The Coop Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 Couple things to point out... Polo- I can't mention the shadow version of himself, as that would make little sense given that the events at the end of Darkstalkers/Night Warriors can't be revealed. If he's fighting the other Darkstalkers to be rid of his werewolf curse, then why would he suddenly be after a shadow version of himself? That suggests his original plan failed, and that's a spoiler. So everything that happens in Vampire Savior is off limits. Dafydd- The reason for Jon's fighting was right at the end of my second version... These come together in hopes of bringing him closer to what was promised to him by an mysterious woman... that his curse would end the day he exceeded all his limits. That's why he's fighting. To exceed all his limits in hopes of being freed, he's going up against opponents that are more powerful. However, I went back in and expanded a couple things, since that notion apparently wasn't clear. So, here's v3... Jon Talbain 1994 Capcom -Story- Born in England in 1940, Jon Talbain has spent many years searching for a way to be rid of his lycanthropic curse. Though the beast within him is always there, he found a way to both sharpen and strengthen his mind and body through martial arts. But Jon relies not just on the moves of his martial arts training, he also uses his teeth and claws. The end result is a combination of nunchukkas, flying kicks, vicious bites and flesh rending slashes, all of which make him a force to be reckoned with. However, all his training has a higher purpose. In his past, Jon was promised by an mysterious woman that his curse would end the day he exceeded all his limits. It's this promise that has driven him to seek out others like himself... others that will offer up more of a challenge than any normal human opponent. To push himself beyond his physical and mental boundaries, he must go up against other Darkstalkers. If he can best them, perhaps then he'll finally be free of his werewolf within. -Quote- "Know that what you see isn't everything in this world!" -Games- DarkStalkers: The Night Warriors / Vampire (arcade 1994, Playstation 1996) Night Warriors: Darkstalker's Revenge / Vampire Hunter (arcade 1995, Saturn 1996) Vampire Hunter 2 (Japan arcade only 1997) Vampire Savior: Jedah's Damnation / Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (arcade 1997) Vampire Savior 2 (Japan arcade 1997, Playstation as Darkstalkers 3 1998 , Japanese Saturn as Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire 1998) -Sources- Mobygames GameFan Books "Night Warriors" guide Night Warriors game manual (U.S. Saturn) Night Warriors ending Quote
Polo Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Squall Leonhart Square 1999 Bio Sporting a fur-trimmed leather jacket, a gunblade on his shoulder, Squall Leonhart is a leader in the mercenary force known as SeeD, trained at Balamb Garden, a military academy. Taciturn but selective in his words, reluctant though loyal to his contracts, Squall is an emotionally complex introvert. As such, he's often misunderstood or trumped by those he works with. Seifer Almasy is the only other student who can wield a gunblade effectively. During a training duel, he and Squall scar each other's faces, cementing their rivalry throughout the game. Meanwhile, Squall's instructor, Quistis Trepe, struggles to hold a trivial conversation with him, so much that she completes his sentences on occasion. And Rinoa Heartilly, a member of a resistance group called the Forest Owls, has an even harder time dealing with this moody, withdrawn, blunt, and randomly sarcastic lone wolf who can't even dance. Squall's interactions with the supporting characters add a depth of realism to Final Fantasy VIII and help to advance the story. The Sorceress Edea has taken control of the Galbadian army and seeks world domination. To stop her, Squall must first explore the meaning of his dreams about a journalist named Laguna Loire, his past, and his feelings for those he leads... including a growing romance with Rinoa. Quote: "As long as you don't get your hopes up, you can take anything... you feel less pain." Selected Game Appearances PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy VIII (1999) PLAYSTATION 2 Kingdom Hearts (2002) Itadaki Street Special (2004) Kingdom Hearts 2 (2005) References Wikipedia - Squall Leonhart Video Game Character Adaptations - Squall Leonhart Final Fantasy VIII Game Manual (PC) ---------- Also, dibs on Jago (#113). Quote
