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Pretty much finished, but I'm willing to take suggestions into consideration. This is an orchestral piece I made as a sort of epic journey/menu screen sort of thing. I would love some feedback on the general quality of it, how you liked it, and if you could see it in a real game. Thanks in advance. If you feel like voting on it on newgrounds that would be nice as well. :)



Liking the arrangement and melody overall quality - Simply put, it's simple but effective. A very 'safe' track that could be played in a game like puzzle quest or what have you.

However, while the melody is nice, I feel like the use ot at least one other instrument (say, a pan flute on the softer parts) to play the melody at different parts of the song would've helped with making it a tad more dynamic. Perhaps even a duet of instruments playing the melody towards the end of the song.


Don't get the wrong idea when I say simple. By no means am I downplaying what you've created here - I can hear all the different instruments, transitions and such going on. All of these come together to make a pretty neat sounding song. However, you even said it yourself in your initial description, "epic journey/menu screen sort of thing." Well I'm merely saying it fits the latter of the two better.

Also, this line?--->"Much more so than many other songs I have heard and produced." *shakes head* Far be it from me to judge, but let's not get TOO ahead of ourselves shall we? I'm no professional, but posting with that mentality will only get you shot down quick.


its just you have the same basic idea phrased over and over again, which isn't bad neccesarily, like she said it would make pleasant menu music, but I agree, it is slightly simple...for an epic journey the song has to have more ideas, more story, and stuff.

its just you have the same basic idea phrased over and over again, which isn't bad neccesarily, like she said it would make pleasant menu music, but I agree, it is slightly simple...for an epic journey the song has to have more ideas, more story, and stuff.

It loops once yes...but each different part is completely different...The only thing that stays the same is some of the instruments.

What wouldn't be a simple song then? Are Zelda songs simple? If so, then I don't really care if my song is simple.


While i don't necessary agree that it's super simple, it's not crazily complex either. Although there are lots of different variations on the melody, you always seem to end up back on the Aminor at the start of every 4 or 8 bar phrase - perhaps that is what makes it sound so repetitive. Think about going to the relative major or dominant or just even starting a phrase on another chord (you do this at some points but it does feel like we keep coming back to the A minor with mild melodic variations).

I'm not a huge fan of the bass drum sample - it could do with a little more reverb or just sound a little huger and more powerful. Also the semi-quavers it plays are a little uncharacteristic of a bass drum - perhaps you are going for a big old taiko drum, in which case that would be more characteristic but the bass drum sample is kind of unconvincing and unsatisfying.

I think you need a little more definitive structure - decide which is THE melody and make that the most important - at the moment, any distinct melody gets lost in the millions of variations there are - make a distinctive dramatic point for the song to go to - perhaps this could be triggered by a change in key (as discussed before) to give it a more definite form.

These are all suggestions of what i'd do or like to hear so you don't have to take them but you seem quite defensive about your piece and how complex or amazing it might be - i don't see anyone questioning how "good" it is, just giving suggestions and comments which you should take on board but not to heart.

Keep working on it!


What wouldn't be a simple song then? Are Zelda songs simple? If so, then I don't really care if my song is simple.

You need to be less defensive if you're gonna post for feedback.

That said, it's cool. Glad you mentioned the menu thing cause it would be good for that. The lead string would sound better if it stayed on key, had some more vibrato and dynamics but that stuff is tough to pull off. I agree with Callum about trying to switch chords to keep it a little fresh. That's all.

It loops once yes...but each different part is completely different...The only thing that stays the same is some of the instruments.

What wouldn't be a simple song then? Are Zelda songs simple? If so, then I don't really care if my song is simple.


yes, some Zelda songs are more "simple":

, its just your song seems more "metronome" and less fluid and such. also, he's right about the a minor thing.

Could you explain that in non theory form? Also, they weren't meant to be melodic variations, but completely different melodies. They only sound similar because they are the same instruments playing.

"The lead string would sound better if it stayed on key"

What does that mean? A key refers to the scale right? So staying within the scale would be on key? If so the strings are always on key.

Could you explain that in non theory form? Also, they weren't meant to be melodic variations, but completely different melodies. They only sound similar because they are the same instruments playing.

"The lead string would sound better if it stayed on key"

What does that mean? A key refers to the scale right? So staying within the scale would be on key? If so the strings are always on key.

The reason I said melodic variations was because they didn't seem to me as distinct as perhaps they could be of the original melody. They were in A minor with a similar character - try a melody that is faster or slower, has longer or shorter notes, moves to closer notes or jumps around a bit! Also changing the harmony underneath it (which you have done a bit) will really make the melody seem different!

As you've said - "they only sound similar because they are the same instruments playing" - then change it up a bit, give it some variation - particularly for an EPIC JOURNEY! But generally i feel as though the melodies are all a bit not very distinct - perhaps on their own they may be but because there are so many different but yet similar melodies, any prevalent hummable melody gets lost in the crowd!


@Modus: They are correct in tune.

I'm sorry, I should't have said it was an epic journey. This is meant to loop, not really to be a stand alone one time song. I meant this might play during a part of an epic journey in an area you might go through.

As for the melodies, of course they are in A Minor if the song is in A minor. XD A minor being all the white keys on a piano with an emphasis on A? I could do a key change, but I don't think that's really necessary. Also, as you may have gathered. I'm not into the whole theory thing. And while I'm at it aren't melodies supposed to maintain a general similar feel in a song, since when are they supposed to be drastically different? XD

I do appreciate the feedback though.

Edit: Also would like to mention, my song is at the point where my computer can handle no more instruments, maybe one more. XD

@Modus: They are correct in tune.

I'm sorry, I should't have said it was an epic journey. This is meant to loop, not really to be a stand alone one time song. I meant this might play during a part of an epic journey in an area you might go through.

As for the melodies, of course they are in A Minor if the song is in A minor. XD A minor being all the white keys on a piano with an emphasis on A? I could do a key change, but I don't think that's really necessary. Also, as you may have gathered. I'm not into the whole theory thing. And while I'm at it aren't melodies supposed to maintain a general similar feel in a song, since when are they supposed to be drastically different? XD

I do appreciate the feedback though.

Edit: Also would like to mention, my song is at the point where my computer can handle no more instruments, maybe one more. XD

For an epic journey, it doesn't have to mickey mouse an epic journey. The zelda song is pretty epic and it loops quite nicely.

Also, songs can, and often should have contrasting parts in the song. How contrasting is up to you, sometimes it is tricky to get the right balance of contrast. For example, that song I showed you, after 0:45 it starts the contrasting part (mellow), but it is not that big of a contrast, later near 1:45 (Battaglia Coda) there is yet another contrast.

Also, you may need to look into some better VSTs, if they are hogging your memory. Do you have Asio4all by any chance?


The VSTs I'm using are 64bit Kontakt Players. I have to upgrade soon I think Core 2 Quad just isn't good enough anymore. :/ And yes I do have ASIO, but it doesn't help much at all, and it's annoying to switch back and forth to and from.

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