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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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I'm glad they changed Cactus Canyon, the map was fairly schizophrenic in that it was either a complete faceroll for BLU or a complete stonewall for RED, at varying points of the map depending on when they get their act together. There was also a massive chokepoint on the first point of stage 2, with everyone being funneled through a single arch.

Asteroid may as well be a new map entirely, but I wish they'd left the cave systems in.

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2335102.



- Fixed a case where move speeds could be exploited using player view angles

- Fixed an exploit related to Bonk! Atomic Punch and Crit-a-Cola

- Fixed cosmetic items not using the correct team skins when attached to ragdolls

- Fixed a bug related to cancelling the Eureka Effect taunt and teleporting immediately

- Fixed baseballs causing teleporter exits to detonate

- Updated The Five-Month Shadow to fix a paint-related problem

- Updated The Merc's Mohawk so it can be equipped by all classes

- Updated the equip_region for the Exquisite Rack

- Updated beta map pl_cactuscanyon

- Redesigned the alternate window route over the choke point by stage 2 capture point 1

- Window overlooking second stage final capture point is now a doorway

- Removed stairs leading to back barn in stage 2 near final capture point

- Back alley behind water tank in stage 2 is now a 1-way drop down

- Added small health pack in the small room off the back stairwell flank near stage 1 capture point 2

- Fixed players building in spawn rooms

- Updated beta map rd_asteroid

- Mode changes

- Players must steal at least 25 points before they can leave the vault with the reactor core

- Updated power core pick up sound

- Updated robot death effects and sounds

- Updated HUD layout

- Map changes

- Layout has been adjusted with the overall goal of increasing players ability to participate in creating points for their team

- Added terrain path and cave entrance under mid bridge. Exit is located near the large row of windows. Cave contains a medium health pack

- Widened play space near cave exit leading into large row of windows

- Added small ammo pack to underwater flank that leads to enemy reactor vault

- Added small health kit to staging area before the interior battlements

- Reduced ammo pack near vault from full to medium

- Added alcove near front door staging area

- Robots have been rearranged

- A robots now circle the staircase near the front door

- B robots now roam the interior bridge above the water

- Enabled flashing lights when a team's power reactor has been stolen

- Fixed broken stair collision when exiting the water near the bridge. In some cases it would push players back into the water.

- Added player blocker to ledge above exterior battlements

- Widened glass tunnel flank doorway near C robots

- Increased attackers spawn time by 1 second

Server update pending.


Most of my time in TF2 lately has been on the beta maps. I want to like Cactus Canyon but the difficulty curve is inconsistent across the map. And it's hard to form a concrete opinion when there's always a few people doing the conga in spawn instead of playing. </rant>


I wish I'd been able to stick around last night, but my playing experience had literally devolved into random CTDs every 5 minutes or so. I did a full wipe and reinstall of the game, so hopefully that'll improve things.

  • 2 weeks later...
We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2359471.



- Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date

- Added Crate #84 and Crate #85 to the drop list

- Added a new promo item

- Fixed a Mann vs. Machine dedicated server crash

- Fixed materials not refreshing correctly in the Steam Workshop item import tool

- Fixed a bug where cloaked Spies would be visible to some players

- Fixed an exploit where Engineers could build level 3 mini-sentries

- Updated the localization files

- Updated the backpack page buttons to indicate how many items the pages contain

- Updated Hammer to add a new Normal Mode for the Sculpt tool

- "Screen XY" automatically chooses the axis most aligned with current view's XY axis for push/pull displacement editing

Server hoopdating.

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2369699.