Dafydd Posted May 22, 2006 Author Posted May 22, 2006 ...randomly sarcastic lone wolf who can't even dance. Lol! Pun or not? About time someone got started on the KI characters, btw. Coop, that's much more like it. Write a new bio for ONE of the other characters and let me look at it before you post the others. Just to make sure you won't have to do it all over again. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted May 23, 2006 Posted May 23, 2006 I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't given up. The Project Justice/Rival Schools characters I took on are now even more relevant since I've got Rival Schools now. I'm gonna play through a good chunk of it before I finish up. I still got'em dibbed! Normally, I'd yell 'screw you, they're mine' but I'm just glad someone else around here but me can write Bios for them. Good luck with the game, I friggin' loved Rival Schools. Anyway, here's Terry's Bio. ---------------------- Terry Bogard SNK/Playmore 1991-2006 Character Summary: Terry Bogard, those familar with the company SNK will quickly recognize him as their frontman. A widely popular character that is loved by fans for his fighting techniques, streetwise attitude and otherwise laid back personality. The picture posted here is his normal outfit before ditching his famous hat and pony tail for a bomber jacket in the reccent Fatal Fury game, 'Mark of the Wolves'. MotW was also the point when he gained his new Super Move, Buster Wolf, which is just as popular (if not more) than his standard Super Move since Fatal Fury 2, Power Geyser. In the begining, Terry was an orphaned child living on the streets of South Town until he and his brother Andy were adopted by Jeff Bogard; a master of a brawling martial arts. Jeff had taught them both the basics of martial arts, but before he could teach them further, he was killed by his old rival and Southtown's 'king', Geese Howard. Since the police were having their pocket's lined with Geese's money, Terry and Andy swore revenege and left Southtown to better themselves in their own styles of martial arts. After 10 years of training, they both would return to Southtown to avenege their fallen father. Terry's in-game appearences didn't limit him to Fatal Fury games, he's been in many a rosters of other fighting games such as the King of Fighters series. As an icon of the 2-D fighter world, Terry gets much attention from players. His moves list makes him an excellent choice for beginners and experts alike. Sources: Wikipedia - Terry Bogard The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Offical Website Appearances: ATOMIS WAVE/ARCADE King of Fighters '94 Re-Bout King of Fighters Neowave King of Fighters XI Neo Geo Battle Coliseum DREAMCAST Capcom vs SNK GAMEBOY ADVANCE King of Fighters EX Neo Blood King of Fighters EX 2 Howling Blood NEO GEO/ARCADE Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury Special Fatal Fury 3 Fatal Fury Wild Ambition Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves King of Fighters '94 King of Fighters '95 King of Fighters '96 King of Fighters '97 King of Fighters '98 King of Fighters '99 King of Fighters 2000 King of Fighters 2001 King of Fighters 2002 King of Fighters 2003 Real Bout Fatal Fury Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Real Bout Fatal Fury Special SNK vs Capcom Chaos NEO GEO POCKET Card Fighters Clash Card Fighters Clash 2 Fatal Fury First Contact King of Fighters R1 King of Fighters R2 Match of the Millennium: SNK vs Capcom PLAYSTATION 2 Capcom vs SNK 2 King of Fighters Maxium Impact ------------------------- I hope that all worked. EDIT: Of course it didn't, but I fixed it. Quote
AMT Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Naked Snake/Big Boss Konami 1986-2005 Background: As a rookie operative in the FOX unit, Naked Snake's first major operation was Snake Eater. Snake's objectives were to rescue Sokolov, a scientist being held captive, and to kill the soldier who had defected to the Soviet Union. After surviving the mission, he was promoted to the title Big Boss, and FOXHOUND was formed. FOXHOUND was a unit of elite operatives that were given missions of top priority. In 1974, Big Boss fell into a coma, during which the Los Infantes Terribles project began. Big Boss would go on to create Outer Heaven, the terrorist facility that was infiltrated and destroyed by his clone, Solid Snake, in the 1980's. Appearances: Metal Gear (NES/MSX) Snake's Revenge (NES) Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance (PS2) Quote
watkinzez Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 There's a few things that need looking at in that bio, Spoon. Its relative shortness doesn't really give an insight into the character. Having played the series, I know Big Boss' role as a legend, but this doesn't indicate that. A first time reader would just know him as a 'rookie operative'. Furthermore, what is the Les Enfant Terribles project? You also omitted/ don't have sources. All for the good of the project. Quote
