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I wonder which one was my 666th. Would be pretty cool to keep it there, by removing your oldest post every time you make a new one. :-D

I neglected to mention that Epo is AWOL as well

oh, that's cool.

Actually, that's not cool. I liked that site.



Anyway, he certainly does look busy... *peeks at above post*



mmmmkaugh. I've finially finished that stupid Super Street Fighter 2 Remix, so, now I've gotta begin work on my Zelda mix (because I'm lazy like that). Anyway, I've got limited intarweb access, because my mom's also lazy. (runs in the family.) ...Anywhoo, get to work, find prizm, and do stuff, foolios.

I want to hear a wip from SPC1st, I want to hear if Dafydd has been able to succeed in his remastering/re-ending. I want to know wtf's up with Chris McGee, I want to know where Monobrow is. I want Shinny Metal to fix that stuff I've been telling him to fix for probably 6 months, and I want the prophet to continue kicking ass. I want Epo to return, and work on that website. I want Eon Blue to work on designing our website. I want to know where the heck Hadyn is, and where the heck Ichitootah went. I want all of these things, but I fear I will have to wait longer than I want to for them.

That said, everyone, if you see any of those people around in webland, rough 'em up LA style, and make sure they're still working. I'll be doing the same.




Ok, I'm getting the website back up. Here's what I want you all to do. Everyone (that is, all mixers) of you, you have 2 options:

1. You send me an e-mail (epo[at]chello.be) with your latest wip version attached, and you tell me how much percent you're done. After that, I'll upload it to the site so everyone can see it, hear it, and comment on it.

2. You reply in this thread, leaving behind a link to your latest version, stating how much percent done you consider it. After that, I'll upload it to the site so everyone can see it, hear it, and comment on it.

Fairly simple, right? So, in short, I want to see mails/replies from these people:

Sixto, chthonic, Fusion2004, GeoffreyTaucer, Iggy Koopa, KungFuChicken, Hadyn, Monobrow, Shinny Metal, The Joker, Chris McGee, The Prophet of Mephisto, Rexy, Dafydd, Rexy, GrayLightning, Spc1st, Aetherius, Ichitootah, SirRus.

I don't know the latest drama, so if someone dropped out or got in, please let me know so I can adjust this list.

The first one to reply gets a Hyrule present.


Well, you wanted to know where I was... I'm here.

Like I said from the start, I couldn't guarentee my involvement in this project. Right now I'm very, very busy with my life. I have final assignments to get finished and freelance graphics work to get done before I get into a new web design job at a firm in a week or two. I'm doing all this whilst trying to set up plans for my own games design team starting later this year. Needless to say, I haven't had much time to work on my art or music, and sadly I've made no progress on my track for this project.

I might finish it one day, but then I might not - it's upto you if you want to risk waiting for me or not... I'm in no position to make guarentees right now, so yeah. Sorry.


I'll try to get another WIP by the end of this week, though honestly the lack of momentum is really killing my enthusiam and productivity for this project.

I'll try to get another WIP by the end of this week, though honestly the lack of momentum is really killing my enthusiam and productivity for this project.

i agree with the last half of this post. i've already got one final piece uploaded, do i need to upload it again? for the Richard's Villa song, i finally heard back from PriZm - he's finally finshed his half of the arrangement, and he's going to email me soon (hopefully) with guitar parts.


@ Hadyn: Ok man, no problem, good luck!

@ Joker: Can you pass me that WIP so I can add it to the space?

@ Sp1st: I can't say you're wrong about the lack of momentum, but we're trying to fix that right now. Let's just say everyone was VERY busy the last couple of months. I'm looking forward to your wip, could you send it to me as soon as you have it? Thanks!

@ Prophet: Your final work doesn't need to be sent again Prophet, I still have it, and I'll upload it again. I'm looking forward to your second song, keep in touch!

I'll try to get another WIP by the end of this week, though honestly the lack of momentum is really killing my enthusiam and productivity for this project.

You need us to be excited for you to get your work done?

Who's responsible for a lack of momentum?

