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Not to just shit on the track, but this really takes the original and just makes it worse. The piano/keyboard sample is absolutely awful. Strings sounded so unrealistic for what they were trying to sound like. The beats coming in at 1:09 were absolutely non sequitur; what purpose do they have in there???

Halfway through and this does nothing but add some rather minor support work under the repetitive melody in the form of the synth strings & percussion work, both of which also sound poor.

The album version of the track is only 1:12. You have to realize that this repetitive stuff isn't gonna hold anyone's attention for 4 minutes. Just as I say that, you dropped some elements out at 3:32. Too little too late. And the lack of an ending, yeah that was bad too. Oy.



Oof, yeah. Very poor implementation of the instruments.. though it's clear that the mood was intended to be sort of airy and light. The drums take away from that completely. Besides repeat over and over, the mix does basically nothing with the original. Seems pretty much like a basic first effort with FL to me.. keep practicing.


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