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I'm sorry if this is a bother, but I have the impression that my submitted remix fell through. I never recieved a rejection email or anything, and I submitted it in October. Plus, in January I changed hosts anyways to someone more stable.

Remixer name: Defiance

Name of game remixed: Commander Keen 4

Just reiterrating, it's the dopefish theme.

Thanks for your time,


"Peter Mitchell" <defying14me@yahoo.com>


I recall the source tune from Mazedude's take on it as well, though this goes much more interpretive, if not too liberal. Definitely gotta go with analoq on this one.

The sounds are very basic, the soundfield is pretty sparse/empty most of the time, and the arrangement treads water. Everything just plods and drags along.

The organ coming in at 1:44 was certainly a good idea, but everything is just as simple and unenergetic as before. The percussion work needs to vary more and help fill out the space.

After the buildup and breakdown from 2:33-2:50, I liked the sounds you had a but more, but this still didn't go anywhere. The last thing the track needed was stopping at 3:27. A bit too sluggish without any meat behind the sounds to make up for it.

analoq's pretty supportive of seeing the mix be reworked, but I think you need a lot more time at this to develop some better skills first. Head to the ReMixing forum here and hit the fundamentals. That place can't help you with everything though, as creativity is something you'll have to cultivate on your own. This mix definitely needs more of it; it's can't be all about the composition; the performance needs to be solid too.


  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure what to think of this one. It attempts to sound chill/laid back, but the production and execution results in something that's neither explorative, atmospheric, chill or relaxing. It just sounds simplistic and underdeveloped. From a conceptual standpoint, the pacing needs to be better in my opinion. As far as instrumentation, this should be worked on as well. What's here is pretty simple and sparse sounding. On the production front, this sounds average. No interesting processing, and beyond average sound quality going on throughout.

I think this is an ok mix. There's really nothing wrong here, but there's nothing that stands out either. NO

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