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OCR Mascot Bios - 20 more up for grabs!

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Posted (edited)


Yeah, I will make no claims to any character I don't know. Maybe some day djp will want to add, I dunno, Gordon Freeman, I'd be happy to write that one.


beloved "Uncle Scrooge."

I want that dot after the quote mark. Am I wrong?

Also, a question from a non native speaker: is it common to say "Once he started looking after his nephews" or does that sound strange to anyone? I'd put it "Once he started to look after his nephews". Maybe it's a regional thing?

Edited by Dafydd

Yeah, I will make no claims to any character I don't know. Maybe some day djp will want to add, I dunno, Gordon Freeman, I'd be happy to write that one.


I want that dot after the quote mark. Am I wrong?

Also, a question from a non native speaker: is it common to say "Once he started looking after his nephews" or does that sound strange to anyone? I'd put it "Once he started to look after his nephews". Maybe it's a regional thing?

As far as I know, the punctuation always goes inside of the quotations, except in rare instances. I don't know about what's done outside of American conventions though, so you could be right when it comes to international observances.

I don't know that I'm qualified to answer your second question, since I wrote it. I assume that it's because I'm used to writing like that, but it could also just be me being lazy. I figure the sentence works either way, depending on how you want to phrase it.


You can say "someone started to do something" and use the infinitive OR say "someone started doing something" with the -ing gerund without raising almost any native speaker's eyebrows. The latter suggests a continuous/ongoing action, and in this instance it works fine because Scrooge is still looking after his nephews.

Commander Shepard


Article by: Polo

Pictured from: Mass Effect

Created by: BioWare

First appearance: 2007


The year is 2183 A.D. Humans don't just planet hop — they board starships and teleport via Mass Relays to neighboring star systems and star clusters. Nanotechnology and cybernetics have advanced far enough to be able to bring a deceased person back to life. A physics phenomenon called "mass effect" has been discovered, and creatures naturally capable of sensing and manipulating it can enhance their prowess with the aid of brain implants. But despite all these leaps in science, turmoil still abounds among the stars. The Milky Way galaxy is governed by a collective body of sentient races called the Council, among whose duties include hiring and dispatching military personnel of various skills and alliances to restore order where needed. One of these is a human named Shepard, the protagonist of the Mass Effect universe.

Commander Shepard's character is built on myriad customization options. While BioWare typically markets him as male, the player can choose to make her female, with the default first names being John and Jane respectively. His/her beginning class may be either a Soldier who's proficient in weapons, an Engineer with a solid grasp of tech items, or an Adept who manipulates the titular "mass effect" in battles. As the player gains experience, combinations of these classes become available. Shepard's birthplace and honed morality are also selectable. Was he/she born on Earth, in space, or on one of Earth's extrasolar colonies? Is he/she a glorious war hero, the lone survivor of a brutal battle, or a coldhearted murderer who cares only about the job and the paycheck? These choices affect everything from Shepard's in-game charisma to the tools he/she can handle to the supporting characters in the romantic subplot.

Shepard enrolled in a fleet called the Human Systems Alliance at the age of 18. Now 29, he/she explores the galaxy aboard a starship called the SSV Normandy, completing all manners of military assignments. Early in the first game, the Normandy crew investigates a human colony that comes under attack by a rogue Spectre, a member of the office of Special Tactics and Reconnaissance. In response, the Council appoints Shepard the first human Spectre, giving him/her the duty to hunt down the alien behind the assault, Saren Arterius. This task is neither simple nor the only one; the galaxy contains extensive side quests, dialogue, and story exposition to match its size and scope, and some of the player's choices affect not only how the game progresses, but also how the ending to one game will affect the beginning and development of the next. Talk about a mass effect.


"Whatever your plan is, it's going to fail. I'll make sure of that."

Selected game appearances

=== Xbox 360 ===

Mass Effect (2007)

Mass Effect 2 (2010)


Wikipedia - "Mass Effect"

Wikipedia - "Characters of the Mass Effect universe - Commander Shepard"

Giant Bomb - "Commander Shepard (video game character)"

Mass Effect (2007) (VG) - Memorable quotes

  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, it's first dibbed, first written. Darklink42, call your mascot and proceed. Mirby, Zero's all yours. Make it strong.

And Arek, finish Juri Han's bio already. :)

Unfortunately, my computer's internet decided to crap out on me (again) yesterday. I'll fix it ASAP before writing a new bio.