hobo Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Naked Snake/Big Boss Konami & Kojima Productions 1987-2006 Background: Naked Snake (aka Jack) became the disciple of the legendary Boss in 1950, and trained with her for 10 years. In 1964, he took part in FOX's Virtuous Mission (MGS3), to rescue Sokolov, a Soviet scientist being held captive, and escort him to America. However, Sokolov was kidnapped again when The Boss defected to the Soviet Union. A new operation was set up, Operation Snake Eater, and Snake had to return to Soviet Russia, recapture Sokolov and kill The Boss. After surviving the mission, he was given the title Big Boss. In 1970, rogue members of FOX started a revolt (MPO). To prove his innocence, Big Boss had to hunt down and kill the FOX members. To this end, FOXHOUND was formed. FOXHOUND was a unit of elite operatives that were given missions of top priority. In 1972, Big Boss took part in the 'Les Enfants Terribles' project, from which Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake were created. Big Boss would go on to create Outer Heaven, the terrorist facility that was infiltrated and destroyed by his clone, Solid Snake, in 1995 (MG), and then Zanzibar Land in 1999 (MG2), where Solid Snake ended Big Boss's life once and for all. In 2005, FOXHOUND, now a terrorist group led by Liquid Snake, took over a military base in Alaska (MGS), demanding that the US Government turn over the remains of the now legendary Big Boss, or they would use the bipedal tank Metal Gear REX to launch a nuclear strike on America. Appearances: Metal Gear (NES/MSX2, 1987) Snake's Revenge (NES, 1990, not canon) Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX2, 1990) Metal Gear Solid (PS, 1998) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2, 2004) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2, 2006) Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP, 2006) Fixed in the name of Metal Gear justice. (No sources were used (other than the games), this is all from my memory.) Quote
Polo Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 ...randomly sarcastic lone wolf who can't even dance. Lol! Pun or not? A play on Squall's awkward dance steps with Rinoa at the SeeD graduation ceremony. At one point Squall turns on his heel, acting all fed up, and Rinoa drags him back. He even bumps into other dancers, much to their annoyance and his chagrin. Classic. ---------- Jago Rare (developer) / Nintendo, Midway (publishers) 1994 Bio In the Killer Instinct tournament, some challengers fight for fame and fortune, others for their lives and freedom. Jago, a Tibetan monk, seeks spiritual purity and enlightenment. Guided by the Tiger Spirit through meditation, he is ordered to destroy the evil that lurks within the tournament. At his disposal are a Street Fighter Ryu-esque collection of special moves: the Endokyuken, a yellow-green fireball with which Jago fries his foes from afar; the Tiger Fury, a flying uppercut that knocks back a large or aggressively jumping-in opponent; the Wind Kick, a horizontal jump-kick with the heel; and the Laser Sword, Jago's trusty blade. Controlling the tournament is Ultratech, the mega-corporation that ousts all competing corporations through weapon proliferation. Meeting the challengers are some of Ultratech's experiments, successful and failed: Fulgore, the combative cyborg; Riptor, the gene-spliced velociraptor; even Cinder, the man of living flame. Rare's three-dimensional rotating graphics, combined with an automatic combo system (set button inputs tallying successive hits), made Killer Instinct a revolutionary arcade fighter. Quote: "ENDOKYUKEN!" Selected Game Appearances ARCADE Killer Instinct (1994) Killer Instinct 2 (1995) NINTENDO 64 Killer Instinct Gold (1996) References Wikipedia - Killer Instinct Fighters Generation - Jago Killer Instinct Game Manual (SNES) Quote
The Coop Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 Version 2.0... Morrigan 1994 Capcom -Story- Born somewhere in Scotland in 1678, Morrigan Aenslaed takes her name from an ancient queen of that country. A curvaceous and voluptuous green haired succubus, she's the daughter of Berial, a Demon King who's the ruler of Makai (the “Demon World”). Though she is to be the next ruler of Makai in the event of Berial's death, Morrigan has been living a carefree and fun-filled life, and sees no reason to change this by becoming the master of the Aenslaed Family. And so, it's no surprise that when Berial does pass on, the throne remains empty, and the Aenslaed Family is left masterless. After all, taking up the throne means an end to her frivolity, and that's something she's not ready to give up just yet. Unlike the other Darkstalkers, Morrigan has no agenda. She's merely out to stave off boredom by going toe-to-toe with the other creatures of the night. In her