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Remix is located here:

ReMixer name: BlacKnight

Email: toastman__@hotmail.com

website: http://jmhooton.iweb.bsu.edu/

I remixed the Stage Select music from Mega Man X. I had an earlier version of this but i made it better for submission hence the REDUX in the title.

IF this doesnt get accepted please post the judges reviews for me so i can see how to improve on it. It would be greatly appreciated! THNX


http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/mmx.rsn - Stage Select 1 (mmx-07.spc), Stage Intro (mmx-08.spc) [4:00-4:09]

Oy. Both the samples and sound quality are pretty weak. The arrangement isn't too bad. Well, the original additions anyway. Most of the time it was just playing the Stage Select theme over and over again with some other stuff underneath it. Sometimes the key was changed or some inflections were done. Anyway, I'm not gonna be much help on any suggestions for improvement.

Sound balance was off at times, as the drum patterns were louder that the distorted synth guitar. Poor separation of sounds. I can hear a lot of effort put into this one, honestly, but that doesn't mean it wasn't sloppily put together. I'd much rather listen to the original looped over and over again.

The distorted slowdown idea at 3:44...yeah. Sorry, man. Just read the ReMixing forum here. Religiously.



Interesting.. I didn't think a remix could be created out of such a small amount of source material. But right off the bat, that synth/instrument has way too much resonance. It's sort of piercing. As it goes on, I think some of the harmony notes are off in the background, and the synth/instrument textures are quite dull - for instance, the panning synth at 1:14. Phasing/flanging is irritating in this case. The drums are also pretty boring for the most part. I think if you want to go for a breakbeat style, you need to be more creative with the drum sequencing, and use more processing - throw in some filter stuff, ring modulation, auto-filtering, etc.

There ARE variations and original sections here, but they aren't all that interesting. They don't feel "connected" to the original - not that you can't do that, but generally it's a good idea to, especially when there is very little source material to go off of. There's not much structure to speak of either, with parts coming in and out at various times. Basically, this mix just needs more work in every area - but start with beefing up your sounds, particularly the guitar and drums.



Looks like someone discovered FL Slayer.


This gets really boring really quickly. I can appreciate the kind of things you're trying to do to variate but it's just not working. Nevermind the fact that some of your notes are blatantly wrong (leading ton instead of minor 7).

The whole thing reeks of default effects presets. Flanger and Phaser piled onto the FX channels like there's no tomorrow. Don't let the FX do the work for you. Automate things yourself.

The bass drones, and the whole mix fills up my ears in a bad bad way.

Original sections hardly have anything to do with the source.

Back to the drawing board.



Man the amount of drum Rex files in this...

The filter at the beginning was quite piercing (careful where you put that resonance), and overall this relies on effects too much. If you're gonna do that, then the effects could be constantly changing with automation. Guitar sample is pretty nasty, mixing is very cluttered.

I would say make your own drumbeats, you can always use a loop to support a drumbeat that you've created - basically it shouldn't be obvious that you've just used a naked drumloop, it sounds very amateur. The screaming distortion works well only if you don't have as many instruments as you do in this mix, just muddies everything up.

Ending was pretty nasty. I'd say you need some more experience with the program you're using (Reason?).


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