Posted (edited)



Article by: Mirby (Taylor Brown)

Pictured from: Mega Man X

Created by: Capcom

First appearance: 1993


The year is 21XX; 100 years have passed since the exploits of Mega Man and his battles against Dr. Wily. A new scientist, Dr. Cain, has discovered the lab of Dr. Light. After unsealing the capsule containing X and creating the Reploids, peace reigns. All is calm for eight months, until some of these Reploids go "Maverick" and start destroying the city. A council of Hunters is established to defeat these Mavericks, and Sigma is appointed leader of these Hunters. Sigma was one of the most intelligent Reploids; he contained Dr. Cain's latest circuitry and immunity to all viruses, and he leads the Hunters with great skill.

After two years Reploids move into the "Forbidden Area" somewhere near or in the Rocky Mountains, which held Dr. Light's lab and other ancient artifacts. Zero awakens, and destroys the Hunters that were near there. Sigma decides to face this red Maverick himself to avenge his fallen comrades. During the battle Zero uses Sigma's pride and confidence against him, eventually ripping off one of Sigma's arms. At one point, Sigma gets the upper hand, shattering Zero's helmet gem with a mighty punch and revealing a familiar "W" symbol behind it. While this was exposed, the virus held latent inside Zero's body transfers to Sigma, where it would later become known as the Sigma Virus.

After this incident, Zero is taken to Dr. Cain's lab for analysis, as per Sigma's orders. All malice is gone, and Zero wants to fight for the side of good. Under Sigma's wing, he quickly rises to the rank of SA-class Hunter within Sigma's 17th Elite squad. He helps X out quite frequently, especially once the Sigma Virus finally consumes Sigma's soul and turns him Maverick. He was a friend in the first two games in the X series, and finally became partially playable in Mega Man X3. He would be a fully playable character in all subsequent installments, including the Game Boy Color-exclusive Xtreme series.

In Mega Man X5, during the Colony Fall incident, as it came to be known, the space colony Eurasia was set on a collision course with Earth by Sigma. The old cannon known as Enigma failed, but the backup plan did. Zero was sent in an old spaceship to divert the course and succeeded for the most part, returning to Earth safely. However, an old area was revealed, and both him and X investigated. It was in here that he finally did what he was created to do; fight X in a battle to the death. However, both survived, and went on to fight Sigma. It was here that Zero sacrificed himself for peace, in order that X, and the world, may live.

His personality is quite noble, and has sacrificed himself a few other times in the series for the sake of peace. Zero has been known to act brashly, but he is more often tactically minded and refuses to serve dark purposes. He'll fight whenever fighting is necessary, and always stand up for those he considers friends.

After the X-series, he seals himself up for a century, only to be awakened in order to save the Resistance in the first Mega Man Zero game on Game Boy Advance.


"What am I fighting for?!?!?"

Selected game appearances

=== Super NES ===

Mega Man X (1993)

Mega Man X3 (1995)

=== Playstation ===

Mega Man X4 (1997)


Rockman PM - "Timeline of X"

Mega Man X4 (1997) (VG) - Memorable quotes

Edited by Mirby

Here's some edits for you Mirby.

Right off the bat, make sure when you link the selected game appearances, they go to the OCRemix site if there is one. I believe that we do that in order to lead people to the appropriate mixes.

Also, after reading it a couple times, I think it might be a better idea to switch the order and start with who Zero is before talking about his history. I know the character from playing the first Megaman Zero game on GBA, but I can see where people who have not played any of them would be confused about where Zero stands on the good/evil scale and, more specifically, what his relationship to Sigma is overall. Speaking of Sigma, I'd recommend describing who he is a little bit too.

Now on to grammar and such, because I'm still up and haven't used my English education for anything important in the last few months.

-There's no need to say "constant battles" Battles works just as well, and you could actually contract the sentence further if you wanted.

-The sentence that starts with "Until some of" is an incomplete sentence. It should be merged with the previous sentence.

-Same problem with the next two sentences, they should be merged into one thought.

-Do the reploids move the forbidden area, or do they move into it? You may also wish to explain a little about which Reploids are moving, and why.

-Why does Zero awaken, and why does he decide to side with the mavericks? Why does Sigma fight against Zero?

-The description of the fight between Sigma and Zero is a couple sentences long, and while cool, might be better served in explaining a little more about Zero's and/or Sigma's goals.

