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Sonic 1 - Star Light Zone ('Then And Now' Reconstruction)

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Another close reconstruction of the original tune. It basically switches between the minimal Genesis reconstruction and a more full-on approach with hi-hats and pads etc.

Listen & Download:

I'd recommend getting the MP3 since the white noise I used in the song seems to distort in quality a little around 0:50 in the video. Anyway, hope you enjoy. :smile:

  • 2 weeks later...
Dude, you should be a posted remixer so you can put your stuff in Community instead of here. Gather your tracks in albums and release there... when you're allowed.

Ah good idea. I'll see if I can do that next time. :)

Pfft. Then it's not gonna happen, is it. God damn snobs...

Hmm... I take it you've suffered rejection before, then? We've all been down that road.

Why'd they reject you? Is it because the arrangement didn't fit their requirements? Because the production was 'poor' for one reason or another? Combination of the two?

For the first reason, OCR doesn't accept music that's either too much or two little like the original. Why? Because the creator said so, and he's a monarch, not a diplomat. It's something all potential remixers just have to deal with. Sorry - it's his site, not ours, so to get posted we just have to comply.

The second reason, however, is something that someone should pay attention to, if you're called out on it. Rather than getting upset about it, think about what they're saying, ask them about it if you think they're wrong, etc., and ultimately try to learn from it. There are plenty of experienced composers on that panel (many whom are VG composers as well as experienced musicians), so it would be wise to listen.

I'm not saying this to attack your feelings on it, but... well, I've seen many potentially great musicians get musically stuck because they get hurt about other people's (constructive) criticism and it's a real shame to see that happen.


I just think it's a load of crap that you need judges and rules for simply submitting a song. It doesn't feel like sharing music. This is why I prefer just posting on YouTube. People care about the right things in a VG remix and don't nitpick all the tiny flaws. I wish VGMix was still running so I could post there.

I will say that I'm impressed your 'no offense, but' reply actually has no offense in it. Few people are able to do that.


R:TS is always available, if you want an alternative place to post. Plenty of well know remixers have used that site before - I've posted there numerous times, in fact (not that I'm that well known, but... meh). Check it out.

Also, this site isn't for sharing music - indeed, youtube, newgrounds, soundcloud, etc. are far better sites, in that regard, precisely because of what you said. It's more for showcasing high quality remixes (as defined by this site - again, not our call, unfortunately) that are given the stamp of approval by the J's (and, by proxy most of the time, DjP). As explained in the 'About' section, there's so much that comes into this site now that a quality control measure is needed to make sure that the quality of remixes on this site are consistent. That means many, many rejections (including six of my own tracks), but that's the price the site pays for it. On the bright side, it also means that the posted tracks are nearly always top-notch material. Nearly.



Thanks for the site suggestion. I'm less mad about OCR now lol. It just annoys me when someone on here suggests I do something then they say "oh, but that requires this", which basically means I have to miss out because I'm not good by judges' standards. :whatevaa:

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