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http://www.ocremix.org/songs/original/starfox.rsn - "1-23 Star Fox - Boss (Titania)"

Holy Crap... that tempo change at 1:45 was like William J. Sidis level GENUIS!! It's funny... I never thought I'd be arguing to defend something's right to be this repetitive and I might be alone in this but I think this mix is like Andy Kaufman's mighty mouse routine. He doesn't do anything for the whole time and then all of a sudden "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY". The synth throughout is pretty generic and it's incredibly rendundant alot of the time with not much happening [though there is a good deal of subtle variation]. Here's the thing though: during the middle part the synth line switches up plenty and then the gradual acceleration the second time through the pattern.... oh man it's JUST RIGHT. After that it's pretty boring again, though there's a bit more going on than at the beginning.

Okay... after thinking more about this I've realized two things. Number one: my favorite part of the song [the tempo change] was possibly unintentional and is more of a personal taste. I just LOVE SUPRISES and I totally didn't expect it. After listening to the song several more times I've come to realize that the effect loses it's charm once I know it's coming.... not to mention the fact that unlike Andy Kaufman's Mighty Mouse, this part is NOT the end and therefore is easily forgotten when it is followed by the upcoming blandness. Number 2: while this song does represent the source and sounds different genre wise, it doesn't actually expand upon any of the material presented by the source. It just makes minor adjustments to the original in order to get it to fit with the vibe of the rest of the track.

This mix is in dire need of more expansion on the source and a more developed arrangement/less generic sounds.



With due respect to my compatriots who are easily amused by the esoteric charm of Andy Kaufman, this song is an exercise in impractical repetition. Impractical in the sense that the repetition does not add anything of true significance to the whole of the piece, and impractical in the sense that it detracts more than it adds.

There needs to be a world of variation, development, alteration, evolution, de-evolution, what have you - in this song. As it stands right now, it is a very long synthetic echo.


--add more development

--make the repetition work for the song, don't make it *be* the song

--add more development

--make the repetition work for the song, don't make it *be* the song

Quoted for emphasis. Seriously, this song is a remix of maybe 4 bars of music.



Add to that some pretty generic sounds and a plodding percussive track and this song is stuck in an endless loop of repeating mediocrity.

This needs a lot more substance. It's uninteresting, repetitive, and boring. After a while I just phased it out.

Needs work.


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