes more sense to me that way. Basically if you're a hardcore fan of the original, I didn't think you'd like this!

IDK if I'll even finish it - just wanted to get some feedback.

So thanks for speaking up, and glad you liked some of my other stuff!

you vocoded vocals cause of the compression.

I vocoded vocals cause it sounds cool. :D


I am melting with excitement. This is amazing work, sir. Your drum production and synths are phat and juicy with punchiness and the changed up vocals are interesting. I love this remix sir, i love it. If I had not known you made this or that Open Your Heart was a VGM track, I would've mistaken this for a Pendulum original.

I have not been this excited about music in a VERY long time.

I don't like the ending though, it's too abrupt and leaves me wanting so much more.

The only thing I'd want more is for the parts like 2:08. You should have the last syllable sustained into the next measure like in the original. I think it wouldn't take much away from the Pendulum feel.

Ouch, that comparison really hurts, man. Watch out where you throw those names around or you'll severely injure someone haha

Anyway, I knew that this would be one of those all or nothing mixes, that you'd either hate it or love it.

But, to remain true to the sound I'm going for, it's going to be pretty far from the original.

TBH, I don't think Johnny's original vocals would work, same for most of the actual track. It's too "metal" for the more glam-rock sound of Pendulum.

For instance, there's no way a guitar solo would fit the mold any more than the palm muting would. At least for as strictly as I'm going for their sound.

Think of it as if a different band wrote the original moreso than a cover. Kind of weird but it makes more sense to me that way. Basically if you're a hardcore fan of the original, I didn't think you'd like this!

IDK if I'll even finish it - just wanted to get some feedback.

So thanks for speaking up, and glad you liked some of my other stuff!

I vocoded vocals cause it sounds cool. :D

Yeah I take that comparison back. If T-Pain or Ke$ha covered this I would rage so bad. Funny story, I hate T-Pain, Ke$ha and especially Drake SO MUCH that I have actually lost it in a pool hall once. I was flirting with the cute girl at the bar and I just lost it. I was like "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THIS SHITTY MUSIC".

So yeah, after listening to it more I've come to like this a bit more.

I know that the song doesn't need a solo but I'm a huge hair-metal and Yngwie fan so......it's natural for me to throw guitar solos everywhere.

Yeah I take that comparison back. If T-Pain or Ke$ha covered this I would rage so bad. Funny story, I hate T-Pain, Ke$ha and especially Drake SO MUCH that I have actually lost it in a pool hall once. I was flirting with the cute girl at the bar and I just lost it. I was like "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THIS SHITTY MUSIC".

So yeah, after listening to it more I've come to like this a bit more.

I know that the song doesn't need a solo but I'm a huge hair-metal and Yngwie fan so......it's natural for me to throw guitar solos everywhere.

The most appealing thing about this track is that it IS Pendulum. You can just listen to "Immersion" by Pendulum and then you'll realize that for that style of music, this track DELIVERS.


I love/hate how you're so good, I might've said this before but oh well lol. Anyways great piece definitely a straight rip from Pendulums In Silico style. Sounds like you could port this straight to whatever sonic game you got the source from it's definitely got the energy.

Anyways can't wait to hear the whole thing because you WILL finish this =P.


problem solved

this is pretty sweet, though... looking forward to updates, but as of right now, I'm not exactly loving this as much as your fidgety-electro-dub-whatever stuffs

oh man I forgot about me and him being pals and all. YOU NEVER KNOW

also the next update will have some more typical Raptor-things in it, as I'd hate to let down your fidgety-electro-dub ear

PS why don't you answer emails


That last sentence wasn't directed towards me was it?

Also another thing I would note. Please tell me you still have a knack for the other genres of music as well. The thing I think I like most about you is you're so damn versatile on top of bein so damn good. Like when I listen to your demo reel track at first I thought it was done by several different people, but it's just one guy and I just love that.

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