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*NO* Super Street Fighter 2 'The Legendary Tomahawk'


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I'm a long time fan of OCRemix, and a longtime composer. I made a remix of the T. Hawk theme from Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers for the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter, and I thought I should send it to you guys. My arrangement is called "The Legendary Tomahawk". My remixer name is UncleBibby. The original T. Hawk theme is supposedly called Eye of the Eagle, but I suppose you guys would call it "T. Hawk Stage"

My real name is Peter Locke. My blog is at www.petermobeter.com, but my soundcloud accounts are http://soundcloud.com/unclebibby and http://soundcloud.com/unclebibby47

I hope you like it, I tried to take the theme and make it more epic and dance-able instead of just generically Mexican. I made it in Pro Tools 10.


Peter "UncleBibby" Locke

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it's a decidedly different take on this theme, which is interesting to hear. That said, there were lots of issues.

The soundscape was thin throughout (though the added string pads at :52 helped some), the sequencing was too rigid, leaving the song devoid of feeling, the instrumentation was bland, the patterns were repetitive overall, and there was little dynamic contrast in the piece besides the change in focus to the string lead for the final section at 1:37. The track had no real ending, and was just very underdeveloped overall.

Cool ideas for a base, Peter, but everything needs to be fleshed out and refined a lot further before it would even be close to cohesive enough to have a chance at passing as is. If you'd like to put more time into this one just to see how much more you can do with it, you may improve this some, but it would take a lot of time and effort.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Larry, while a bit harsh, has the right of this. You've got a pretty good start at getting the basics down, and from here you should start looking into expanding on your arrangement and improving your production. Look for ways to flesh out your soundscape by finding some better soundfonts and adding more instruments to fill out the soundscape. Similarly, look into different ways to expand on the arrangement. Check out the most recently posted mixes and compare them carefully to their originals to get an idea of different ways other mixers have approached arranging a song.

There's a lot of work to be done here, but you've got a start, and I encourage you to keep at it. Good luck!


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