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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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Prophet (or someone) could you please PM me a link to tensai's wips? I've got nothin' here. his yousendits expired before I'd even heard about their existence.

Anybody else who has more wips, no matter how unimportant, post 'em up. Sorry Joker, I just haven't had time to listen to your newer version. I'll get at it (I'm really busy this week....like, extreme busy.)

Prophet (or someone) could you please PM me a link to tensai's wips? I've got nothin' here. his yousendits expired before I'd even heard about their existence.

i'll have a wip (with crappy synth guitars) soon. its going to feature me on sax, and tensai on guitars, and the arrangement is his, and the production is mine.

its pretty fast, but the beginning starts out pretty slow and it picks up later.

i'm still waiting for prizm.


which one? prizm's got one - i've emailed him four times and haven't heard from him. i think Ubisoft ate him. as for the other one with tensai, i'm still working on it. trying to clean it up. he needs to record guitar, i need to record sax.

if you want the wip of it with fake everything, fine. i'll yousendit to you.


half of them don't need motivation. Half of them don't seem to exist, as far as our sensory perceptors are concerned, and I don't imagine that the ones who don't need motivation are going to feel motivated any time soon, what with their doom and gloom attitudes.

Also, Aeth, get to work on your track.


Anyhoo Here's the list of not-done people:

Track 1 > Legend of Zelda/Overworld Theme (5/96) ------------------ Sixto

Track 5 > Mysterious Woods (9/96) ----------------- KungFuChicken

Track 7 > Tail Cave (82/96) ----------------- Monobrow

Richard's Villa (64/96) ------------ The Prophet of Mephisto & Prizm

Track 16 > The Ballad of the Windfish (74/96) ------------ Aetherius

Here's the list of empty tracks:

Track 3 > Mabe Village (4/96) (had a few offers, nobody stuck with it)

Track 6 > Tal Tal Heights (6/96) (tensai wanted to do it, haven't heard back)

Track 10 > CatFish's Maw (75/92) (Chris MCGee must be dead, or something)

Track 14 > Inside the Egg (18/96) (Rexy and Graylightning gave up.)

Track 17 > Ballad/End Theme (<63>61/96) ------------ Possible collab of all remixers?

Here's the other tracks that are on the list, but not encouraged:

Bottle Grotto* (21/96)

Animal Village (11/96)

The Trendy/Fishing Games (2/96)<53/96>

Choose a Name (17/96)*

there's five names i recognize. i've emailed prizm again - so that's four that we need to keep working on to finish their tracks. tal tal is covered - me and tensai are doing it. so that leaves four tracks with no mixers (unless dhsu wants in, then its three). that's three non mixer tracks and four mixer tracks that need to be done. if aeth gets off his lazy ass and does his work, then that kills off the wind fish theme and the collab, probably, so then we're down to five left to do.

aeth, could you please pm/email the other three mixers that aren't really coming in once and a while? might as well throw dhsu in there too. then, we just need to deal with the last three songs that don't have mixers on it. maybe try chris mcgee again, for good measure.

it'd be nice to have all of the progress listed from page 46-now updated on the site. regardless of what epo said, there's apparently been significant progress done on this project, and no one knew till now. he can contact us individually and get wips that are needed. for christ's sake, the last update was in the beginning of may. we've had progress since then, so we need it updated.

that said, since we're really nearing the finish line on this project, we need to start thinking about getting a website started up. i'm assuming we're going to bastardize the current site for that, so maybe epo could draw up a basic idea to get us started, and we'll go from there.

this project isn't dead, by any means. we've got a significant number of completed tracks, and we've got (assuming aeth does his damn stuff, already, you fucking lazy bastard) seven tracks left (six, once i get my track back from prizm). we're ALMOST THERE. REALLY. so lets just get going on contacting people, and we really could have this whole project finished in a month or two.

that'd show all the people who've been using laproject as a joke for something that's never going to finish.

besides, i'm getting DAMN tired of sitting on my wip, and i want to submit it to OCR already. it's been done for almost a year, and i don't really want to have it sitting on my desktop anymore.

it's been done for almost a year, and i don't really want to have it sitting on my desktop anymore.

Put it in a folder.

