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I was curious if I were to edit a remix on here and play the first 30 seconds and then skip to 1:15 to make it flow for the video and of course credit the artist and full version, would it be fine? I guess I'd really like to know if I'd need permission first to do it, I'm not remixing the song, just skipping to another part. Advice is appreciated, thanks!


There's nothing in the content policy that requires you to start from 0:00 when you use a remix, but if you're talking about handing out downloads of a modified mp3, it's a breach of the terms of use.

Are you talking about modifying them for personal use, for use on youtube, or spreading modified mp3s or what?

edit: just saw "for the video". that makes it ok. :)


Yeah the intention was for youtube, I'll play the song to 30 seconds, then skip to about 1:13 and play for another 30 or so seconds as a background song to a video. I'll provide all the links to the full song and mention that it's been edited. With that in mind is this still fine? Thank you for the quick responses by the way.

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