fights, Morrigan uses her dark powers to assault her opponents with energy bats, and her body. She also uses the bats that make up parts of her tight fitting and revealing outfit against those she confronts. ...Even though she doesn't have much in the way of plans, could there be others who have plans for her? -Quote- "You're energetic as ever, just don't be in such a rush." -Games- DarkStalkers: The Night Warriors / Vampire (arcade 1994, Playstation 1996) Night Warriors: Darkstalker's Revenge / Vampire Hunter (arcade 1995, Saturn 1996) Vampire Hunter 2 (Japan arcade only 1997) Vampire Savior: Jedah's Damnation / Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (arcade 1997) Vampire Savior 2 (Japan arcade 1997, Playstation as Darkstalkers 3 1998 , Saturn as Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire 1998) -Sources- GameFan Books "Night Warriors" guide Night Warriors game manual (Saturn) Night Warriors ending Quote
Polo Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 Moogle Square 1990 Bio Populating the Final Fantasy series like Chocobos, Cids, and airships, Moogles are a cute and versatile Squaresoft stamp. Called Mogli (or Mog) in Japan, they are easily spotted by their white fur, teddy bear-like stature, bat wings (which come in red, pink, or purple), and pom-pom antenna. Moogles first appeared in Final Fantasy III for the Famicom, bodyguards to a scrooge-y wizard named Dorga. Since then they've branched out into other roles of Squaredom. In Secret of Mana, Moogles live in the foresty Upperland, their village overrun by Spring Beak, a tall-legged jumping bird-boss. Certain enemies can "Moogle" a party member, transforming them into one of the helpless little critters. Conversely, they wield a crazy assortment of weaponry in Final Fantasy VI. Led by Mog, the only one who can speak English (and the poster Moogle of the game), they protect Terra from a monster onslaught. Mog can later join the party and add dangerous dance steps to the battlefield. Cait Sith rides a beastly Moogle in Final Fantasy VII. One Moogle holds an air bubble chalice in a one-player game of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. Another delivers mail to traveling caravans from home. And so Moogles continue to pop up. Quote: "Kupo!" Selected Game Appearances NINTENDO Final Fantasy III (1990) SUPER NINTENDO Secret of Mana (1993) Final Fantasy VI (1994) PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy VII (1997) PLAYSTATION 2 Kingdom Hearts (2002) GAMECUBE Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (2003) References Wikipedia - Moogle Final Fantasy Compendium - Moogle Video Game Character Adaptations - Mog Quote
Polo Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 Aya Brea Square 1998 Bio Aya Brea is a headstrong New York police detective of the 17th Precinct with Asian and Caucasian parentage. She received a cornea transplant from her twin sister Maya, who died in a car crash with their mother years ago. And with no knowledge of where her father is, her partner, Daniel Dollis, and his son, Ben, act as surrogate family for her. Resplendent in her evening gown, Aya watches an opera in Carnegie Hall on Christmas Eve. The busty actress, Melissa Pearce, holds the audience captive with her solo. Suddenly, one after another, people burst into flames onstage and in every row and balcony, leaving only Aya - and the lead actress. No longer is she Melissa Pearce, but an entity calling herself "Eve." The case is on. Inspired by the science fiction horror novel by Hideaki Sena, Parasite Eve uses the science and hypothetical history of mitochondria (energy transferrers in cells) to drive the story. Why doesn't Aya spontaneously combust when Eve awakens? What functions do each of Eve's seedy mutations have? And why does Aya feel similar powers awakening within her? Toting a gun in one hand and her colleagues' increasingly shocking mitochondrial findings in the other, the rookie sets out to destroy the mother of all mutations before her offspring overrun Manhattan. Quote: "I know you want to live... After all, you've just been born. But, I want to live too, just like every human being!" Selected Game Appearances PLAYSTATION Parasite Eve (1998) Parasite Eve II (1999) References Wikipedia - Aya Brea Parasite Eve Game Manual (PS) Parasite Eve Headquarters Quote
watkinzez Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 (No sources were used (other than the games), this is all from my memory.) Sorry, but we need sources. As outlined in the guidelines, sources ultimately make our job easier. Quote
Project R2K Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 Hey, I noticed that Felicia from Darkstalkers isn't on the mascot list. I thought for sure I'd seen her in that corner before. If you just forgot to list her, I'd be honored to write her bio. If it's just my imagination and she never was a mascot,... well, just ignore me then. Quote
