djpretzel Posted January 16, 2005 Posted January 16, 2005 this song is from tetris on gameboy color, obviously, but it a russian folk song called Korobushka. this is from our school's marching band, so i will submit it under that name: EHHS Band. Hopefully this mix makes it through the judges =b.
Liontamer Posted January 16, 2005 Posted January 16, 2005 - Track 2 ("Korobushka") Just judging from the sound of it (which is actually pretty good anyway), this may have been recorded off a tape, not unlike Jaroban's classic Super Mario Bros. Medley (LIVE). Perhaps not, but reasonable sound quality all things considered. I'm all for giving these guys the best likelihood to be noticed if they're posted. List them as the "East Haven High School Yellow Jacket Marching Band". Research on 'em checks out, though I'm surprised there isn't more information about them around. The track title should be different from the source tune name, BTW, which it isn't. Pretty short (about 2 mins of actual performance), and the recording could be more balanced regarding the instrument levels. Good arrangement ideas as well as original additions that work well, and the performance is generally good, but could be better. The brass from 1:16-1:39 was tepid (1:26-1:27 in particular sounded flat). I didn't mind the overall intensity there being low so as to provide contrast. Just saying that the performance for that portion could have been a little tighter and more energetic. Overall though, I liked the arrangement ideas and a major majority of the performance came off well. I wish the ending didn't cut off so quickly after the performance was over, as the crowd reaction would have been good to hear. Heh. Never thought I'd YES something from...'Staven. Shit, do I feel dirty. New Haven, baby. Represent. YES
Israfel Posted January 21, 2005 Posted January 21, 2005 Ugh...I started having unpleasant flashbacks of my marching band days when I heard this. Yeah, the recording isn't perfect, but I have to cut some slack there. And as far as the performance...well, it's a high school band- pretty weak overall unfortunately. Plus the arrangement is pretty darn short. I got the impression this was a "throw-away" sort of piece for the band; it just feels under-rehearsed I came into this really hoping to pass it, but at the end of the day, the novelty far outshines the piece's quality. NO
danny B Posted January 21, 2005 Posted January 21, 2005 I'd have to disagree with Israfel on this one. Maybe our marching band experiences were a bit different, but I feel this is a pretty solid performance from a marching band, especially a high school level one. Especially the brass. The drumline stuff is definately simplisitic, but it's certainly not a mess like most high school drumlines. The pit stuff is just fine - they've got some decent mallet players in there for sure. So, apart from some brass flubs and a fairly conservative arrangement, i'd say the performance overall about covers it, and the fact that's it's a cohesive presentation is more than enough for me. Not a huge fan of the intro thing, and the outro slowdown, but at least whoever encoded this actually put time into it rather than just slap it in the wav editor and press encode. Honestly, I don't know how much more we can expect from a marching band performance without expecting a recording of a DCI corps. Good show. YES -D
GrayLightning Posted January 21, 2005 Posted January 21, 2005 It's almost like Israfel was a fly on the wall, Larry and I had a short discussion about this mix days ago and Israfel's conclusion is basically what I mentioned I was thinking at the time. It's not so much a problem of the marching band performance, but more of the content for me. I'm not expecting all star college marching bands that you see on ESPN. The bar is certainly not that high. I thought the intro was fine, but I definitely agree the outro was a bit odd. It's a very cool mix for what it is, but my main issue here is the unfulfilled arrangement. This is one of those cases where for me length/shortness of a mix definitely comes to play. More minorly, the recording wasn't too great either. The ending sections start to pick up steam with the best sections of content and performance of the piece, but by then it's over. NO
Digital Coma Posted January 21, 2005 Posted January 21, 2005 This is a little better than that Bubble Bandle crap from long ago. Any particular reason why a random recording begins the mix? To set a "mood"? The recording itself is tinny, but anyway, the performance is mediocre, high school or not. Israfel is right to say this was probably under-rehearsed. "Hey coach, can we play a videogame song after the game when everyone's left so no one can complain?" "k" Besides the performance, the arrangement is weak and under-developed. And who knows what's with the pitch up and pitch/slowdown that begins and ends this. NO
DarkeSword Posted January 24, 2005 Posted January 24, 2005 Hey I marched USSBA back in High School. Also, Binnie, that's not a random recording beginning the mix. This is an actual performance at a Marching Band Competition. So first, the recording of people screaming wasn't SPLICED into the piece. It's what actually happened. Also, football coaches don't usually attend band competitions, and even then, the band wouldn't ask the coach if they could play a song for their FIELD SHOW. Educate yourself! As for the piece itself, it's pretty straightforward, but I also think that the performance is pretty mediocre. Brass flubs suck! Sounds like it's early in the season, or just too cold outside to move those fingers. Also, can we even be sure that the submitting remixer arranged this piece himself? Sounds to me like an arrangement you'd buy from a marching band music catalogue! He says the piece is called Korobushka, but if he'd arranged it with the eventual intention of submitting it here, wouldn't he have called it Theme from Tetris? NO
Digital Coma Posted January 24, 2005 Posted January 24, 2005 Yeah, somehow when I hear this I envision a band playing in an empty stadium after a game.
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