Each of us has to be excited for ourselves. It's not up to me to go 'yay! this is exciting@!' and throw a big party for you. you are the mixers. You ARE the momentum. I can't instill excitement in you.

So, how do I create momentum for you?

Well, I COULD set a FINAL DEADLINE. But you know what? You'd all fail to meet it, apart from those of you who would do a shitty rushed job, or those of you who have already completed your mix, and are just sitting around complaining about how nothing's happening. Don't complain to me. Complain to the people who committed themselves to this project, and then failed to follow through.

SO, here is my way of creating momentum:

I tell you that you all suck, and hope that you complete your mixes, and do a good job just to spite me.

So motivate yourselves. I'm here to organize, not hold your hands.

Edit: You know, I'm expecting wips from some of you, that I've never heard. You know what that means? You may have been wasting your efforts, because I may think it's not going to fit in with the project's feel, etc. So, maybe...we should be a bit more active in sending wips around, hmm? I don't want to have had you guys working on a track for three months and then thinking 'ugh, what is this?'


I'm not referring to the "excitement" at all. Actually, more strict deadlines would've personally helped me. Lack of deadlines just make me put of this project for other more pressing ones, or those more fun to do. I've got my piece more or less done, but since you said you preferred real guitars, I've been waiting for PriZm to get the last bits of those parts to me before I start mixing. But it doesn't seem like he'll be coming along anytime soon, so I guess I'll just use different instruments where applicable. Compositionally, the final version is pretty much the same as my last WIP, with some extraneous parts cut out, along with an added recap of the beginning section and short ending.


So motivate yourselves. I'm here to organize, not hold your hands.

Agreed, the onus is on us mixers to get the job done.

For my part, I've been incredibly busy in the last few months.

Now all hell has broken loose where my music pc has crapped out on me. It's going to take me 1-3 weeks best case scenario to get it working again, and I have several work projects due once I get it working again.

Due to all this crud going on, unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out of the project with my rexy collab. Hopefully Rexy can somehow finish it up on her own.

Sorry Aetherius :(, I really wanted to be a part of this and finish my end of the collaboration, but right now my priority has to focus on real life work stuff once I get my music computer back working.

I'm very excited to hear the completion of the project though. Best of luck Aetherius and to all the mixers involved.


So motivate yourselves. I'm here to organize, not hold your hands.

Agreed, the onus is on us mixers to get the job done.

For my part, I've been incredibly busy in the last few months.

Now all hell has broken loose where my music pc has crapped out on me. It's going to take me 1-3 weeks best case scenario to get it working again, and I have several work projects due once I get it working again.

Due to all this crud going on, unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out of the project with my rexy collab. Hopefully Rexy can somehow finish it up on her own.

Sorry Aetherius :(, I really wanted to be a part of this and finish my end of the collaboration, but right now my priority has to focus on real life work stuff once I get my music computer back working.

I'm very excited to hear the completion of the project though. Best of luck Aetherius and to all the mixers involved.

ahh, crap. i was looking forward to hearing Gray's submission.

that said, what song were they working on? i might get a bolt of inspiration if it's good.


Hey, don't you think it's a little... I dunno... strange to say "It's up to us remixers to get this done" and then drop out in the very same post? :?

I mean, hey, you might have more important things to do... but still...

And this is kind of what makes me feel like we're in lack of momentum, that kills my enthusiasm and productivity, just like it does for Spc1st. Not only does the project progress slowly, but people keep quitting every so often, which totally sucks. I can't say I'm doing all I can to help the project, and I'm not blaming Aetherius for not spending all of his time finding new recruits, but when people quit, that just really makes me feel very unenthusiastic towards this project.

I will finish my remix, and I will do it soon enough, but on the other hand, it's difficult to get around to finishing it when you feel like you're not really making a difference no matter how hard you try. It's like my efforts are just a piss in mississippi, and that regardless of whether I finish my song, the project will never finish anyway. Being the one person everyone else is waiting for is a powerful inspiration to do your best, and the current situation has the opposite effect - I feel more motivated to sit here and complain than to actually finish my remix. And I think I'm doing better than many of the other remixers, to be honest - I've produced 5 WiP's so far over the course of 5 months. All I have left to do to finish my remix is some mastering and equalizing, and the reason I can't seem to get around to it is the fact that very few of the others seem to be doing anything, either. It's a sorry excuse, but hey, that's how it is.