The Coop Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 Hey, I noticed that Felicia from Darkstalkers isn't on the mascot list. I thought for sure I'd seen her in that corner before. If you just forgot to list her, I'd be honored to write her bio. If it's just my imagination and she never was a mascot,... well, just ignore me then. She's not. There are 135 images that appear up there, and all of them are listed on page one of this thread in Shnabubula's post. Quote
hobo Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 (No sources were used (other than the games), this is all from my memory.) Sorry, but we need sources. As outlined in the guidelines, sources ultimately make our job easier. OK, I've corrected it and added some info: Naked Snake/Big Boss Konami & Kojima Productions 1987-2006 Background: Naked Snake (aka Jack) was born in the 1930s, as a Japanese-Caucasian American in Hawaii. In 1942, the entire American side of his family was killed and the Japanese side taken to concentration camps. In 1945, Snake joined an infantry unit to combat Nazis in France, and returned to America after the war ends. A few years later, in 1950, he joined The Boss as her disciple, and she then left him for a top secret mission in 1959. In 1964 (5 years, 72 days, and 18 hours after The Boss left him), Snake took part in FOX's Virtuous Mission (MGS3), to rescue Sokolov, a Soviet scientist being held captive, and escort him to America. However, Sokolov was kidnapped again when The Boss defected to the Soviet Union. A new operation was set up, Operation Snake Eater, and Snake had to return to Soviet Russia, recapture Sokolov and kill The Boss. After surviving the mission, he was given the title Big Boss. In 1970, rogue members of FOX started a revolt (MPO). To prove his innocence, Big Boss had to hunt down and kill the FOX members. To this end, FOXHOUND was formed. FOXHOUND was a unit of elite operatives that were given missions of top priority. In 1972, Big Boss became injured in the Vietnam war and fell into a coma. During this time, he was cloned (the 'Les Enfants Terribles' project), from which Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake were created. Big Boss would go on to create Outer Heaven, the terrorist facility that was infiltrated and destroyed by his clone, Solid Snake, in 1995 (MG), and then Zanzibar Land in 1999 (MG2), where Solid Snake ended Big Boss's life once and for all. In 2005, FOXHOUND, now a terrorist group led by Liquid Snake, took over a military base in Alaska (MGS), demanding that the US Government turn over the remains of the now legendary Big Boss, or they would use the bipedal tank Metal Gear REX to launch a nuclear strike on America. Appearances: Metal Gear (NES/MSX2, 1987) Snake's Revenge (NES, 1990, not canon) Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX2, 1990) Metal Gear Solid (PS, 1998) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2, 2004) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2, 2006) Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP, 2006) Sources Metal Gear Series Metal Gear Timeline Quote
watkinzez Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 I took the time from my Animals of Farthing Wood marathon to write this. Back to it, then. Luigi NINTENDO 1983 It’s not easy, being Luigi. The lesser of the two Mario brothers constantly plays second fiddle to the more famous Nintendo mascot Mario, a fact that has become so true over the years that some of their games actively poke fun at it. The ‘skinny one with the green hat’ is constantly presented as the shyer, more timid of the two. Indeed, the original reason pertaining of his creation was the need of a player two character in Nintendo’s games. Luigi’s first appearance was in the arcade Mario Bros. game, quite literally a colour change from the Mario sprite used. Critically, no difference existed between him and his brother, until Super Mario Bros 2 divided their abilities. Luigi was deemed the less powerful of the two, yet possessing a more advanced jump. Supposedly his greater athletic ability led him to become taller and less fat than the pasta loving Mario. His somewhat paranoid nature has influenced him to stay behind at home while letting the elder of the siblings save the Princess and the Mushroom Kingdom. A handful of games have starred Luigi, despite his reluctance to go adventuring. The rather infamous edutainment Mario is Missing was not developed by Nintendo’s core team, and so was somewhat lost in the familiarity of the Mario universe. It wasn’t until the release of the GameCube that the plumber could use his abilities to the fullest in Luigi’s Mansion. The irony that both