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*NO* Sam & Max Hit the Road 'Je veux des bonbons'

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Very very odd..

Email sub file Je veux des bonbons.mp3, original dougthemoleman.mid

Hello !

Contact Info

Your ReMixer name : Nurykabe

Your real name : Yann van der Cruyssen

Your email address : Nurykabe@hotmail.com

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 19744

ReMix Info

Name of game(s) ReMixed : Sam and Max hit the road

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : Doug the moleman


Great source choice from the game mate, I love Sam & Max: Hit the Road.

The overcompression on this is way too apparent, whenever the brass kicks into gear the volume of the percussion drops to about a third of the raw level. The percussion itself is way too loud compared to the levels on the meat of the mix. The bassline also seems to be a bit punchy compared to the brass levels.

As we get into the mix it sounds a little better. The plop plop of the percussion sounds pretty good, and everything seems to be balanced a little better.

The jazz sound of the original theme is apparent, but it's really dysfunctional the way you've mixed it. The percussion doesn't really fit the mix at all. The brass comes in and just plays any old thing rather than sticking to a melodic notation.

As I said before, when we get into the mix it sounds much nicer than the beginning. The bassline and percussion meld together nicely, and the flute that comes in playing doug's theme is nice, though it could alternate on the theme a little more rather than playing it note for note.

This mix is just lacking a professional sound. You need to ditch the compression. There just isn't enough here to warrant such levels. Scrap the dysfunctional start to the mix and work on bringing out that sound that you have later in the mix. You're on the right track with that. Make it longer, and really get into that groove that you started building in at the end of the mix.



http://s-island.mixnmojo.com/sm.html - 17 "Doug, the Moleman"

Heh. The original sounds decent; thanks a lot for providing it. Never really had a chance to play Sam & Max or watch their cartoon show, but they looked cool.

I was initially liking the complete non-sequitur-ness of the intro, and was feelin' it on a Shnabubula-type level, then that shizzy horn sample came in at :14. Sounds like it could be cool, but every time it comes in, the volume gets muted. Odd, but probably some issue where having X amount of sounds in play messes up the overall levels. Some beginner-ish type mistake that another J can explain, I guess.

Some strings came in for a pad-like atmosphere at :35, but sounded completely disjointed. There's no sense of sound balance here, as the lead washes out from :35-:47; keep it in the forefront. Cool break with the low strings, basic beats and glassy SFX from :47-1:16 before bringing in the woodwinds and higher strings.

Cool-as-hell arrangement, IMO. Then some VERY dry samples came in at 1:31 and sounded pasted on top of the track. Very ugly Fing up of whatever texture you had up to 2:04. That last SFX at 2:21 needs to go, as it messes up the resolution. The ideas are interesting to be sure, much like Sam's stuff, but the execution is just not pulled off well. Needs tons of refinement, Yann, but I appreciated most of what I heard so far.

NO (resubmit)


Sam & Max is one of my favorite adventure games.

i wish lucasarts hadn't cancelled the sequel :(

i'd yearn to see a great remix from that game but unfortunately this isn't it.

the execution fails hard here.

there are good arrangement ideas, i like the bigband brass in the intro, i like the stylistic handling of the theme and the breakbeat percussion is a nice touch.

the ending leaves something to be desired.

this lacks sonic clarity, production adequacy and humanized sequencing.



Ok, the intro is my favorite section. Before we get the horns, the bassline is thick and the percussion is a little offbeat but slick. Enter the horns however and the heavy compression becomes apparent. If the effect was intentional, it’s not working here. Try applying compression to individual tracks rather than globally over the entire mix. That would let you keep the claustrophobic feel of the percussion and bass while keeping the horns, cymbals and synths bright and loud. For a first cut at revision, I’d take TO’s advice and ditch the compression altogether.

You’ve got interesting arrangement ideas and even more interesting sounds at some points. The chromatic guys playing with the strings and subdued percussion from 1:00-1:30 are really cool. Although the flutes that come in at 1:31 are lo-fi and dry I think they fit pretty well, especially given the odd-ball original tune.

For only 2:26, a decent amount of variation is packed into this mix. I’d love to hear it resubmitted with a lot more attention given to production and cohesion (the intro doesn’t mesh well with the rest of the mix). Good stuff so far.

NO (Please Resubmit)

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