-If you are going to keep the fight description, these sentences need to be corrected:

1. "During the battle, Zero..." Something more like: "During the battle Zero uses Sigma's pride and confidence against him, eventually ripping off one of Sigma's arms."

2."After a short while, Sigma..." Something like: "At one point, Sigma gets the upper hand, shattering Zero's helmet gem and revealing a familar "W" symbol behind it."

-"His personality is quite noble... in fact, he sacrifices himself multiple times in the series for the sake of peace." Ellipsis >:(

-It's not necessary to point out he's not suicidal. By saying that he's noble, it's already implied that he has died for a cause. If anything you can point out that he's not reckless with his life.

-"He can act brash..." Something like: "Zero has been known to act brashly, but he is more often tactically minded and refuses to serve dark purposes."

-I actually want to hear as much about what he does in the Zero games as how he got his start. Why seal himself away for so long, why come back, who was he fighting, and what happened in the end (without spoilers where possible).

Good start. Now you need to just work on polishing it up. Watch out for those split sentences though. You've got a few of those in there where you halved a thought and made it two short sentences where it could have been one medium sentence.

Posted (edited)

I'll do a quick edit.

As for the Zero games, I can't elaborate WITHOUT spoilers. Plus, his memory is gone for a reason that I can't list WITHOUT SPOILERS.

And if X is mascot twice, why can't why have X-series Zero and Zero-series Zero? I'm leaving it open for that.

EDIT: Okay, fixed some parts. Put as much backstory into Sigma as I could while still keeping this about Zero.

And I kept the fight description because it defines why Zero went good and Sigma went evil; it's an integral part of the bio. Plus, SIGMA PAUUNCH!!!

Edited by Mirby
Posted (edited)

I'm in a hurry, so I'll have to comment on Zero later today. Just popping in to say I didn't hear about the 10 new mascots until today (and then only thanks to Facebook, rofl).

I'm not dibbing it, but I would very much like to write the Companion Cube one.

EDIT: Ok, I found a few more minutes - Mirby, I'm amazed to read so much about Zero I didn't know. You do not, however, mention anything about what goes on in X2, where Zero is in pieces and must be reassembled else faced in combat, reprogrammed as a maverick. I'd also like to know why he has boobs with green nipples and a blond ponytail (for a long time I was sure he was a she). His name could also use an explanation, but that would probably lead to still more spoilers.

Edited by Dafydd
Posted (edited)

There's no reasoning as to his design. As for the fight in X2, that's not part of the true storyline (the true storyline is where X collects all parts of Zero).

But I'll definitely go into detail about X5, since that has the integral X vs. Zero part.

My question is this. Should I include who created him? Is it common knowledge that a certain doctor created Zero?

EDIT: Okay, added in X5. Now there are a few details that I could add after the X-series, but they're largely important to the Zero games, and once again, SPOILERS.

Let me know if I put too many spoilers in the X5 part.

Edited by Mirby

So should we tell his whole story up until the Zero games, or should we limit ourselves to what happens in the beginning of Mega Man X, only indicating he continues to appear throughout the X series, rather than going into details as to how? I would like some input on this, and there's really no point in debating grammar and such until it's been decided. I feel the bio reveals too much, myself.


I just noticed Red from the Pokémon games appeared in the corner. Never saw him there before.

So when I clicked on him to read his page... there wasn't one.

Then I thought, maybe, I could write something for it.

But I can't log-in or sign up to edit the page. The Help page is also non-existent. In fact,I can't seem to find any way to do anything on the Mascot project.

I'm guessing that only certain people can edit the pages. If that's the case, I wouldn't mind writing up the Red page, if no one else has claimed it. I checked back about ten pages, and no one has mentioned Red yet, so I'm guessing it's up for grabs.

Posted (edited)

OK, using the previous four articles as a basis, I have written this rough draft. Personal concerns are that there are too many games listed at the end, and not a large enough variety of sources (namely, only a section from a Wikipedia page and the character article from Bulbapedia, a Pokémon specific wiki). Aside from that, I think it's a decent first shot. Maybe a bit long.



