djpretzel Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 This was a collaberation between myself (Tenchu) and DorIImaA. I did all the sound and effects in the song. I also added notes and did all the editing. DorIImaA did the basic composition to for the song. This song is based on Radical Dreamers from Chrono Cross. In the song a girl who goes outside of her home during a thunderstorm while its raining obviously. It is basically and atmospheric relaxing song. The transitions are very light except when the choir comes in, which I still pulled off well I think. I truley hope this is worthy of an addition to OCRemix. The song can be found at the link below I dont belive it has the ID3v2 tags though so should here is another link with the song just incase. When you click on the link above you must click [Free] on the bottom. It will take you to a new page where you must wait about 10 seconds and then the song will appear at the bottom of the page to be DLed. This site does delete non-downloaded materials after some time. So if this song gets deleted before it hits the judging pannel I appologize. Should for some reason none of this work I can be reached at this email or on AIM at TenchuOCR or Tenchu66. I can also be reached on MSN at Thank you for your time.
Liontamer Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 Chrono Cross OST - 315 "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstealable Jewel" Cool rain SFX to open things up with. Audio skipped at :06. Panned and everything; not bad. Faux acoustic guitar comes in at :20 with the source tune, joined by piano at :32 to add some texture. Percussion added in at :46 sounds thin and too bright compared to the other instrumentation which has reverb/delay on it; feels out of place as a result. Not much being done with the melody, plus the SFX is doing most of the atmospheric work, like a crutch. Nonetheless, using it allows you to get away with such otherwise sparse instrumentation Melody kicks in 1:11, still excessively conservative. What the hellz was up with that crappy non-transition at 2:03. VERY sloppy, plus it's not melodic at all. It inexplicably kept going until 2:27. Timing is completely thrown off, and I can't even get a grasp of what was happening there. Anyway, we get some different stuff at 2:30 with a new section. Pretty much the same sounds, plus some cheap-sounding vox coming in at 2:42. The instrumentation is still just too thin and has no texture outside of the looped rain SFX. 3:21 features some arrangement that tries to carry the feel of the original, but go in its own direction. I wasn't much of a fan of the phrasing there, to be honest. Percussion comes back in at 3:34, and again sounds out of place, like it's pasted on top of the music. Arrangement goes back to being extremely conservative at 3:34 and adds some strings on top at 3:47, which is good, but isn't adding too much. The door SFX at 4:19 & 4:25 (recycled from :11 & :18) felt out of place, considering that (just my opinion) the track didn't really tell any type of story to me. I understand what artistic imagery you're going for, so that's ok. It's not a bad idea on paper, and others may disagree with the minor gripe there. Do more a lot more rearrangement with the melody, fix/get rid of/rewrite 2:03-2:27, and have the percussion sit better in the track, and you'd have a lot more of a shot. Right now, this isn't interpretive enough to me on any level. NO
DarkeSword Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 Not much in the way of interpretation and/or arrangement going on here. The original song's arpeggios in the guitar are actually a bit more rhythmically complex, yet have the same acoustic sound. The rain is nice, but it ultimately comes off as gimmicky. Larry, that 'cheap-sounding vox' at 2:42 is an actual group of females singing; it's ripped straight from the original song. I swear, you've listened to so much synthetic stuff you've forgotten what real stuff sounds like! In any case, I don't really see anything new or exciting brought to the table here. It's a nice atmosphere piece, but it's not very interpretive at all, and the simplification of the original isn't effective either. I'd rather just listen to the original with rain sfx on top. Make it your own. NO
JJT Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 I'm in agreement with LT and DS on this one. There's really no blending to speak of between the original song and the remixer's ideas. The section at 2:03 sounds like it's been pasted on. As DS said, it's a worse version of the original with rain sfx in the background, and some practically unrelated original material shoved in the middle. That's an oversimplification for sure, but the basic point is that this ReMix is too similar to the original. NO
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