of these titles involve rescuing Mario seems not to be lost on the game’s creators. Other escapades by the little green man are told rather than played- the second iteration of Paper Mario involved a humourous side story running parallel to Mario’s own adventure. As a core character in Nintendo’s franchise, Luigi makes regular appearances in Mario’s spin off titles, such as Mario Party and Super Smash Bros. The above picture depicts him in the racing title Mario Kart 64. Quote: “I'm-a Luigi, number one!” Source: Luigi Wikipedia Page Character Bio: Luigi TMK Mariopedia Games Luigi has appeared in: ARCADE Mario Bros. (1983) NES Super Mario Bros (1985) Super Mario Bros 2 (1988) Super Mario Bros 3 (1988) PC Mario is Missing! (1992) SNES Super Mario Kart (1992) Super Mario All Stars (1993) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island (1995) NINTENDO 64 Mario Kart 64 (1996) Mario Party (1999) Mario Golf (1999) Super Smash Bros (1999) Mario Tennis (2000) GAMECUBE Luigi’s Mansion (2001) Super Smash Bros Melee (2001) Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003) Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (2004) Quote
Polo Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 Dhalsim Capcom 1991 Bio Clad in a cloth skirt, the lean, lanky Dhalsim is a seasoned Street Fighter from India. He sharpens his mind through meditation and stays in shape with yoga, giving him an edge of control in battles. A peaceful man, Dhalsim does not kill his opponents. His necklace links skulls of children who've died in a plague, and so every rupee earned in his fights goes to benefit the poor in his village. With an elephant-flanked shrine for a battleground, Dhalsim bests his opponents more through patient defense than all-out offense. Most notable is his tact for throwing punches and kicks from across the screen, thanks to his stretchy limbs. In the air, Dhalsim can execute the Yoga Spear, a stiff-bodied, angled, spinning drive (feet first or head first) into his opponents, leaving them open for his sliding kick or more stretchy hits. If need be, he'll retreat by teleporting. And further tapping into his yoga training, he can breathe fire, far or close, small or large, fleeting or lasting; Yoga Fire and Yoga Flame respectively. Quote: "Now you've realized the inner mysteries of yoga!" Selected Game Appearances ARCADE Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993) Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997) PLAYSTATION, SEGA SATURN Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996) DREAMCAST, PLAYSTATION 2 Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 (2001) References Wikipedia - Dhalsim Fighters Generation - Dhalsim Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Game Manual (SNES) Street Fighter Organization ---------- 'K, I'll now try my hand at The Hulk and Cyclops (108 & 109). Quote
Dafydd Posted June 7, 2006 Author Posted June 7, 2006 I'm sorry about my long absence. I'll get back to you very soon, and update the first post, comment on bios etc. etc. Quote
watkinzez Posted June 9, 2006 Posted June 9, 2006 Yay, Dafydd's back! Princess Peach NINTENDO 1985 Every hero needs a dame. Mickey has Minnie, Shaggy has Scooby and Mario has Peach. Not content with staying put in her castle, the Princess repeatedly managed to get herself tied up in some form of kidnapping, disappearance, what have you- managing to become the videogame icon for damsels in distress. Nintendo aren’t exactly ones for storylines- evil Koopa King Bowser sneaks away with Peach, Mario realises her absence, Mario sets off on a quest to reclaim his prize. The Princess is reportedly not to be in the running for feminist of the year. When Peach isn’t away in one of Bowser’s vaults, she resides in her castle overseeing her land- the Mushroom Kingdom. A cohort of Toads attend to her every whim as she does whatever Princesses do in their spare time, which seems to be anything not relating to the running of her kingdom. Over the years with Mario she has been known to take up many different pastimes- golf, tennis, cake baking, kart racing (of which her above likeness depicts). It’s a good life, royalty. But boredom does eventually set in with this lifestyle- and so Peach goes on adventures of her own. It was her outgoing nature than convinced Mario to take her on his quest in Super Mario RPG- her affinity with healing powers proved useful on the mission. Her curiosity helped Mario emerge victorious in both Paper Mario games- acting as an undercover agent when locked inside of the fortresses of her enemies. Spiffy. Peach can also lay quite a smackdown if required- her Super Smash Bros Melee appearance involved an arsenal of rackets, parasols and frying pans. Toad even sacrificed himself as a shield for his mistress. Now that’s