djpretzel Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 RoeTaKa / Alex Roe I started on the Doom ReMix Project in September with something really rubbish and left the project soon after. In early January when I was feelin' a little down I saw the project was still around and had songs still available. So I took on E1M3. Man this was back when I was just using free soundfonts but it still sounds quality in my ear. It starts off very mysterious, like a haunting tribal march. Haha I remember playing around with soundfonts alot here, those monsterous growls coming in from side to side are just very distorted and warped choir ooh and aah samples. I thought it'd be great to whack a solid drum beat in here, I wanted this to be angry and disturbed. It's like some sort of dark distorted breakbeat track and it progresses on to just be a very cool track. The tricky thing was the short repetious melody of the original track, it's all here pretty much the whole 5 minutes of the track, nearly with every instrument from time to time so I thought I did a good job of keeping it interesting with just that for long enough. I think this stands still as one of my fave remixes to date, even with higher quality samples now. Anyways, enjoy, and I hope it's well liked in the project!
DarkeSword Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 The opening is pretty good; nice crunchy sounds and good balance between elements. Unfortunately the piece degenerates over time and becomes overly harsh and ridiculously distorted, especially around halfway through. Piano is a nice touch but its short lived. Things get mucked up around 3:14. The arrangement overal is pretty repetitive too. Some more clarity and separation would have helped this track. NO
The wingless Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Sweet-ass intro. It definitely sets a mood. I'm afraid I'll have to go against my Indian Maharaja on this one. I like complexity. Rediculous complexity even moreso. The fuzz helps to relay an emotional stint, and solidify the genre he's going for... whatever that may be. (omg. is it Tekno? U vote. U decide!) But the Sultan of Sound has it right, it's a little too repetative. When you have so much distortion and so much complexity your texture, you HAVE to take a break, perhaps two, to help clean the palette. I'd even go so far as to say, the more intricate you get, the more merciful you have to be with your listener. borderline no - Take some time to add some "breathing spots" to the song. -Clean up the repitition. Yeah, the original is basically 4 notes. Don't let that cage you. Let that free you. Savor the challenge... SAVOR IT. -keep the intro. It's tits.
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 Doom Midi Soundtrack - "13 Toxin Refinery" TRUE TRUE! Intro is nice, and the fuzzy wuzzy + drums for a while is also bags of fun. IT IS as has been stated, the repetition that slaughters this song. Wingless' breaks idea was a good one, and you ALMOST do this at 2:24, BUT the front man playing those E flats stays loud loud loud. If you had either silenced him or made him quieter [i'd go for silence] then you'd have quite the refreshing break going on there and by 3:12 we'd be ready for some more aural ballistics. This would be especially fitting CAUSE it's when the drums step back through the door. Here the back up synth line is very powerful---ly written [with the wah-wah], but being covered-up by the frontman again. TURN HIM DOWN! By 3:50 you're safe. Doubling the pattern down in the lower register at 4:20 was great for that fullness effect! Finally at 4:29 one more part where the front man needs to shut his mouth or speak in a softer voice.... and then WE'RE DONE! So, this is VERY close. If you simply add some breaks [or just take the breaks you have and make them more break-ish by quieting the lead] and clean things up at 3:14 with better mixing/panning [to bring out the back up pattern and keep the lead singer from overly dominating the scene] then you will be SOOOO ready to go. n0 (Borderline)
Liontamer Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 Heh. Kind of hard to tackle a theme like this. Four notes isn't always enough to work with, but some people have made arrangements in the same vein work. You can tell this is kind of old just from the sounds, like Alex mentioned. OHHHHHH, there's some nasty distortion from :48-onward. Everything's way up there in volume and cluttered. 1:06 brings in drumwork and it's nothing but der uber-distortion showcase. No offense, but I can't really imagine anyone feeling this for the whole crunchiness factor. The way everything smooshes together, it made it harder to distinguish the arrangement. Too bad. Liked some of the ideas here. Cool piano at 2:34, for example, and I liked whatever airy sound you brought in earlier at 2:22. Uh oh, here comes the quasi-random phrasing at 2:52 with the piano. It just doesn't sound very melodic. The arrangement really doesn't need to be close to 5:00-long. Arrangement was decent. Somewhere deep down under the volume, I could hear the source used, though there were some overly liberal parts too. Couldn't even properly assess it, frankly. Puts too much of a strain on my poor Yankee ears to try to listen to this and mentally pull apart the various sounds. Can't believe no one told you to pull the volume back before this got added to the project. I know this is an older mix, but c'mon, stop with the needless volume issues. There's nothing borderline about this ear-breakage. You're definitely better than this, Alex, I can say that. NO
GrayLightning Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 Enter GrayLightning after the vote... The ugly distortion in this totally ruins this mix and makes it unbearable to listen to. I suggest if people will use so overt a distortion in their mixes, that they should buy hardware or the best software distortion plugins (most software distortion sounds annoying) and/or just stop using ugly software distortion. It's a shame though, because your intro in this mix is very captivating.
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