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http://tindeck.com/listen/imlx <-- Version 16(Bonus Stage)

http://tindeck.com/listen/jbve <--Version 8(Final)

http://tindeck.com/listen/fcbz <--Version 4

http://tindeck.com/listen/mttb <-- Version 2

http://tindeck.com/listen/tdiw <-- Version 1

http://tindeck.com/listen/ybzu <-- Version 0.5

No, this is not nearly finished! The finished version will be twice as long! This is a WiP so y'all can see how this is progressing, and friends who know I've been working on this don't go absolutely insane from the wait.

Please comment on it, even if your comment is negative! =D

It has a nice driving beat that I can get into. This doesn't sound like any DnB I ever heard, but I guess I don't listen to much RnB, heh. I'm interested to see how this remix progresses.

Thanks! And yes, this remix is not like most DnB; it's a completely different style.





  • Lowered the volume of the chords.
  • Lots of sidechaining to make the kick drum more audible.
  • Changed many of the synths subtly.
  • Edited the dynamics to make the low-mid synth a lot louder in it's melody.
  • Added the second half of the song.
  • Minor things changed with the beat.
  • A little bit of mastering.


Nice track by the way ^^.

But it need some work.

You should really expand the way the kick sound and snare too cause they lack of punch.

You should also redo your start build, cause it build up then cut out to lead the lead be alone.

And some part sound dissonant.

Need work but should be Ok'ed.

And this is definitely no DnB.

Nice track by the way ^^.

But it need some work.

You should really expand the way the kick sound and snare too cause they lack of punch.

You should also redo your start build, cause it build up then cut out to lead the lead be alone.

And some part sound dissonant.

Need work but should be Ok'ed.

And this is definitely no DnB.

There are plenty of different kinds of DnB. Anyways, I was thinking that the kick and snare need a bit more punch. I guess I'll work on that; and the transitions, too. Next version. Thanks for the comments!


NICE! I like what you did with the arrangement.

*Looks up DnB*...I can definitely hear the drums, but the bass is kind of meh. Maybe it's just me.

Intro was great, but the end was rather sudden for me. Maybe a fadeout would work better.

NICE! I like what you did with the arrangement.

*Looks up DnB*...I can definitely hear the drums, but the bass is kind of meh. Maybe it's just me.

Intro was great, but the end was rather sudden for me. Maybe a fadeout would work better.

Thanks! I was thinking of boosting the bass, a bit, actually. Now it's been solidified! I've been trying to get away from fadeouts, actually, because they seem kinda like a copout ending. Which is why I went for the grand finale ending.

Thanks! I was thinking of boosting the bass, a bit, actually. Now it's been solidified! I've been trying to get away from fadeouts, actually, because they seem kinda like a copout ending. Which is why I went for the grand finale ending.

Ah, now I see why you wanted to not use a fadeout. Maybe an echo of the last notes would be better.


Ok, I liked the classic FF battle intro. The whole atmosphere was cool and I liked how you stayed true to the orginal. My only complaint is that I thought it was a bit repetitive at parts. But other than that, this mix has great potential :D

Ah, now I see why you wanted to not use a fadeout. Maybe an echo of the last notes would be better.

Good idea, thanks!

Ok, I liked the classic FF battle intro. The whole atmosphere was cool and I liked how you stayed true to the orginal. My only complaint is that I thought it was a bit repetitive at parts. But other than that, this mix has great potential :D

I like it too -'ts why I remixed it :P. I tried really hard to give this a more fun, adventurous feel. I guess it paid off! Yes, I know, my mixes tend to get repetitive. I try my best to deal with it, but that happens when you go for longer mixes. Thanks for the commentary! Stay tuned for version 2.


Hey man, that's incredible progress since your first posts here! ^^ Great job!

I'd complement the current feedback with a couple of little details. First off, I don't know if it's just me, but the hi-hat's been distracting me during the whole mix. It just didn't feel right with the rest of the percussion, in my opinion. I'm guessing maybe the reverb might be the problem here. Might also be just personal taste though. Also, I didn't really enjoy the semi-synthy strings sample. I'd either rework it or choose a different sample, because I think its current sound doesn't fit with the rest of the mix.

The arrangement is a bit repetitive, but that's already been pointed out. ;)

Aside from that, I think this is epic and has great potential. Keep it up! :)

Hey man, that's incredible progress since your first posts here! ^^ Great job!

I'd complement the current feedback with a couple of little details. First off, I don't know if it's just me, but the hi-hat's been distracting me during the whole mix. It just didn't feel right with the rest of the percussion, in my opinion. I'm guessing maybe the reverb might be the problem here. Might also be just personal taste though. Also, I didn't really enjoy the semi-synthy strings sample. I'd either rework it or choose a different sample, because I think its current sound doesn't fit with the rest of the mix.

