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OCR02737 - *YES* Final Fantasy 10 'The Dreamer Departs' *RESUB*

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Your ReMixer name: Magellanic (previously Lidawg)

Your real name: Liam Charalambous

Your userid: 45748

Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy X

Name of arrangement: The Dreamer Departs

Name of individual song(s) arranged: To Zanarkand (also called At Zanarkand)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmzZrj-cLSc (link to the original, just in case)


It seems like an absolute eternity since I started this remix but, finally..........its done......I hope. Third times a charm right? Anyway, after reading the judges feedback, I decided to just start the track from scratch again. It was a dangerous decision to make as it was highly likely that I could forget or omit the aspects of the mix that made it what it is. Having been such a long time since the first submission and even the second submission, my abilities have improved. Maybe not by much, but enough to warrant that hearing the track again after so long I could definitely hear what the judges were saying. What I found really difficult with this was conveying the emotion and a human feeling with the style of the track. Hopefully, though, the solo's and such are musical and unmechanical to any listeners.

I was glad to read that Zircon enjoyed the (as he put it) "brutal" orch hits :P They are now gone forever. No lie, it was really difficult finding something to replace the orch hits with, but it could be said that I just needed to remove myself from the remix a bit more to objectively see......they were terrible.

Other than that, in this mix I've experimented with different types of reverb and tried to use it to creative effect. I wanted to really play on dreamy nature of the source tune with vast, spacey reverbs. It took a long time to get the right amounts and make sure that none of it was causing mud or ruining the energy and clarity of the mix. Originally this mix was meant to be chilled and ambient, so using the reverb creatively was an attempt to bring back the idea that conceived this mix.

Many thanks to the judges again for your feedback (Deia's YES definitely stopped me from giving up on this mix) and also DjMystix. If this makes the front page, then this one is dedicated to him!

  • 1 month later...

There are a lot of really nice aspects to this; the reverb on everything really gives a great dreamy feeling, and there is a ton of variation throughout, making it feel constantly evolving. The synths are tastefully used, and all gel together well. The only issue I really have soundwise is I feel the snare gets lost in the busier section.

Some of the instruments I feel come in and drop out too soon, but really it's picking nits. There are some definite flashes of brilliance on this, and I can hear your growth as an arranger and producer. I do think you have a lot of road in front of you to continue to improve, but I feel this track is definitely above the bar.


  • 2 weeks later...

I already yessed this before, but I think that you've definitely worked hard to take the judge's criticisms to heart and really work on improving. I agree with Andrew that the synths are pretty well-used here, so they are fitting into the soundscape and not overstaying their welcome. I also felt the drum sounds were overall weak in the soundscape, and overall could have used a little more oomph.

The arrangement definitely has more of that personal feel, so kudos on achieving that! You've come a long way, and while there's more to go, you're certainly on the right track!


  • 2 weeks later...

Kick sounds a bit lo-fi and the snare doesn't have as much punch but the drums aren't bad. That koto/pipa thing reeks of zircon. Bad thing? You decide! Good use of synths throughout, if a little cheesy. Overall a pretty solid effort, and kudos for the double resub, commitment!


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