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Thank you for the wonderful site, it is the only videogame remix site I visit!

Here is my first submission:


Remixer Name: Topaz

Real Name: Daniel Alvarado

Email: gamersdaily@gmail.com

Website: http://www.GamersDaily.TV

Forum ID: 30961


Game Remixed: Final Fantasy

Song Remixed: Chocobo Theme


I was listening to the lovely "Dash De Chocobo" from the Final Fantasy

11: Vision of Jirat album, when it dawned on me how much I love this simple melody, and that after 11 incarnations it still manages to bring a smile to my face.

So I went back to the original Final Fantasy 1 chocobo theme to see where it all started, then shut everything down and created this from scratch using Reason 3.0. The melody is a bassoon, then I came up my own complementary bass, drum, and horn sections. The final instrument is the tone and cadence of my rapping voice, which was inspired by Del the Funkee Homosapien, rapper of the famed group "Gorillaz" and also an independently published artist in his own right. The lyrics were also written entirely by me and are included below. They are meant to be as light and breezy as the melody, a whimsical slice of a day in the life of Cloud.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope I can contribute more vocal rap remixes in the future, a genre that unfortunately is a rare find in the OC Remix vaults.




Just another morning in the city of Midgar, unfold my white cape and hit Tifa on the cellular

And I'm tired of the smoke from these industrial machines, I'd rather feel the smoke from a pocket full of Pahsana Greens

Time to leave the continent, my feet are too slow, so we go 20 miles an hour on the back of a Chocobo

I wish she'd lived longer cause that Aeris was a hottie, now I'm looking for revenge, swinging swords bigger than my body

Switch to the Airship, fly high above the clouds, time to take on Sephiroth, that'd make my momma proud

I'll fight you on my rocket bike, quicker than a comet, I'll kill you with my friend in the sky who's named Bahamut

Thats the end of the story you created yourselves, TopaZ signing off I'll be back for part twelve


Yo Cid... this a good gin and tonic... mix me up a'notha.

It's sooooo short though. I know the other judges will be furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to understand "rap" and "flava" and "negroes". But I like it. I'm oft to wonder if there's space left in OCR for short songs. Granted, this minces across the line of gimmicky. But if I'm wrong, Democracy will prove it as such.

Productions good. The rap's pretty funny and tight. I likes it.


Besides, the world needs more black people. Or, more to the point, more black-SOUNDING people.



The rap is fine; no hate there. The problem is that there is pretty much no interpretation at all of the chocobo theme. It plays ad infinitum throughout the piece and is only supported by descending horns on the downbeat of every measure. Needs more interpretation, and at least a little more complexity.


http://www.zophar.net/nsf/ff2.zip - Track 3

HAHAHAHAHAH! Feeling this one for a *ROFL* decision. It's less ROFL for the actual comedy, and more for the fact that it's a serious submission. Just basic beats and the melody isn't doing anything new, but I LOALed at this little 69 second mix.

Rhymes and rapping weren't bad. Hang in the ReMixing forum and learn how to put together some full, more complex music, and keep improving your whitey whitebread rapping skills, so you'll create something more substantial than this. And seriously use the Works forum just so someone else could have told you that this would have had no shot. Out.




first off, you sound far too similar to del and i have a slight issue with originality here. that said, its still very good and you have a good rap voice but you should consider using/developing your own style. i don't need to tell you this but rap is one form that requires individuality... its the genre where you really don't want to sound like someone else.

the rap verse is far too short. this whole track is, in fact, too short. a minute? that shouldn't even be a full verse. the lyrics are great but its too short and isn't effective as it is.

the beat is too minimalistic, there is almost no interpretation of the source at all. like mentioned earlier, you put the downbeat horns and drums and that's just about it.

sorry, man

nice idea but not enough meat.



Haha!, this is hot in a goofy kind of overgrown chicken kinda way. I love it. The rap is pretty tight (both lyrics and performance) but is mixed too loudly. Yeah, but the major issue with this is its lack of remix prowess. The beat is Casio simplistic, the theme isn’t arranged at all and it’s way too short (1:09, c’mon don’t tease us).

Keep working at it though Daniel as I (and probably the ‘omgblackculturebias’ wingless) would love to hear more of your stuff once it’s better developed.


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