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This thread is to generate interest in a Pokemon spin-off remix album. Once I get about 7 people saying they'd wanna be in, I'm gonna set up a list of viable games and start accepting claims. The more the merrier, tell your friends! Get people in on this!

We aim to supply songs that are not featured in main-series Pokemon games, and bring forth the spotlight to lesser known games in the Pokemon franchise. This does mean that songs from the main series will be unacceptable (unless you can supply a good argument), but most other games are, well, fair-game.

Arrangers interested:




Musicians offering collaboration:

-Orangedragon (vocalist)


I'm in. And as for songs from the main series, I'd say as long as they've also got a song from a spinoff mixed in. (Anyone wanna mix together Eterna City and Agate Village? I'd love to whistle for anyone who wants to make a sleepy remix of that.)


lol, PixelPanic how many Pokemon albums are you trying to start here? ;P

Seriously though, you already have a thread where people have begun showing interest.

All you gotta do is rename it, then ask a mod to move posts from here before deleting the duplicate thread.

Otherwise it'll look a little bit like poke-spamming. Just saying. :)


I've contacted a mod about deleting that last thread, I want this one to be more focused directly on the project at hand, and I don't really want to deal with individually deleting posts and such.


You are, of course, the director, so the final call is up to you, but here's how I think the song spread should go:

Colosseum series: 5 songs

Agate Village

Pyrite Town

The Under (Colosseum exclusive)

Pokémon Lab (XD exclusive)

Normal Battle (Story Mode) (Colosseum)

*BONUS* Pokémon Center?

Mystery Dungeon series: 5 songs

Town Square (Rescue Team)

I'm not the best person to choose PMD songs to suggest. Tuberz, TGH, would either of you two like to complete this list?

Pokémon Stadium series: 3 songs

Mewtwo Battle (Stadium)

Pika Cup Rounds 1-3 (Stadium)

Mini Games (Stadium 2)

*BONUS* Quiz (Stadium 2)

Pokémon Ranger series: 3 songs

Go-Rock Quad Encounter (Ranger)

(Again, not the best guy for this one. Someone else?)

Pokémon Puzzle series: 2 songs

Before choosing songs, we should find out if most of the music is okay. If not, there are a few original themes that didn't source from the anime.

Pokémon TCG: 2 songs

Title Theme

World Map / Mason's Lab

Pokémon Pinball series: 2 songs

Bonus Stage: Gastly (Pinball R/B)

This song

Other games: 8 songs

Pokémon Channel: Outside

PokéPark Wii: Meeting Place

Pokémon Rumble Blast: The Battle Royal

Pokémon Snap: Medley (Intro, Oak's Lab, Course Select, Camera Check)

Pokémon Trozei: Normal Stage

Pokémon Dash: White Cup

Pokémon Typing DS: Main Theme 1

Pokémon Conquest: Main Theme

*BONUS* Beach (Pokémon Snap)

Total Tracklist: 30

(Bonuses excluded from total tracklist)


I would prefer to be more liberal about it, and just have a list of games, and allow remixers to choose tracks themselves, with some restrictions, like "nothing in the main series" or "no repeats of tracks". But I will think on the presentation of it when the time comes.


Also a fine idea. Might I suggest first delegating a certain number of tracks to each game? So then it could look something like this:

Colosseum series: 5 songs (one exclusive from each)

Rescue Team: 2 songs

Explorers of ___: 3 songs

Stadium: 2 songs

Stadium 2: 1 songs

Ranger: 1 song

Ranger 2/3: 1 song (from either)

Puzzle series: 2 songs (one from each)

Pokémon TCG: 2 songs

Pinball series: 2 songs (one from each)

Pokémon Channel: 1 song

PokéPark Wii: 1 song

Rumble Blast: 1 song

Battle Revolution: 1 song

Trozei: 1 song

Dash: 1 song

Typing DS: 1 song

Conquest: 1 song

Snap: 1 song

Bonus Tracks: ~5 songs

Then, people can choose what songs they want, but the spread of spinoff attention is controlled. That way, it won't become, say, a Mystery Dungeon album with an Orre song here and there and maybe a Snap track.


I think what I'll end up doing is putting a cap at 5 songs per game, that way it doesn't become a "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon + Others" album, but it will also give people leg room regarding smaller games like Pokemon Snap or Stadium(2).

But I must thank you for that list, I completely forgot about Channel and PokePark in my hasty research!


Exactly the point of this project! :D

But legroom is exactly what the bonus tracks are there for. That way, if someone really wants to remix something else, they can. And I think songs should be delegated according to size of the spinoff series. If we end up with, for example, 5 songs from Pokémon Typing and one from Mystery Dungeon, that wouldn't be a very good reflection of our goal.

Exactly the point of this project! :D

But legroom is exactly what the bonus tracks are there for. That way, if someone really wants to remix something else, they can. And I think songs should be delegated according to size of the spinoff series. If we end up with, for example, 5 songs from Pokémon Typing and one from Mystery Dungeon, that wouldn't be a very good reflection of our goal.

But that directly reflects our goal! To give the spotlight to under-recognized games and music!

Tha being said, we really have the ability to see what works and what doesn't, the OP is a living document!

Pokemon, under-recognized? Are you serious? :lol:

That being said, best of luck with this spin-off project Pixel Panic & friendz. :)

On OCR, Colosseum didn't come up. Under-recognized is an understatement.

  • 2 weeks later...

If you guys would like me, I'm in. Just for the sake of saying it, I'd really like to do something for Pokémon Rumble Blast (or Super Pokémon Rumble or whatever you call it). I specialise (or at least am solely good at) making piano remixes. I've done a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon mix in the past too. That said, I'm probably not up to the standard of some of you guys (I've never actually had an OCReMix accepted) but I think this could be fun.

Is this still going ahead, by the way?

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