The arrangement is a bit repetitive, but that's already been pointed out. ;)

Aside from that, I think this is epic and has great potential. Keep it up! :)

I'll definitely check out the hats, since in version two I'm definitely going to do some work on the percussion. I'm using an entirely different kit for this remix, before I used to mainly use generic techno drum-kits, but Neblix suggested I try out acoustics in another thread, so that's why it sounds different then other stuff. The synthesized string-like sample actually wasn't intended to sound like a string, but in retrospect, it kinda does... neat! I'll work on that, though. Thanks for the comments!


Alright, version two is out!



  • Numerous sidechaining and behind-the-scenes mixer mixups to make the effects work better.
  • Added an echo-delay near the end to make the end a bit less sudden. A bit.
  • Changed the snare roll transition to include low velocity crashes.
  • Edited the dynamics on numerous parts of the track so that more melodic parts get the spotlight.
  • Uncountably high numbers of mastering changes.
  • Made the bass far more present.
  • Completely redid the hi hat sample.

I like this...a lot, actually. My only gripe with it is the EQ stuff. The higher ranges are dull and could use some sprucing up. Other than that, I'm content with this. :3

Will work on that on the finished version(8 ). Be aware of NEFARIOUS NINJA EDITS.




  • Turned down the Bass because last version was kinda overkill.
  • Lowered the other bass instrument down an octave.
  • Boosted the snare and kick a little bit.
  • Boosted the melody from the source.
  • Fixed that glitch that some how occurred in version 4 and i'm really sorry about that
  • Made the version's numbering scheme more readily apparent.


Okay, listening to this you've definitely got some cool things going on. It's fast, and it has a good amount of intensity as a result. I'm not supremely versed in this genre of music, but in-general, there's quite a few things that need working on:

1) Your production could use a lot of work. Right now, there's a lot of muddyness in the mids and low-ends which is a result of sample selection. The majority of the instruments you've chosen sound very "stock" and unprocessed, inparticular the bass sample. If those are the best samples you have to work with, then you need to take time fine tweaking and processing each one. Example: the bass treads on the kick drum quite a lot. EQ the bass and kickdrum to not share too many of the same frequencies (bass should be focused very much in the low-mids and have a minor boost in the lesser-highs, so for example tweak the bass to be scooped between 200hz and 1700hz, and lower the shelfs on either end. I'm throwing some numbers around here but you need to tweak it to fit your sample and mix. Kick drum should also be focused mostly in the low end with a small boost in the mid's, and sidechain the kick to the bass for when they are present together). Separating and sending groups of similar sound to busses for group EQ-ing and effects will yield even better results. Blue Cat has a really good frequency analyzer for free, so definitely check that out. Once you have tweaked your samples to sit well in the mix, you can focus on the "mastering" of the track. There's a number of free plugins available that are good for that kind of thing, but one that is really easy to start with and learn is Sweetboy T-Sledge. That has a number of presets, and I ran your track through mastering type9 to show the difference: Mastering Test. Take some time, experiment, read tutorials on this stuff, and definitely keep posting new versions here for people to listen to.

2) Transitions. I can not stress enough the importance of transitions, especially in a style like this where things can go on for a with sudden changes over a very similar instrument layout. You do use the reverse cymbal a few times through out, but tinker with some drum fills at the end of sections or phrases, maybe try throwing in that

(white noise passed through an automated EQ that slides a single boost up the range), and write parts for some instruments that begin slightly before their main usage and/or go slightly past their main usage.

3) Arrangement. The second half of the song is, as far as I can tell, just a copy of the first half. Not just that, but there's room for a lot of arrangement variation here. Writing additional melody support, changing up the song structure to more differentiate it from the source, even putting in original sections. Also you should write an ending that resolves the song, if you're not going to do a fadeout. The song right now just kind of...stops, which is very jarring.

Yes, there is a lot I said needs work, especially if you're considering submitting this to OCR, but you have a really good base here. Being meticulous about production, transitions, and arrangement will yield a very good result from this!


Thanks for the tips, L99!

Also, remember when I said version 8 was final? I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED.



  • Put type9 compression on urrythang(as L99 suggested).
  • Tons of EQ work.
  • A bit of mixing to bring out the main instruments.
  • Added more transitions.
  • Put variations in the beat at various locations to make it a bit less mechanical.

Version 32 will have more original stuff in it, and may or may not be the last version.

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, I made an error. Because of the increasing size of the project, and the fact that I've been working on this for about a month straight and was unable to get anything else at all done because I was devoting so much time on this one remix, I decided to finish it at 16 and move on.

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