- Fixed rockets colliding with other projectiles and getting stuck in the world
- Fixed a bug with the Soldier's Fresh Brewed Victory taunt and the Power Up Canteen
- Fixed the Demoman not being able to equip The Grandmaster
- Fixed a bug where Professional Killstreak items were being displayed as Specialized
- Market Listings for Specialized Killstreak kits for the following items have been removed and will need to be relisted
- Stickybomb Launcher, Minigun, Direct Hit, Huntsman, Backburner, Back Scatter, Kritzkrieg, Ambassador, Frontier Justice
- Fixed character audio being cut short when characters clap during the Conga taunt
- Unusual taunts that are tradable can now be listed on the Steam Community Market
- The Classic can now accept Enemies Gibbed strange parts
- The Manmelter can now accept Allies Extinguished strange parts
- Added mp_spectators_restricted server convar
- Prevents players on Red/Blue from joining team Spectator if it would exceed mp_teams_unbalance_limit
- Updated the HTML display in the MOTD to use shared Steam browser control
- Updated the materials for The Dalokohs Bar
- Updated the equip_region for the Soldier's Stash, Exquisite Rack, The Pencil Pusher, and Antlers
- Updated the localization files
- Updated pl_cactuscanyon
-Stage 1
- Reworked the geometry of the back stairwell route leading to the final cap
-Stage 3
- New design of back yard underpass area
- Added new building and route near the underpass
- New geometry for Red battlements and spawn exit by the first cap
- Added new exit from Red spawn leading to the raised middle rock outcrop by the barn
- Reworked Red spawn exit by capture point 2
- Removed rocks and added a new structure by the final cart push
- Cart now takes longer to pass through the building at the end of
- Adjusted spawn times
- Adjusted Health and ammo packs

Server updated.

I've heard something about the updating changing player-specific IDs that some server mods use to keep track of bans, donations, etc. The details are beyond my comprehension. Does that affect us?

Yes. We need to install SourceMod 1.6.2-hg4885 to fix admin privileges.

  • 2 weeks later...

So what, exactly, is the cause behind the background map being an option in map nominations? (Also, it showed up as arena_ravine when looking at the server info through Steam.) I assume it's fixable, if only we could figure out what was wrong. There seemed to be debate on the issue in the server the other day.

So what, exactly, is the cause behind the background map being an option in map nominations? (Also, it showed up as arena_ravine when looking at the server info through Steam.) I assume it's fixable, if only we could figure out what was wrong. There seemed to be debate on the issue in the server the other day.

Gamemaster and I are very puzzled. If anyone else wants to take a stab at googling, this is the error the server throws in the logs:

CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map

It was saying that maps/tc_hydro.bsp does not exist...which is a load of crap.

Posted (edited)
Gamemaster and I are very puzzled. If anyone else wants to take a stab at googling, this is the error the server throws in the logs:

If SourceMod can't find a maplist file specified in configs/maplists.cfg, it will instead show a list of all the maps present on the server... including the background map.

It was saying that maps/tc_hydro.bsp does not exist...which is a load of crap.

Perhaps one of the maplists has tc_hydro.bsp instead of tc_hydro?

Edited by Powerlord
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Slap (as well as drug, beacon, burn, firebomb, freeze, timebomb, and rename) are currently restricted to the four root admins (Bahamut, Bark, Gamemaster, Sombrero). I'm pretty sure it's been this way for quite a while, actually. It's not difficult to change, but that's up to Baha. I think the idea was to keep the game more under control with less kooky craziness and admin absurdity. I think the only person do actually get one of the fun commands in the past couple months (at least from me) has been Maniac? I prefer it that way, personally.

Correction: Slap is under permission for sm_slay, and all the fun commands are under cheats, I believe.

"reservation" "a" //Reserved slots
"generic" "b" //Generic admin, required for admins
"kick" "c" //Kick other players
"ban" "d" //Banning other players
"unban" "e" //Removing bans
"slay" "f" //Slaying other players
"changemap" "g" //Changing the map
"cvars" "h" //Changing cvars
"config" "i" //Changing configs
"chat" "j" //Special chat privileges
"vote" "k" //Voting
"password" "l" //Password the server
"rcon" "m" //Remote console
"cheats" "n" //Change sv_cheats and related commands

* Custom flags can be used by plugins, but they can also be used to
* for you to expand on the previous groups, using Overrides.

"custom1" "o"
"custom2" "p"
"custom3" "q"
"custom4" "r"
"custom5" "s"
"custom6" "t"

* Root is a magic access flag that grants all permissions.
* This should only be given to trusted administrators.
* Root users can target anyone regardless of immunity,
* however, they themselves are not automatically immune.
"root" "z"

Admins (B, B, G, S) have z (root access).

Moderators (Brushfire, DarkeSword, Frostbite, IJ, Kamikaze, Lyrai, ParanoidDrone, and phill) have abcdeghjkop. (note that f, i, l, m, n are missing)

so now that nobody is confused I guess my job here is done I don't see how this isn't perfectly clear right guys

Edited by Super-Duper Sombrero

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