Obviously, this could be part of the reason why so many people have quit on us - they don't feel important to the project, or they feel like they have more important things to do. It's a downward spiral and I don't know how to fix it. Aeth, it might not be your job to motivate us, but you started this thing, and even though it might seem like you should be able to just sit back and expect everyone else to do their part, like they should (including myself), since that's not working, maybe you should try something else if you really want this to finish. PM the ones who seem to have abandoned it and ask them whether they've quit or not, PM people you would like to join the project in their stead, and so forth. It sucks to see mixes that are maybe 10% done on eop's site - 4 months after the "deadline". Kick those people out and get some fresh meat for us.

And why are we still in the WiP forum?

Hey, don't you think it's a little... I dunno... strange to say "It's up to us remixers to get this done" and then drop out in the very same post? :?

I mean, hey, you might have more important things to do... but still...

No I don't, because I've been involved in these types of projects before not only as a mixer but as a moderator that helps decide which project will become an OCR project or not. So I was speaking generally from that point of view. It's obvious that the person in charge of the project must marshall the troops into getting things done and keep the momentum going, but the project coordinator can only do so much. In some cases the only thing one can do is to remove a mixer and replace them. It was a collective statement rather than a singular one.

Second I brought up two points one not really relating to the other. ;)

In my case, if someone wants to spend 1-3 weeks fixing/reinstalling/reorganizing/setting up settings of my incredibly complex music set up to get all the software working in tandem again, then do work and pay my bills please let me know. :lol: Second I have had an irregular work schedule in the last half a year, so that has seriously impacted whatever free time I have.

You brought up good points about motivation though, but that's not really for me to comment on, certainly at this point. You should consider talking to Aetherius about it. The only thing I can think of to move this along is to have deadlines more frequently, but there are ups and downsides to that.


Wow, all I've been hearing is a bunch of "I can't work on my mix because blah blah!"

Seriously, it seems you(s?) had no idea how projects work most of the time. I'm in a few other projects, & while they may have started out full speed ahead, they get into a lull at some point. It's the nature of the thing. Heck, I'm pretty much finished with my track, I'm only waiting to wav it up because all the "un-motivated" people are taking their sweet time, which gives me some time to get my new comp. There are at least 2 people with finished tracks, maybe 3. So there, there's some motivation. Also, instead of waiting for others to get started & motivate you, why not start motivating other people, by finishing your own tracks.

Alright, I'm finished ranting. The end.

Heck, I'm pretty much finished with my track, I'm only waiting to wav it up because all the "un-motivated" people are taking their sweet time...

Hey, that's what I just said in my last post. Sarcasm?

Yeah, projects do get into a lull. I'm running one myself, I would know... First, everything went smoothly and 30 different people bumped in and said "I'd help!" "PLEASE, LET ME DO IT!" and so forth. Once we got around to working, however, they ALL took off and dumped me. I was heart-broken and miserable.

Fortunately, and with a little advertising, I soon got the company of 2 hard working and loyal underlings who are, together, responsible for nearly all of the progress so far, and with them, other people who have left only small contributions, but they all help and they all make me smile. Right now, things are moving pretty slowly, but it's not like it's at a standstill. Whenever someone leaves my project, it's a loss, truly, but whenever someone leaves THIS project, it actually feels like we're moving backwards. We have to start over with a song that already had some progress (a decent WiP). I guess the two projects are not really comparable (remixes can take months, mascot bios take a few hours to write, can easily be edited etc. and, also - how much fun is a remix project that features only 3 or 4 remixers?? :P ), but that's how I feel about it. I can only say I'm sorry for Aetherius whose underlings are so... preoccupied. Including myself. I joined this project because I wanted to help out and because no one else seemed interested in remixing turtle rock, and because I liked that track.

You're right, I'm being stupid... Aeth, I'm sorry. I'll finish my WiP as soon as possible, and I'll try to do my best with the EQ. I'm on the wrong compo right now though.

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