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It *is* under 6MB, though at 48kbps it's 12'00"... - djp

First up, really sorry, the ID3 tags arnt written in. ^^;; I passed the song to a friend (who has dialup and limited access) and they aggreed to post it on their site, it took long enough to get it to em and for them to post it, i ddnt want to bug them... Again, really sorry.... The ID3 Details are at the bottom of this email

Contact Info

Me - DJV


ReMix Info

Found At -

Game Name - Yoshi's Story 64

Song Remixed - Yoshi's Story Theme + World Theme 1

In a way this is kinda a resub... back in January, i submitted 'Yoshi's Symphony' which didnt get through (hearing it now, i know why....) Liontamer made a point that if its a symphony make it awesome, so i thought i'd make it a Piano Concerto. My previous submission was a ballady version of the opening theme. I worked on the sound, but kept the stucture mostly the same. Thats the first movement. A waltz of the first world theme for 2nd movement. And a minor adaption of the theme for the 3rd movement. And hey, if this doesnt get through, at least i've improved my sound (cept i need better speakers...) Anyway, enjoy! Thanks and cya.

ID3 Details

Title - Yoshi's Story - Yoshi's Piano Concerto No.1 OC Remix

Artist - DJ V Album - http://www.ocremix.org

Year - 2005

Genre - Game

Comment - Original: "Yoshi's Story Theme" - Yoshi's Story 64

Composer - Kazumi Totaka

Orig. Artist - Nintendo 64

Copyright - Nintendo

URL - http://remix.overclocked.org/

Encoded - DJ V

(again, really sorry bout that...)

Submission Instructions & Standards[/url'>]Bitrate should be as low as possible to achieve the desired sound quality, within reason. We recommend and use the free MP3 encoder LAME. If it's a really short song, feel free to bump up the bitrate a bit, but do not exceed 192Kbps . . . if it's a realllly long song, and won't fit under 6MB, please consider cutting a shorter, alternate version. It's a bandwidth thang ^^

No offense, bro, the arrangement is ok, but I'm not gonna deeply analyze the arrangement and see how that is until we get a sub that's not ridiculously lo-fi. I dunno what you were using to listen to this, but there's absolutely no clarity here at all.

The sampled instruments sound decent but need more realism. Get more feedback and advice from the WIP and ReMixing forums. If you really love this 12-minute version, VGMix is certainly a good option for it, so encode it at a higher bitrate and showcase it there.

I can't speak for the the others, but I wouldn't accept anything under 96kbps unless the encoding was in VBR and had top-flight sound quality for its bitrate. Pretty much any track over 8 minutes has a near-zero shot of passing as it is.


  • 2 weeks later...

Bitrate aside, there's nothing in this mix that warrants it being twelve minutes long or for that matter being called a concerto.

This draaaaaaaaaaaaags. Like Liontamer, I'm not going to go on about my minor gripes because the only hope for this song would come from it being a hell of alot shorter. How about three or four minutes? That way you could bring up the bitrate and then maybe we could talk a little bit more about the arrangement. All I can say is.... think "concerto for piano and ORCHESTRA" it seems to me at the moment you're not that capable of orchestral writing. I suggest you get some more practice in that department before bringing a soloist to the table.



You know, the bitrate is low but that’s not really the significant problem with this track imo.

First off, the piano sample is pretty nice. I can only imagine what the encoding process hacked off in terms of quality. It is decently sequenced as well with phrases like those around the 5:10 mark coming off as delicate and airy, as they should. Some points strike me as mechanical, like 8:45-9:04, but generally it’s not bad.

The waltz section with the subtle flute accompaniment is rather enjoyable.

While the last five minutes pick up steam in terms of variation and creative arrangement ideas, the first seven minutes seriously drag, as Shna pointed out. The last five minutes also takes the hardest hit from the low encoding since more orchestral elements are added which have a heavy reliance on the higher frequencies for sound clarity and quality.

Even without sound quality issues, the lengthy and largely unexciting composition killed the cat this time around I’m afraid. If you decided to work on shortening this piece up, I’d certainly start with the first 4/4 section.



Strings sound horribly fake, and the low bitrate isn't helping.

Also, seriously, why so long? A lot of it meanders and is not very interesting. Seems like a lot of original stuff that can be cut out too. You could really pare this down and make a more focused piece.

The arrangement and production don't justify the length. Everything besides the piano and flute sounds shaky.

If you're really intent on doing three movements, do each movement as a separate MP3; that way you can encode high and bring up the production values (and have those values evident).


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