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*NO* Chrono Trigger & Final Fantasy 8 'Hidden Lunatic'

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This is a remix of Chrono Triggers Hidden Truth and Final Fantasy 8's Lunatic Pandora into a breakbeat Drum & Bass track.

The track is quite heavily remixed but imo doesnt loose the relation to the original. It did get a few bad posts in the forums but only because it doesnt use all of the source material from the songs, which i know you guys frown apon (or is it upon?) but im hoping you will see past that in this one. I love this track and I hope you all like it.

DJ Liquid Neon

P.S I had some trouble sending this e-mail, apologies if it came through more than once.


When I heard solid gold I thought the terribly mixed sounds, like the bass being 10 times louder than everything else, were an intentional choice to acomidate the circus-like feel of the melody for that song. I have learned now that this is how you write.

:arrow:Take some really plain analog sounds... have one with some delay play a small portion of the melody for a while over some decent sounding yet very over the top drum loopish stuff

:arrow: After some time has passed, double the melody 4 octaves below with another simple analog sound but make that one way too loud.

:arrow: Layer some corny hip-hop pitch-shifted vocals and you're good to go!

Just like with solid gold, any simple melodic figure throughout would have sounded just as good making the source tunes irrelevant. This is not what ReMixing is meant to be. It seems that what you do is just take a song and stick it on your drum and bass assembly line which shows very little respect for the music you choose to remix. Listen to some more ReMixes on this site and learn the true meaning of the word interpretation.



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "The Hidden Truth" (ct-1-22.spc)

http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF8_minipsf.rar - 404 "Lunatic Pandora"

I liked the breakbeat style intro up until :21. I suppose I can vaguely see how you changed a section of Hidden Truth (:00-:12) to create the stuff from :32-1:16, and then the new bassline-type lead from 1:16-1:38, but there's basically no real connection to Hidden Truth and is a negligible connection. Arrange the stuff in a recognizable fashion please.

Also the production was awful. The treble frequencies were way too high the whole time resulting in nasty clipping and distortion any time the cymbals were in play. Everything's mixed too loud and everything just comes off abrasively, especially during fuller sections like 1:15-1:38. That new electric guitar synth at 1:06 was terrible.

We finally moved over into an easily recognizable arrangement of "Lunatic Pandora" at 2:00, but unlike Shna, I don't think the approach to arranging that theme here was not fine in the spirit of what OC's about. The source material, at least for that section, was nicely interpreted here. It definitely could have used a greater portion of Lunatic Pandora, but I don't mind what you used.

But again, the production and levels were awful. 2:39-3:12 was still a bit abrasive and loud but was mixed decently, and I liked how you wrote the ending there. On the OTHER hand 2:17-2:38, Jesus, it's just too damn loud for no good reason whatsoever.

Look, I'm not gonna lie, I'm frustrated just listening to this, because it could be sweetly made dNb track, but you keep mixing everything too loud as if it sounds better that way. Is it really that hard to tone it down? It won't ruin the track, I can tell you that. All 4 of your posted mixes are mixed a LOT more reasonably and with more balance without sacrificing power, and I just don't understand why you were mixing those tracks nicely while these recent submissions of yours are mixed so poorly. Stop clipping and start giving me the well-produced goods.

As far as this mix goes, the material until 2:00 needs to have a lot more to do with Hidden Truth, because the arrangement is practically unrecognizable. And c'mon bro, fix those levels please. You're better than that.



This is letter material.

Decent original dNb with vague references to CT and FF8 do not an OCRemix make. See above mastering/mixing issues and try to include somewhat recognizable source material next time.

Fairly interesting and somewhat creative, albeit typical dNb fare.




I was so excited to see that someone was tackling "The Hidden Truth", since it contains part of "Kingdom Trial" rearranged, but alas, I barely heard any of the source. Cmon - there's rearrangement, and then there's original material with an extremely vague reference to the source. The second part of the song was a little better there, but really, the arrangement and structure were both just not coherent at all. Production values were also weak, with bread and butter synths, clipping, bad EQing, etc. If you're going to make a dnb track, at least try to pay a LITTLE more attention to making a substantive and saturated drumline rather than a spastic, poorly mixed one.


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