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*NO* Final Fantasy Legend 'Legend of the Saxes' *RESUB*

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above is the original link.

I took all of the comments that you guys said and did my best to remaster this song. I haven't re-recorded or anything, but i went through and applied some dynamics and adjusted the levels overall. I didn't have much to work with - just one copy of each part, which made it hard to do much with. Still, i feel that this is a song that could make it onto OCR so i'll still resubmit it.

I'd appreciate it if the judges would read the original email i sent in the other thread - i feel a lot of it still applies, and gives the piece a different light to view it in.

the music's at www.soundclick.com/theprophetofmephisto - its called Legend of the Saxes. please leave the link to my site in the eventual decision...i could use the publicity. thanks.

Remixer Name - The Prophet of Mephisto

Real Name - Brad Burr

Email - bradley.burr@houghton.edu

Website - http://thesaxprophet.tripod.com

Name of Game: Final Fantasy Legend (the song was used as the opening theme for Legend I-III, but this particular arrangement came from I)

Name of Individual Song Remixed: Title Screen

you can find the rest of the info in the original thread.

thanks a lot, OCR.



http://www.zophar.net/gbs/ffl1.zip - Track 1

I still think the piece is cool, and I like how the production was changed to allow the saxs to function at different intensities. It really cleans up a lot of the soundfield here.

Unfortunately, the arrangement content wasn't refined in any way (as also stated in the letter), so unfortunately, the criticisms made regarding the lack of cohesiveness and direction there still stand. Plus the hissing and pops are still there en masse and unfortunately blemish the whole thing. Sorry, bro, gotta retain a NO.


Saxes are sounding pretty nice here. I would have gone a little easier on the reverb though, and perhaps toned down the volume of the low sax (which sounded kind of "blatty" and didn't really flow with everything else). I also hold to my previous comment that this is a little too bare and sparse. Arrangement/interpretation factor is there.. it just needs a little something more.


  • 4 weeks later...

awww.. shucks. i'd really like to pass this.

i like the original, i like the saxes.

but if you're doing the sax quartet thing, you've gotta vary up the arrangement and the dynamics more to make this less monotonous.

this performance has to go places! right now it merely plays in the street.

i hate to be a broken-record but yeah, lay off the reverb a bit.



I don't know about this one. I really enjoyed the previous version...At least based off memory.

This over comes off as really cluttered. The balance is way off. There's a bit too much reverb on everything. I'd make the melody more upfront and more the focal point and everything else more background material. EQ, levels need to be worked on quite a bit in my view. I just can't agree with the mixing/production decisions made on this mix. The whole thing just sounds like a mass of sound, and in this context, in my view it doesn't really work.

I still like the concept and the ideas presented, but not how it was presented. I wish there was some other supporting material here though, the similar tones throughout get a bit redundant throughout.

Still, good sax work as always. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you. But this is a NO I'm afraid.

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