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email sub file Tribal Fantasy.mp3

Your ReMixer name : Prometheus

Your email address : yesterdaygeneration1750@hotmail.com

Your website : COMING SOON

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : No idea.

ReMix Name : Tribal Fantasy


Name of game(s) ReMixed : Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : Edgare and Mash, Chrono's Theme Part Two (Don't know what it's real name is).

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.

This an Chamber Orchestra arrange of Edgare and Mash theme and Chrono's Theme Part Two.

The song is guided by a leit motif that is repeated two times in the song (which is in 7/8 time).

I arranged Tribal Fantasy as it was my own music, so the style you'll hear in the song is very personal.

There are a few melodies you'll hear that won't be familiar to you, because they're mine ;-).

No loops nor midi files were used : everything has been completely written by me.

I'm not going to resubmit this song anyway, the job here is completely finished, so don't ask me to resubmit it!

Listen loud.

Thanks to Krispy for all that drum samples.

Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it! :-)


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  • 2 weeks later...

http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Chrono Trigger (Part 2)" (ct-1-2b.spc) & http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff6.rsn - "Edgare and Mash" (ff6-107.spc)

Drums were fun. 2:32 is pretty short for two source tunes and you don't use the entirety of either one. The 7/4 works well in the drum and string sections because while the melody is locked into a rigid 4+3 the drum hits are on 1,3 and 7 so there's a nice ebb and flow. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the 7/4 french horn and string section. There's nothing there to counteract the bar fragmentation caused by the phrasing. The same goes for when the drums join the french horn section because now the hits are locking in with the melody instead of playing off against it like in the string section.

This isn't chamber orchestra music. There are strings acting as a single being.... some choral stuff and a french horn that grabs the melody every now and again. On occasion, the french horn is joined by something in the high register that sounds like a trombone sample being used to play notes that it would be incapable of playing in reality [this is fine for synth-orchestra... I'm just merely stating a fact, it's not really a detractor]. So, minimal orchestration, limited use of the sources and a sometimes constricted 7/4 keep me from giving this a yes.



There are a few interesting arrangement ideas here, not the least of which is the 7/8 meter. The two themes blend relatively well and I don’t get too much of a sense of the dreaded melodyitis. Good samples are used and they are generally used well. Love the choir. It’s too bad that there is a very washed out lo-fi feel to this mix. It sounds like this has been re-encoded at 192kbps from a much lower bit rate.

The tribal drum loop is nice but it never changes, even when it desperately needs to like at 1:48. The most we get is some added cymbal shots which sound odd and dull due to the encoding. There is subtle variety in the various sections, but a single added harmony here or an addition supporting element there isn’t enough to make the kind of variation necessary to pull off a 2:32 mix.

This is a fun listen but it would be a lot better with better encoding and more attention to variation, especially of the percussion. Keep working at it.



First thing I noticed was that everything sounded dull. The tribal drumloops did indeed get tired after a while and the vox was particularly muddy. I liked how "Edgare and Mash" was arranged here in particular, and didn't quit mind the brief length, though the arrangement was in fact underdeveloped.

Your production needs a tons of work; it sounds like crud for 192kbps. Vary the supporting instrumentation more and learn how to produce something that sounds sharper and cleaner. Promising on the surface; aside from the drumloops and track length, you do have the right idea.



I like how Shnab totally rained on the 7/8 parade and correctly referred to it as 7/4. XD

The tribal percussion is gimmicky as hell; seems like a cheap attempt at sounding "ethnic," as oppoesd to actually listening to tribal music and incorporating compositional ideas. I'm not accusing you of anything, so don't take it that way, but this mix doesn't strike me as "tribal."

The mix itself sounds really lo-fi. Choir is too quiet and breathy, and the Edgar and Mash theme's conversion to 7/4 time isn't very creative at all. Just an extra beat added to a sustained note. It'd be more interesting if you actually tried for a more syncopated 7/8 interpretation, rather than a slow 7/4 approach.

Anyway, the mix is short, gimmicky, has low production values. There's talent here though; hit up the forums and learn some production techniques, and keep writing. Also, you mentioned not using MIDI files. For that, you are awesome.


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