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Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History

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Hey Shael/Malcos

Whatever happened to Hi, Score?

I don't see it on the song list.

Dunno, wasn't on the handover that Shael gave me.

EDIT: Lol Shael emailed it to me about 20 mins after making this post. So yeah I got it.

hey malcos, i sent the final mastered wav to shael riley already. You havnt received it?

Shael has asked me to collect the final versions. He has other things going on at the mo and so I've stepped in to be his 'deputy' so to speak. It's my understanding (I might be wrong) that he's got all WIPs and final versions in one place, so he can't really dicipher which is which, with so many tracks.

Bascially you'll have to send it to me. Sorry.

Just to update: Shael has emailed me and asked me not to accept ANY submissions after Friday 5th May. Anything sent to me after that date will not be included in the final album.


A lot of people have been asking when the album will be released. Good question, one I should have answered earlier. At the moment we are looking for a mid-May release. Everything is looking good so far for that! Don't forget to check my post on page 37 for updates on what tracks have been recieved.

Done! Finally, completely, mercifully.

Finals, and both mastered:

LOL - no links here neither.

Two hopes: that I kept things interesting after

not being able to record some of the extra vocals

I wanted, and that I didn't mangle too much of my

very limited knowledge of the Spanish language. :P


Excellent, both of them.

But I think its not a wise idea to post link to finals in the thread, could one of the project coordinators come here take these links away, please?


Ok, got a couple more tracks in. Just 6 more stages for me to recieve and we'll be good to go! Fingers crossed everyone! I've finished the M.Bison mix, although it's probably not what people will be expecting. By that I mean it's quite different in style to anything I've ever done before.

Just to throw an idea out here. Right now the filenames are as such:


Now do you guys think it would be better if we added the artists name in, like this:


What do you guys reckon? These filenames are gonna end up being REALLY long! Or perhaps just:



Track order? Maybe something like this?:

.Malcos' Blood on the Asphalt

.Title theme

.Here comes a new challenger

.Character select


.Character themes

.Boss themes (in the order they're traditionally fought e.g Balrog, Vega, Sagat, Bison/Akuma)


.Ending themes


There are no track numbers because I've got no clue how many tacks have been submitted, but this is just a general idea.

Track order? Maybe something like this?:

.Malcos' Blood on the Asphalt

.Title theme

.Here comes a new challenger

.Character select


.Character themes

.Boss themes (in the order they're traditionally fought e.g Balrog, Vega, Sagat, Bison/Akuma)


.Ending themes


Erm, actually it's Shael's 'Blood on the Asphalt' :!:

Yeah I had the idea that it would go something like that! Although I would like the 'here comes a new challenger' to come in the middle of the stage tracks, I wouldn't mind it being where you put it on the list.

So the tracks won't be numbered? Is there going to be a suggested track order?

There definitely will be an order, and track numbering. Just waiting for the Friday deadline to come and go, and hoping that those tracks I haven't yet recieved will come through!

After Friday I'll do a preliminary track list and send it to Shael for approval.

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