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Hello everyone,This is my first real thread due to not having anything to declare really.

That is till now.

I noticed on my facebook that Dominic Cerquetti, who many of you may know from MAGfest posted this on his facebook page

"Esteemed friend and member of the Magfest crew, DAC, is currently battling cancer and searching for a bone marrow transplant. YOU CAN HELP! For the next week, our album on http://rarecandyband.bandcamp.com/ is now $5 and all proceeds raised til April 8th will go towards helping DAC find a bone marrow match. NBD. Visit http://oneupfordac.com/ for more info on helping this fine dapper gentlemen battle cancer and WIN."

and the description on DAC's webpage is this:

"Be My Perfect Match!

Hey there, I'm Dac (well, that's my nickname, which comes from David A Croach). Back in January, I started feeling pretty run down and tired all the time, so I went to my local doctor to get checked.

The night of my appointment, my doctor called me back with the news that I had leukemia, and instructions to get myself to a hospital immediately. After mentally refusing that as a possibility (I mean, I was just tired!), I made it to UPMC in Pittsburgh where they confirmed the bad news.

A couple months and three inductions of chemotherapy later, my doctors say my best chance is for a perfect-match bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, neither my family nor the national registry has a perfect match donor for me, so I'm calling out for help. Be my perfect match, and help others in the process!"

Now I'm sure many of you may have perhaps met him during MAGfest

and i thought that you guys would be willing to help save his life, If not by getting your marrow tested but at least buying the album.

Thanks for reading this.


Thanks for the responses guys, I really hope this guy gets a donor and hopefully i can go to MAGfest and meet the dude in person.

(technically bumping this thread up, don't mind me)

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