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I've finally plucked up the courage to attempt submitting a remix to your site, having enjoyed many of the remixes there. The quality of mixes is a wee bit intimidating, but I decided I had noting to lose by trying. :)

Contact Info

Remixer Name - Warning Forever

Real Name - Gordon Dempster

E-Mail - gordon@empty-spaces.net

Website - http://actsofgord.empty-spaces.net/warningforever.htm

Remix Info

Name of game(s) ReMixed - Sanxion

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed - Thalamusik (Loading Theme)

Comments - I originally did tis remix way back in 2000, using FastTracker 2 on my old P200. I'm finally getting back into music work after a few years away and wile rummaging through my old tunes, decided to remaster some of them using MadTracker 2.5. The Sanxion remix was always my favourite so decided to do it first, I added stereo panning and filters to it and the result sounded a lot better than the original mix, so decided to take a chance and try submitting it.

The remix can by downloaded here -

Hope you enjoy it!


Gordon Dempster


http://exotica.fix.no/tunes/archive/C64Music/Hubbard_Rob/Sanxion.sid - Subtune 1 ("Thalamusik")

Glad you weren't intimidated by the material here; we welcome most submissions, so thanks for sending it in! Starts off with some rain SFX and then some very dull-sounding synths; sounds like there's not much high-end here. Lasts for a while until 1:03 kicks in some other content. Pretty standard dance groove comes in at 1:12 with the source melody arriving at 1:26 with some pretty standard coverage. Takes a break at 2:07, but immediately goes for another iteration of the source at 2:11.

Some better stuff at 2:35 before going back to those screechy sounds at 2:42 that, IMO, don't do anything to enhance the track. Still getting a distinct dull sound from this track; there's no sharpness anywhere. 2:35-section is referenced again at 3:30.

Another section of the source at 3:58 with some very mechanical-sounding and low-quality strings. More of the source from 1:26 again at 5:08.

Basically just looking for more rearrangement/interpretation of the source beyond the dance-style genre conversion. The foundation is decent, but the sounds are dull and the groove gets a bit lazy after a while. Some fat could be trimmed off, or you could have gone for more variation throughout the course of the track via more subtleties from section to section when using the same melodies.

Cool stuff, but not up the bar unfortunately. I don't believe I've seen your name around at Remix.Kwed.Org, Gordon, so I particuarly encourage you to submit this mix there as well! Looking forward to future submissions.



I'm loving the intro here. A single note bassline with rain effects and a creepy sounding synth playing along as the lead. My issues here are with the bassline, which while it works in the background, each note has a little jab at the beginning which can be done away with by cutting off the higher frequencies. The creepy synth needs just a teensy bit of reverb or delay on it, maybe some EQ or compression to give it a more powerful and creepy sound. It's definately the right choice, it just needs to be utilised better.

When the beats kick in at 1:12 we have some pretty good sounding stuff, although things are unfortunately sounding a little too flat, I feel it could be brought out a bit more in the higher frequencies, giving it a crisper feel. The lead is dry and basic, that could easily be sounding better with some more creative effects usage.

The creepy synths come back in around 2:40 and they work really well with the background beats and overall sound. But as said the production here is really flattening a potentially good sounding piece.

The arrangement in itself is pretty basic. Things repeat themselves often. The beats and bassline just plod along continuously with the occasional break, but just come straight back. My suggestion would be to cut the length of the mix down to 3-4 minutes. 6:36 is just too much when you don't change things up enough. Playing around with the melody from the original a bit more, giving it different spins all the way through would keep things fresh and entertaining until the song ends.

Given that you made this 5 years ago, I'm not sure how easy it would be for you to go back and give this track a complete makeover to utilise the instruments better. You have a pretty solid sounding track here that just needs to be given a proper shine-up. If you could, definately take this one back and work on it some more and you could have a winner here.


  • 4 weeks later...

The lead synth sounds like it's inside a small room. The reverb isn't very expansive. Everything sounds confined, if you take my meaning. Something like this could really benefit from some more appropriate sound design. Something wider and more expansive.

The lead sound isn't bad, but it's nothing to write home about either.

Arrangement is not quite there yet; it would say some more variation would help, and shortening the piece would also be beneficial.

NO, but has potential.

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