I'M in no hurry to get this project done. We are by no means close to any finish line, it's not a race, and all the best bands only put out an album every 5 years anyway. :D


I suppose in the meantime we can discuss the state of music....

The only musicians I can think of offhand who could produce music worth listening to in the space of one year are:

The Beatles, the Moody Blues, and Frank Zappa.

Furthermore, my dislike of jazz provides me with a bias, but it occurs to me that it would be very easy to "write" and record jazz albums in one session if you're using the same goddamn chord progressions over and over again, and then jamming for 3 hours. If you're not doing that, you're just playing someone else's song.

jamming does not equal writing music.

jamming does not equal writing music.

but it's so much fun...

dispite that, this isn't a jazz-based album, hence it is going to take longer (which it has). if i wasn't busy, i'd send aeth my latest to see if it's what he's looking for in a track, but i've enough stuff to do. however, if this is still going on after i'm finished (which it probably will be, judging the rate it is currently going anyhow [Hedgehog Heaven anyone? ;)]), i'll see what's up.

Bring Up My Post


I remember you aeth telling me whatyou did not like about my song but I couldn't get any specifics from you...you think you could note me or something on what you don't like...i'll see what I can do.

I suppose in the meantime we can discuss the state of music....

The only musicians I can think of offhand who could produce music worth listening to in the space of one year are:

The Beatles, the Moody Blues, and Frank Zappa.

Furthermore, my dislike of jazz provides me with a bias, but it occurs to me that it would be very easy to "write" and record jazz albums in one session if you're using the same goddamn chord progressions over and over again, and then jamming for 3 hours. If you're not doing that, you're just playing someone else's song.

jamming does not equal writing music.

Your right. Miles Davis and John Coltrane where talentless hacks.

I just find it amusing that you think it takes 5 years to write an album. John Coltrane used to release 2 or 3 albums a year.

BTW, the Beatles where like the Backsteet Boys of the 60s.

dispite that, this isn't a jazz-based album, hence it is going to take longer (which it has).

What? Your taking someone elses music and re-arranging it. And Im guessing that most of the people in this project arnt going to stray too far from the source material. Thats like a weekends work for any competent composer. The reason this album is taking so long is because the guy heading up this project has such a horrible attitude about things. Hes all like "I dont care, whenever it gets done. Dont worry if you go several months without contacting me, or updating me on your progress. Ill wait as long as you need" Stop being such a wimp, and take control.

Thats like a weekends work for any competent composer. The reason this album is taking so long is because the guy heading up this project has such a horrible attitude about things. Hes all like "I dont care, whenever it gets done. Dont worry if you go several months without contacting me, or updating me on your progress. Ill wait as long as you need" Stop being such a wimp, and take control.

So, what relevance do YOU as a person, have anything to do with this thread or its contents?

Anyhoo, A weekend's work is quite a bit of time, particularly when you don't even have a lot of time on weekends. Also, a weekend's worth of work isn't enough time for ME to finish a song and have it sound more than half-assed (full-assed would be preferable in this scenario).

My attitude was more positive originally, and it's moreso the fault of the mixers who signed up and disappeared which has given me a more laissez faires attitude, as the only ones who are really doing any complaining are the ones who have ALREADY FINISHED THEIR SONGS. And those people, as far as I'm concerned should adopt my attitude, and ignore this thread until something actually happens, so that they're not always in here trying to blame me for the fact that nobody else wants to be on the project, and therefore the songs won't get done.

Thats like a weekends work for any competent composer. The reason this album is taking so long is because the guy heading up this project has such a horrible attitude about things. Hes all like "I dont care, whenever it gets done. Dont worry if you go several months without contacting me, or updating me on your progress. Ill wait as long as you need" Stop being such a wimp, and take control.

no, i'm not going to just sit back and ignore this damn thread. that's not a normal response. i skipped a class when i recorded my song in order to get it done. is it all that much to ask to give some extra time when you could be doing something else and work on music? your stuff ain't hot shit, aetherius, regardless of what you think. your track for bota wasn't really all that earthshattering - i thought it was a joketrack till i saw the artist. and, your job can't be taking up THAT much of your time. if i can take time out of a 19 credit semester/40hour work week/intercollegiate sports/six different travelling ensemble schedule, you can take some time out of that worthless piece of shit life you've got and write some damn music, for christs sake.

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