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*NO* Hunter Hunted 'There's No Way Out'


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Contact Info:

ReMixer Name: Dj Three60

Real Name: Robert Bertani

Email: rb_steele@hotmail.com

UserID: 44364

Submission Info:

Game: Hunter Hunted (1996) Developed By Sierra Entertainment

Song Arranged: The Taste of Flesh - Timothy "Loudmouth" Steven Clarke

About the Game:

Based in 2015, the earth has been invaded by a race of Technologically superior alien warriors called the Masters. The last

surviving humans are forced to fight in the ruined city for the amusement of the Masters. These aliens also invaded

a planet known as Kullrathe, where the Minotaur inhabitans are put into concetration camps and forced to play the "Hunter Hunted" game for

the Masters amusement.The game is a sidescroller, where the player has to find the secret exit in each level. You can play as two characters,

The human Jake, or the Minotaur Creature Garathe Den. In each level you fight enemies and complete various objectives.


My Uncle gave me this game when I was about 4 years old, and being rather scarry game, I really enjoyed playing this game and

the music in it at such a young age. I figured it would be cool to do my first ReMix on this game.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Some cool filtering ideas here, Though the sequencing is a bit mechanical. The drums seem pretty generic and lack energy, but the added solos and stuff are awesome, really nice work there. The ending is completely non-existent, however, and makes it feel pretty cheap. The track does feel a bit repetitive, due to the source, but there is a lot of subtle stuff going on to keep it feeling like it has a sense of direction.

It's definitely borderline, due to the ending and sequencing, ut I feel this brings enough new to the table in the form of intelligent arrangement additions to warrent a yes.


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  • 1 month later...

Andrew hit all the points here, but I'm just on the other side of the fence in terms of my vote. I think it's super close, but I think it would be worth the time for the fixes. Mostly I'd like you to work on reducing the repetitiveness of the track. I understand the original is repetitive, but in the end I'm listening to your track as is, and I think you could go away from that background riff a few more times to keep my sanity. Adding a bit more of an ending is also up there on my list. I'm not as bothered by the mechanical sequencing due to the nature of the track, but a little bit of humanization certainly won't hurt either.

I'm sending this one back to ya, hope you fix it up and send it back in!

NO (resubmit)

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  • 1 month later...

Listening to the original, I keep waiting for a guy to scream "Hunter Kombat!!!"

So yeah, I think both Deia and Andrew have brought up some very good points here. Patterns repeat themselves very frequently here without much variation until the next 8/16 bar block. There's a lot of room for you to expand things, change up patterns, add/remove elements, slice, mangle, etc to bring a lot more interest here.

In general, I felt like the sound design was a weak point in the mix. The synths come off as pretty generic sounding to me and the drums were kind've on the bland side.

Balance was a concern at some points. 1:45 the bass synth here felt way too loud and overpowered everything else. Formant synth at 3:11 also was really loud, though only for a few seconds.

It might be just me, but it sounded like I was hearing some sound clipping/overcompression distortion when the drums interact with some loud synths (example 2:22). It's possible this is due to some distortion fx used, though.

Besides the repetativeness, I like the arrangement ideas you brought to the mix later in the track were good. I'd like to hear more personalization in the first half of the mix as well as hinted at before.

Hope this vote doesn't come off as a downer. You've got a good base of ideas and parts here. Personally, I'm not sure this is as close to the bar as Deia & Andrew feel, but we'll wait to see how the rest of the votes go. Good luck dude.

No, resubmit please

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  • 1 month later...

Definitely going to side with DA on this, for many of the same reasons that Nutritious mentioned. I don't have much to add, but I feel like with some more variation to the patterns (or maybe just flat-out cutting some length from the mix in places where varying things up isn't an option) and obviously a proper ending, this would be okay. As it stands though, this isn't up to my bar unfortunately for all of the reasons mentioned in the above votes. In my opinion, not all of them are critical issues - I could forgive the stiff sequencing and slight balancing issues, but the lack of an ending and the overall repetitiveness is a bit of a dealbreaker here.

Let's see what you can do with another round of revisions :-)

NO (resubmit!)

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This is closer than I thought it would be based on the previous votes. You've got a good skill for rearrangement - the song had some very nice variations on the theme. There was repetition, but nothing horrible IMO. It might start to get old after the first listen, but it kept me interested through that first listen. I do think the blandness of the synths and the quality of the drums (which sound worse than the source's) is a big issue, and the lack of an ending is sloppy. I'll have to push for another version too.

A lot of this song is working. Try to vary individual sections a little more and use more detailed sequencing and automation to make the leads sound less stiff.

NO (resubmit)

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