good service. Quote: “Listen everybody, let's bake a delicious cake... for Mario.” Source: Princess Peach Wikipedia Page Peach Paradise Princess Peach Bio TMK Mariopedia Peach Super Smash Bros Melee FAQ Games Princess Peach has appeared in: NES Super Mario Bros. (1985) Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988) Super Mario Bros. 3 (1989) SNES Super Mario World (1990) Super Mario Kart (1992) Super Mario All Stars (1993) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (1996) NINTENDO 64 Super Mario 64 (1996) Mario Kart 64 (1996) Mario Party (1999) Mario Golf (1999) Mario Tennis (2000) Paper Mario (2001) GAMECUBE Super Smash Bros Melee (2001) Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003) Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (2004) NINTENDO DS Super Princess Peach (2006) Quote
Polo Posted June 10, 2006 Posted June 10, 2006 Cyclops Marvel 1963 Bio Surviving a childhood head trauma for which he was hospitalized, and ditching the abusive orphanage he was never adopted from, Scott Summers finds an irreplaceable solace in Professor X's School for Gifted Youngsters. The first student guided in the use of his mutant abilities, Scott becomes fitted with a ruby quartz visor to focus his optical blasts, taking on the name Cyclops. With a trigonometric sense of tactical planning, he can shoot angled, reflecting, surprise attack beams at his enemies, destroy locks, and even break an ally's fall. At full power, his beams can split a mountain. These qualities have earned Cyclops the rank of field leader, as well as respect from even the most hardened mutants in Professor X's band of students, the X-Men. Cyclops, however, is far from satisfied. Aloof and cautious by nature, his love for his telepathic ally, Jean Grey, confuses and frightens him. Testing his feelings for her, as well as the Professor's belief that humans and mutants can coexist peacefully, is a stream of wayward-thinking mutants. Some are led by Magneto, master of magnetism and the X-Men's toughest foe. But regardless of the trials, Cyclops remains on the team because they are the only true family he's come to know - and because he feels he can never lead a normal life as a mutant. Quote: "Open your mouth again and my glasses come off." Selected Game Appearances SUPER NINTENDO Spider Man and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (1992) ARCADE X-Men (1992) X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1996) Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997) Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) GAMECUBE, PLAYSTATION 2, X-BOX X-Men Legends (2004) References Wikipedia - Cyclops (comics) Fighters Generation - Cyclops X-Men Hero: Cyclops Quote
Polo Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 The Hulk Marvel 1962 Bio From murderous gray night walker to emotionally sensitive green goliath, the Hulk has endured more transformations in personality, story arc, and facial features than size, thanks to a progression of writers and artists guiding him on paper. Created by comic book titans Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the popular monster-man appears extensively in Tales to Astonish, and cameos in many Marvel Comics series, adding malleability to his actions. Chief among the Hulk's superhuman strengths are lifting upwards of one hundred tons, leaping miles in a single bound, and resisting onslaughts of firearms, falling from heights, and extreme temperatures. But this doesn't stop would-be killers or capturers, such as the bulbous-headed Leader, from seeking control of his gamma radiation-powered body. The core of the Hulk's form is a human named Bruce Banner, a nuclear physicist. In testing a gamma bomb, he's carelessly caught in the explosion, and his body absorbs excess amounts of radiation. It multiplies Banner's suppressed anger, frustration, and rage, transforming his body into a physical manifestation of those emotions: the Hulk. Abused as a child, and in turn suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, Banner's mutation may end in one of a number of different "Hulks," like Savage Hulk, Gray Hulk, or Merged Hulk, to name a few. No matter who pens his abilities or idiosyncrasies, the Hulk's Bruce Banner seeks a cure to his cursed transformation, for being feared and constantly hunted is a lonely existence. Quote: "HULK SMASH!" Selected Game Appearances GENESIS, SUPER NINTENDO The Incredible Hulk (1994) ARCADE Marvel Super Heroes (1995) Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997) Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1998) PLAYSTATION, SEGA SATURN The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga (1997) GAMECUBE, PLAYSTATION 2, X-BOX The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (2005) References Wikipedia - The Hulk (comics) Fighters Generation - The Hulk Lair of the Grey Hulk The Hulk Library Quote
