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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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I ended up scrapping my previous draft and started over from scratch. So far, it's still fairly rough, and length-wise it only about hits the half-way mark. Since the balance is a mess, I've kept it in MIDI for now. And yeh, I've used a lot of guitars this time ;). 2nd Draft

If I get no tech feedback concerning Eagle Tower I consider that as done compositionally. Any feedback that I do get however will be taken into consideration for the final version.

woops, I missed your new wip in the sway of things. I'll give you some feedback later today.


Bigger, better, shinnier(lol), it's my new WIP! Tell me if you like the transitions. I fixed up lots of minor issues and stuff too. I'm approaching final, but still planning to add a decent amount of content onto the end.

True, I haven't been working on this ALL that much. But it will turn out pretty good.

Soundclick sucks

And cool database. :thumbsup:

Bigger, better, shinnier(lol), it's my new WIP! Tell me if you like the transitions. I fixed up lots of minor issues and stuff too. I'm approaching final, but still planning to add a decent amount of content onto the end.

True, I haven't been working on this ALL that much. But it will turn out pretty good.

Soundclick sucks

And cool database. :thumbsup:

soundclick may suck, but i jsut got that downloaded in 2 seconds. not a bad server.

if i may offer forth some advice, the piano in the very beginning is too bassy, in my opinion, and could use some velocity work. good groove, though.

edit - also, i've got some severe distortion on my end cause it's too loud. just turn it down a little or something, please.


hmm, rexy, that's much better. Far less clunky, and it sounds like you made some parts a bit softer, which is nice.

Ichitootah, I like it, ...That transition with the piano back to the melody = me puking, and I'm sure you know it. I'm not too keen on just how jazzy that piano solo is, but I don't feel like bothering to ask you to change de-jazz it.

Spc1st, it's a cool intro, but...like...I can't hear the original in there...and...can you actually play the guitar? because...Sampled guitar is probably one of the sounds I hate most in this world, apart from rhodes...

That is all. Keep at it, my friends. Don't be discouraged. I'm being scathing on purpose.


Hmm, I was under the impression that you were offering to play the guitar parts...

As for references to the original, I'll try to make the melody for the first part sound similar to the original(I was trying to rely on the harmony and progression to suggest the original, but it might not be readily apparent). The 2nd part actually has a bit of the theme from the dungeon/boss battle parts too, if that's alright (I'm beginning to realize more and more how the original is very devoid of musicality, so I'm really stretching it). In between the sequenced parts, I'll also try to add more ambient-ish sampled sections, perhaps from the original recording itself. I'll try to get a better draft by this weekend.


@ Ichitootah : I have put up your wip at the wipspace (http://epo.runningman.be). Did the "% done" value change?

@ Sp1st : Good to know you're still working on the mix. As soon as you can record in into .mp3 (or .wma or .ogg or whatever, just not .mid), send me your song and I'll upload it on the wipspace. If you need live guitarplaying, you might ask GeoffreyTaucer.

@ Stark : sup

@ Prophet : When it will be done ? When it's done of course. When all the mixes are complete that is. And when the website is complete. AND when the mixes are complete. And if they are good. Considering only 2 mixes are done as of now (but 5 are near completion), I'm guessing 1-2 months.


Spc1st, well, whether the original is melodious or not, it's got to be recognizeable. can't just make up your own song and say 'there wasn't much to work with.'

That said, I'd try contacting PriZm about guitar for the part you've written. I know I can't play it at this point.

edit: my guitar playing style is very abstract and noisey...

Spc1st, well, whether the original is melodious or not, it's got to be recognizeable. can't just make up your own song and say 'there wasn't much to work with.'

That said, I'd try contacting PriZm about guitar for the part you've written. I know I can't play it at this point.

edit: my guitar playing style is very abstract and noisey...

I was trying to avoid making it too much like the original by using more abstract methods (the main "motif" and slight variations of it actually persists almost constantly throughout the piece, in one form or another), and add more variety by putting in some original parts in between them, more to suggest the mood than the music, if you understand what I'm trying to stay.

Well, anyways, I tried to make the middle section more true to the original, though I don't know if you'd agree (the guitars are playing a somewhat butcher version of the bassline, while the strings are playing progressively augmenting canons of the "theme"). Here's the recording, though it's a quick bounce, not a lot of balancing and whatnot. I'd say it's probably about 2/3 finished.


Hi... I'm stuck with my old computer this week, I wasn't able to bring it with me to campus, and I can't continue working before I get it back here... I'm aiming for being done before february. :) I'd like more comments on my song... maybe some help as to how to clean up the sound somewhat... and recommendations on distortion in reason. I couldn't find a distorted sound I liked, but I want to distort the drums somewhat. Also, I'm not too happy with the bass I have right now. Maybe distortion could fix that as well... ?


I wanna do another piece...mainly...because I ahve to occupy my time with something slightly constructive ._.

right-o...it would be neat cause I donno...but it would probably be different from my Key Cavern Remix...so you realy can't base it off that realy

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