Article by: The Damned

Pictured from: Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Created by: Game Freak

First appearance: 1996


Red is the first protagonist of the Pokémon game series. His playable appearances are limited to being the player character in both the original Game Boy games Red, Blue and Yellow, and the Game Boy Advance remakes, Fire Red and Leaf Green. He also appears as the final trainer atop Mount Silver in Gold, Silver and Crystal, as well as their remakes, HeartGold and SoulSilver. Red also makes cameos in other Nintendo titles, such as Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Red isn't known for speaking much, instead preferring to converse in simple "Yes" and "No" responses to most characters. Most of the time, the person(s) he is engaged with will simply continue to speak without interruption until they are done. This may make Red seem timid, but the truth is, he is highly skilled in Pokémon battling. Red has easily defeated not only the eight Kanto Gym Leaders, but also the Elite Four and the criminal organization Team Rocket.

Upon his victory against the Elite Four, he was crowned the Indigo League Champion. Seeking ever higher skill, he trained on top of the vicious, snow-capped peak of Mount Silver, waiting for a challenger worthy enough to reach him. Only when the player defeats the Elite Four and the Gyms of both the Kanto and Johto regions can he or she challenge Red. Even then, he has had three years to hone his skills and raise his team.

Aside from his vast collection of Pokémon, Red also has access to several useful tools. He has a collapsible bicycle for speedy transportation; a back-pack filled with Pokéballs for catching wild Pokémon; Technical and Hidden Machines, devices used to teach Pokémon new attacks; and the exclusive Pokédex, a device that records all known information on any Pokémon the Red encounters and captures. These tools and his highly trained team of Pokémon have allowed to advance the understanding of Pokémon greatly.



Selected game appearances

=== Game Boy ===

Pokémon Red, Blue (1996)

Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition (1998 )

=== Game Boy Color ===

Pokémon Gold and Silver (1999)

Pokémon Crystal (2000)

=== Nintendo N64 ===

Pokémon Stadium 2 (2000)

=== GameCube ===

Pokémon Colosseum (2003)

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (2005)

=== Game Boy Advance ===

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (2004)

=== Wii ===

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008 )

=== DS ===

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (2009)


Bulbapedia - "Red (Game)"

Wikipedia - "List of Pokémon Characters"

Edited by The Damned
Removed unnecessary links in Appearances
Posted (edited)



Article by: Mirby (Taylor Brown)

Pictured from: Mega Man X6

Created by: Capcom

First appearance: 1993


After the awakening of the robot known simply as X, peace reigns. All is calm for eight months, until some of these Reploids go "Maverick" and start destroying the city. A council of Hunters is established to defeat these Mavericks, and Sigma is appointed leader of these Hunters.

After two years a group of Hunters move into the "Forbidden Area" somewhere near or in the Rocky Mountains, which hold Dr. Light's lab and other ancient artifacts. Zero awakens, and destroys the Hunters that intruded upon his solitude. Sigma then faces this red Maverick himself to avenge his fallen comrades. During the battle Zero uses Sigma's pride and confidence against him, eventually ripping off one of Sigma's arms. At one point, Sigma gets the upper hand, shattering Zero's helmet gem with a mighty punch and revealing a "W" symbol behind it. While this was exposed, a virus held latent inside Zero's body since his creation is transmitted to Sigma, where it would later become known as the Sigma Virus.

After this incident, Zero is taken to Dr. Cain's lab for analysis, as per Sigma's orders. All malice is gone, and Zero wants to fight for the side of good. Under Sigma's wing, he quickly rises to the rank of SA-class Hunter within Sigma's 17th Elite squad. He helps X out quite frequently, especially once the Sigma Virus finally consumes Sigma's soul and turns him Maverick. He was a friend in the first two games in the X series, and finally became partially playable in Mega Man X3. He would be a fully playable character in all subsequent installments, including the Game Boy Color-exclusive Xtreme series. During the events of Mega Man X5, he finally did what he was created to do, and fought X in a battle that was supposed to be to the death.

His personality is quite noble, and has sacrificed himself a few other times in the series for the sake of peace. Zero has been known to act brashly, but he is more often tactically minded and refuses to serve dark purposes. His power and abilities are much greater than that of X, something that X uses as a goal to reach. He'll fight whenever fighting is necessary, and always stand up for those he considers friends.

After the X-series, he seals himself up for a century, only to be awakened in order to save the Resistance in the first Mega Man Zero game on Game Boy Advance.


"What am I fighting for?!?!?"

