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*NO* Jurassic Park (Gen) 'T-Rex KHRUSH Dr. Grant'


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Creative use of the instrument, if nothing else... reminds me vaguely of the X (anime film) OST... -djp

Game: Jurrasic Park

Remixer: Koelsch1

Title: T-Rex KHRUSH Dr. Grant


Remix of game over theam, Dr. Grant theam, Powerstation theam, and Map theam.

Here is the source material.





Starts out with game over theam. The raptors are eating your flesh! Then goes into the rest of the stuff in an orchestral type thing. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! All the dinosaur sound effects are made with the saxophone. During the orchestra part, I tried to get the sax to sound more like an oboe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

stfu n00b. That dood from The Fly will pwn their raptor-asses

I like the Concerto for Saxaphone and Velocoraptor in G minor introduction. I mean really like it. We rarely have, dare I say, interpretive pieces here; certainly not in such a capacity as this.

Then we pick up da pieces with a melody. Which, after the rather sharp and shrill strings, seems oddly reminiscent of a Film Noire private detective soundtrack for a dinosaurs. (Botchco would tear dat shit up!)

Aside from some questionably deep reverb, it's a remarkably unique piece. The fact that it's tastefully phrased, arranged, and orchestrated doesn't hurt either.


Far be it for me to deny OCR a dose of imagination from time to time.

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Thanks a lot to K1 for providing the Genesis MIDIs. Personally, I could only identify the Dr. Grant and Map themes in here, but even just considering those two I felt there was enough arrangement to pass. I would appreciate some clarification mainly on where the Powerstation theme factors in. (2:10-2:36?) Didn't hear the Game Over theme anywhere either.

In any case, the first sax squeak from :02-:04 initially made me think this was gonna be awful. The fact that it goes for a whole 1:10 before getting into the meat of the arrangement almost had me preemptively NO it, but I try not vote that way and kept on listening only to find some seriously sweet arrangement going on afterwards. I'd appreciate if other Js didn't impulsively vote.

When the sax wasn't squeaking, I wasn't getting the Raptor vibe, but I'll readily admit the intro grew on me as I listened to it more. I'm not hailing it as the second coming on any level, as I don't mean to give this more credit than it deserves. It's not "bad", but frankly it's not that great. But it's a ballsy intro, and I really appreciate it on that level. While all of the sax notes didn't work with the intented Raptor imagery, I liked the concept there. Is the intro here inspired by or mimicking some sort of sequence in the game after you die?

Anyway, once we got beyond 1:10, the arrangement really kicked in and it was pretty sweet, IMO. Much more coherent phrasing and structure, not to mention style. The atmosphere really did work much like an anime/film noir hybrid deal, so I was feeling that a lot. The orchestral sampling was done pretty effectively, IMO, and I really liked what I heard there. Butt [sic]...the recording/rendering sounds like crud. For a 160kbps track, it sure sounded like the bitrate was a lot lower. Tons of hiss everywhere, and no high-end frequencies to speak of. If you can fix it up, bro, you get a YES. If not, I gotta say that it's a NO-go. You really need to make sure not to drop this one; it's a great concept.

NO (fix shoddy production, resubmit)

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I'd appreciate if other Js didn't impulsively vote.

None of us ever judges impulsively, so why don't you shut the hell up and get off the panel, jerk. :whatevaa: :whatevaa::whatevaa::whatevaa::whatevaa::whatevaa::whatevaa::whatevaa:

Sax stuff in the beginning is pretty weird, but I can see what's going on there.

Problem with this piece is the total crap production in the orchestral section. Why so much reverb on everything? It's muddy and it amplifies the hiss in your recording. What gives?

Arrangement is nice, and sax gets the job done, but the recording and production need serious overhauls.


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Very creative stuff with the sax in the beginning. It carries on for too long though.

When we get into the meat of the orchestral section, the mix takes a step up. I think the reverb adds to the atmosphere of the piece, although it could afford to be dropped back a bit. Normally one wouldn't get away with levels like this, but this is reminding me of sitting in an auditorium listening to some creative orchestral and sax playing. In other words, I'm digging the atmosphere. The playing of the sax is top notch too. Good to see you've improved the recording quality.

The arrangement is pretty simple, the various themes of the midi's played on the sax with the orchestral work backing it up and the harp playing the map music theme. Nothing really needs to change here.

It's almost a yes how it is. I'd recommend fixing up the reverb problem, dropping back that intro from being so long, and you have a very creative site-worthy remix here.

NO (Resubmit)

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first thing i hear is microphone hum. second thing i hear hurts me much more acutely. later i realize this is intentionally done to make a statement about how the listener is a reprehensible parasite at the mercy of the artist. or something.

once the actual song starts, the mic hum is even more pronounced. however, the music itself is pretty cool, definately the best from koelsch so far. the arrangement is cool, impressionistic. unfortunately the recording is really bad. i can hear the hum better than the sax.

fix. and get rid of the crap at the beginning.


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