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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 'Time's End'

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Remixer: Theophany

ReMix title: Time's End

Orig. Song: Last End

Game: The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask

System: N64

Length: 5:45



Here is a Remix that has been finished for a while and we have just got around to submitting. It is based on Majora's Mask's Last End.

This was a fun project for Theophany as once again our source material was somewhat lacking since the original piece is rather ambient so we got the chance to create our own unique theme to go with it. We went for a somewhat epic approach that depicts the feel you get from the game when this music is played in the final hours before the giant moon crashes into the planet and you must race link back to the clocktower in order go back in time. We did this with the use of swelling strings and a prominent piano as well as some sound effects to set the mood. Hopefully it turned out well and can put a good game like Majora's Mask on the map and not allow it's brilliant music to go on being neglected. Well, we hope you like it!



http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~agashlin/usf/sets/lozmmusf.zip - 124 Majora's Mask - Final Hours.miniusf

It seems to me that this mix is really based on the original thematic material written for the mix, rather than the original; however the original is just chords and a whooshy atmosphere, so I'm not sure what to say. Without the original piano, it's not much aside from the original with sound effects. The original piano works, but it seems to me that this isn't so much a remix of Majora's Mask but a song inspired by Majora's Mask.

It's alright, but not really the kind of arrangement OCR looks for. Someone might disagree with me.



Just to clear up any confusion, "Final Hours" in the USF pack is indeed "Last End" from the official soundtrack.

So yeah, I loved this track. I thought it was well made and played it back on the Halloween episode of VGF, VGF38. I remember a lot of people complaining that the piece was really slow and didn't go anywhere, but I enjoyed it a lot. Too bad, however, that it's exactly like DS pointed out: doesn't sound enough like the source tune it's inspired from.

Heard some light but frequent-enough audio deformations within the piece (e.g. 2:21, 2:31, 2:34, 2:37, 2:53, etc). Anyway, this piece was way too liberal. I heard some more overt reference to the original within 1:43-2:15 for example, but this was mostly original stuff that didn't carry enough similarity to the original. And the piano at 4:38 was from some other Zelda tune I don't feel like looking up. Sorry, bros. As Vig has said to other tracks like this, call this an original and sell the track for lots of $. You people that read the decisions, feel free to pick the track up at VGMix. You may like it.



Very nice use of stereo, the ambience benefits. Production is super all around. Instrumentation is light but effective; although the acoustic guitar strumming is pretty cheap, piano and strings are great.

Why is the sudden percussion at 4:08 chorused/flanged? Doesn't fit it at all. Too much use of reverse at 5:00 continuing until end.

There, I reviewed your original song. You developed the ambient source material nicely but in a completely unrelated direction; that's not rearrangement.



first things first, this arrangement is simply the shit. i could not have better thought up that whacky ass game put into sound

at when the clock comes in, i'm so far into this mix that i am in love with it regardless.

to other people listening to this... if you can't hear the zelda overworld theme in there, you're retarded

anyways, its a NO because the site does not acknowledge that liberal an interpretation.

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