watkinzez Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 I have to say, Polo, that your bios are excellently written. Glad you're on the project. Crono SQUARE-ENIX 1995 Of all the role playing games that have graced gaming systems over the years, Chrono Trigger probably starred the most famous mute of all. Created through a collaboration between Final Fantasy’s Hironobu Sakaguchi, Dragon Warrior’s Yuji Horii and Dragon Ball’s Akira Toriyama, the RPG release in the twilight years of the Super Nintendo told of a teenage boy who traveled through time to prevent the awakening of Lavos in the year 1999, and apocalypse. The player’s immersive role through the character is one of the most influential in the genre. Crono lives in 1000 A.D. with his mother, in the Kingdom of Guardia. Upon arriving at the anticipated Millennial Fair he meets Marle, the tomboy princess of the land. His world is turned upside down as his childhood friend Lucca accidentally sends Marle into some kind of time warp with her teleportation machine, sparked by the necklace of the princess. Such are the threads that fuel Crono onto a journey concerning many different eras, personalities and adventures. It is Crono’s astounding fearlessness that energizes him on his quest, almost to the point of foolishness. While never directly speaking in the game, Crono displays a behavior capable of influencing people around him, and to accomplish his goals. He plays several of the classic roles seen in RPGs and stories throughout history- one to save his companions and his supposed love interest Marle, but also a figure to defend his values from the forces of evil. His magical attribute- lightning- is an image to his personality. Crono’s weapon of choice is the katana, and general fighting stance being on the offensive. Many of his special attacks involve channeling the power of lightning through his weapon to attack his foes. Through the use of the tech system, he can team together with other characters to deliver attacks containing attributes of both members. The sequel, Chrono Cross presents much confusion as to what happened to Crono in between storylines, and much speculation has been conjured unto an explanation. Quote: “…” Source: Crono Wikipedia Page Chrono Compendium Crono Page Games Crono has appeared in: SNES Chrono Trigger (1995) Quote
Polo Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Thank you, watkinzez. Your words humble me. We wouldn't be this far without your tireless submissions, either. Also, regarding the Crono bio, I think you can include the other pic as well, since the main difference is simply leg posture: Here's a close-up of the latter. Quote
The Coop Posted June 12, 2006 Posted June 12, 2006 You know, I don't believe I ever thanks those who commented on my original bios back on page 27. For that, I apologize, and offer my thanks for everything that was said. And now, Lilith, take 2... Lilith Aenslaed 1997 Capcom -Story- Lilith's tale begins at the same time as Morrigan's. When Morrigan is born in Scotland around 1678, she has an excess of evil power within her. Berial, her father and the rightful ruler of Makai (the Demon World), seals this power away in hopes of preventing his daughter from self destructing from this power's uncontrollable nature. Over the centuries, as Morrigan lives a carefree life, the dark energy that was pulled from her sits in a cold, dark void of a prison. But as time passes, this dark energy takes the form of a young succubus girl named Lilith. A mysterious man named Jedah frees her, an event that leads to the slow degradation of her new physical form. Thus begins Lilith's search for the one she'd once been a part of. Like Morrigan, Lilith uses her powers to hurl dark energies, her body and the bats that make up part of her outfit, at those she fights. However, her various attacks have both “cutesy” executions (something Morrigan's attacks lack), as well as more sexual ones... the latter of which is a somewhat unsettling trait given her young appearance. With these tools at her disposal, Lilith is able to both distract and defeat those she confronts in the quest she must hurry to finish. Will she find the one she seeks before her time runs out? -Quote- "Oh no... why do I feel so... so hot?" -Games- Vampire Savior: Jedah's Damnation / Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (arcade 1997) Vampire Savior 2 (Japan arcade 1997, Playstation as Darkstalkers 3 1998 , Saturn as Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire 1998) -Sources- GameFan Books "Darkstalkers: Jedah's Damnation" guide Darkstalkers 3 game manual (Playstation) Vampire Savior ending Quote
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