Selected game appearances

=== Super NES ===

Mega Man X (1993)

Mega Man X2 (1994)

Mega Man X3 (1995)

=== Playstation ===

Mega Man X4 (1997)

Mega Man X5 (2000)

=== Game Boy Advance ===

Mega Man Zero 2 (2003)


Rockman PM - "Timeline of X"

Mega Man X4 (1997) (VG) - Memorable quotes

[Reposted to keep it on the active page, with some slight edits]

Also, I think that's pretty good, Damned. Although, as was said previously, try to link games in the Appearances section to their pages here. It might be hard, due to the lack of remixes from the series.

Edited by Mirby

Also, I think that's pretty good, Damned. Although, as was said previously, try to link games in the Appearances section to their pages here. It might be hard, due to the lack of remixes from the series.

Considering there's only one, yeah. Edited to remove unnecessary links.

If only there was some project that could fill that in a bit... :<

Posted (edited)

Feedback on Zero:

- Your first paragraph repeats some of what X's bio initially states (Dr. Light's lab is found by Dr. Cain, some Reploids go "Maverick," etc.). We don't want to give readers a lot of the same info, practically word for word, in two bios. It would be easier if you wrote something like "After the awakening of the robot known as X..." and "X" would be a link to his bio. It'll save you some hassle regarding story setting/buildup.

- I don't think you really need to give away that many facts about Sigma, since he's not the focus of the bio. Some details like his being the leader of the Hunters can be mentioned in passing or in more concise bits later on. His battle with Zero precipitates their changing stances from good <--> evil, so you can leave it in, but the mention of the virus inside Zero comes outta nowhere (bring it up earlier if it helps explain his attack after waking up), and the W on Zero's helmet is not directly explained, so it feels superfluous. Also, ripping off Sigma's arm? I've always seen him with two functioning arms.

- I thought Reploids and Mavericks didn't have "souls" (cuz they're robots). Did you mean Sigma's programming/personality?

- Why is the backstory of Mega Man X5 important? Simply saying that Zero does what he was created to do (fight X) would be sufficient; however, the outcome repeats/spoils what the next paragraph states in fewer words (that he sacrifices himself for the sake of peace) - that's a useful way to reveal what happens to him at the ends of some games without just saying "he dies." I say keep that bit.

- You nail his personality. Excellent. Now what of his Beam Saber? And his abilities compared to X? And how does he view/help/hinder his partner?

Some extra tidbits:

- That Zero image is actually from Mega Man X6 (the filename here and the instruction manual over on replacementdocs confirm it).

- Isn't Zero's quote from the anime? If possible, give him a line he says in one of the games.

- Zero also appears in X2, X5, and Mega Man Zero 2 during normal gameplay. Add 'em to his appearance list.

- To my knowledge, no mascot bio until now has ever cited a forum thread as a reference link. I'm not doubting the accuracy of the info - it's just that a forum thread is more openly prone to discussion, debate, editing, locking, and deletion than a standalone fan page or Wikipedia page or whatever. If you can link a reference like that that has the exact same (or more) info, it would be much appreciated. If not, don't worry about it.

In sum: keep working on it. Focus on what's directly important to Zero and keep it concise.

Feedback on Red:

- For now, we'll link to the Wikipedia page on Game Freak - it's only until djp/LT fill out the company page and have it link to the remixed Pokémon titles.

- Personally, I think "even so" or "but even then" would sound better than "even then" (3rd paragraph).

- Backpack is one word. Or is the hyphenated "back-pack" a correct spelling in your region?

- "any Pokémon the Red encounters" --> You mean any Pokémon THAT Red encounters?

- If he's a silent protagonist, he doesn't need a quote (even if it is "..."). We tried it with Crono and company before, but later said "nah, forget it."

- Don't forget to link to Pokémon Red in the appearance list. Pokémon Blue can be a separate title because OCR lists a mix under only one title of a pair of games that have the same music/features/whatever. (Biased, yeah, but the higher-ups decided on this.) Similarly, the Gold and Silver, FireRed and LeafGreen, and HeartGold and SoulSilver titles can be separated. The Pictured from line, however, can reflect both titles.

- 14 titles is kinda pushing it, but it's not TOO much. There's only one pair under some systems, and the release years between pairs are rather far apart. As for the reference links - our only rule regarding them is to never have only a Wikipedia link. You're in the clear, but if you know of another relevant Pokémon resource whose url doesn't end in -pedia, you can add it.

Overall: you cover Red's items, goals, achievements, personality... that's awesome, and I think this bio's worthy for inclusion.

Edited by Polo

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