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So OCR is about to go even more Mega Man crazy than it is with the MMX compo but hey ho, I thought I'd post this to get some feedback.



Remix: stats.png

Its un-mixed and not at all polished performance/production-wise. Its very rough and all I've done is get some ideas down (the structure isn't finished yet). I wanted to get some feedback on how much potential the mix has. I dunno if I like it yet hehe. Its kind of like a homage to the 1st round of Wily Remix Gauntlet. I didn't really manage to make a mix that I wanted to polish from that compo so I thought I'd do a fresh one which incorporates ideas from each of the rounds I entered. Despite its rough state, feedback of any kind is appreciated :)


Awesome arrangement dude!

It is very promising.

Drums need life, mainly the kick. The cymbals are dull and repetitive too. With some touches, it gonna rock!


Holy... I clicked the link expecting a version similar to your WCRG track. My ears were instantly assaulted... And dammit, they liked it

This is badass man, sounds like you've been making some improvements over the past year/months. This isn't really my thing to critique, since I know next to nothing about guitars and all that, but it sounds pretty damn good to me so far. Keep it up! :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Haha, thank you so much Phonetic for the kind words. Its nice to know I pleasantly suprised you. Also thanks Dan. The drums in the last version were just my typical, looped, one-track draft drums but definitely. Need some more excitement in there.

I've been taking my time over this as I'm trying to get it just right instead of just seeing how it turns out. The arrangement isn't quite complete, nor are the synthesizers and chiptunes. Still not 100% on my sound design but again, feedback is appreciated :)

Remix: http://soundcloud.com/draft-arrangements/memory-draft-2


I have some interesting ideas. :D

You should include Wily Stage 2 in there. I've tried mixing Stage 1 and 2 before, and it seems to work well. :D

I think the cymbals are interfering with the balance and are creating issues with muddiness. It sounds like the main reason for that issue for now.

The saw wave that comes in when the time slider hits the left edge of the "a" in "Favourite" feels subdued. It sounds like it's the one playing the "lead" (kind of staccato, and feels more like a filler than the melody) at that point, so I think you either create a new lead or widen its EQ.

When the time slider hits the left side of the "r" in "Favourite", The saw wave and guitar are playing the same notes. Try making the saw wave play harmonies, or even taking it out of that section and playing harmonies with another lead guitar track. If you want to keep that synth lead, definitely add vibrato with a modwheel input.



Did you update the drums or m I crazy?

This is fantastic now! This is a killer track.

I'll listen it with my good phones later to critique better.


Personally I feel it could start out with a slow arrangement of Silent Rain before busting right into the awesomeness, create a nice build-up and retain the feel of the stage the source plays in (starts out quiet with silent rain then WEAPON ARCHIVE and BAM! fuck yeah abandoned memory comes in). the end is rather sudden too.

aside from that, friggin' awesome work. :3


Hot damn, I don't know how I missed this when you first posted it in here. I'm loving it! Like others have said, I'm not really qualified to critique awesome wailin' guitar tracks, so I don't have a lot to suggest. Just a few things I noticed:

  • The volume remains pretty much the same (loud) throughout the song. Maybe a bit more could be done with the dynamics at certain parts of the song to create a little more variance?
  • The section at 2:08 - 2:18 sounds a little cluttered with those arps going in the background. I like them, I think they could just be EQed a bit more.
  • 2:38 - to the end sounds a little aimless. The rest of the track had so much energy, it feels like the song should end on a more energetic beat (although I notice it cuts off, so I assume you're not done :smile:). I like that new little melody introduced at that part, I think it just needs MOAR!

I'm a little torn on Mirby's suggestion... some piano (or something else quiet) to open it up and then BAM guitars might be kinda cool, but on the other hand I like how it just assaults you right from the beginning now too. Not sure.

Regardless, awesome job on this Liam! You keep getting better and better!


Oh wow, lots of feedback. Great!!! Well.......I haven't had time to do full update but I thought I'd post another revision. There's some new parts in there and I've just cleaned up the mix and backed off of the limiting. It was pushed just a little too much. The final section has been omitted for the time being whilst I work it in a bit better.

Remix: http://soundcloud.com/draft-arrangements/memory-wip-3

You should include Wily Stage 2 in there. I've tried mixing Stage 1 and 2 before, and it seems to work well. :D
Haha, maybe but I'm not sure how I'd fit it in. I think I'll play it safe for the moment as at least with Silent Rain I can hear how it'll fit :)

I did originally think of including Silent Rain, but seriously, I nearly always do slow/quiet intros and build them into the main thing. Trying to mix it up a little bit so I don't bore myself haha. I think I will concede though on putting it elsewhere in the mix. Thanks for the suggestion Mirby as its given me some good ideas.

This is fantastic now! This is a killer track.

I'll listen it with my good phones later to critique better.

Haha, really glad that you like it :) Looking forward to hear what you have to say on it!
2:38 - to the end sounds a little aimless. The rest of the track had so much energy, it feels like the song should end on a more energetic beat (although I notice it cuts off, so I assume you're not done :smile:). I like that new little melody introduced at that part, I think it just needs MOAR!
Yeah, that section is meant to be like a segway back to finishing but haven't completed it or decided what kind of lead/solo is gonna go over it. Your suggestion of some more variation with the dynamics......yeah...between you and Mirby you've given me an idea :) I'll work on that and hopefully the next update will be a complete arrangement that just needs a few production tweaks.

Thanks so much guys for the feedback and for listening!!! <3 you all!



Added a contrasting middle section and tweaked some stuffs. Feedback on whether it works would be uber cool. I uploaded everything, but after the 3:00 mins mark is no way near finished. Its just the skeleton of the structure. The arrangment isn't finished (I know, I lied) but its to give an idea of where the mix is going. I think I'll give this one a break for a while as I just can't get it finished. Keep getting a block with it, but thoughts on it are always welcome. There's a fair amount of refinement that needs to be done on it.


I think the biggest issue now is the levels on your instruments. The rhythm guitars feel too loud and the lead is consequently subdued. Same with the synth leads; because the rhythm guitars are so loud, you can be tempted to boost the synth lead too, and in this case they got louder than the lead guitar, particularly at 2:06. Weird.

At 2:30 when the piano comes in, the drums should already be lo-fied or softer, or whatever you intended on doing there with the drums. I'd suggest half-time there. Try checking out "The Skull Fortress" by Sixto Sounds at 0:26 for the idea of a "lo-fi" feel and at 2:02 for the idea of a half-time less-energy feel.

Also, from the look of that waveform, even on soundcloud, it looks like things are not compressed properly. That section sounds a lot softer than it looks. Try to use a compressor to make each instrument have its own volume and that way the song will look how it sounds. When that happens, it should sound much better.

The ideas themselves on the breakdown are fine otherwise. Fixing the levels is like 80% of your problems. :D The other 20% are the transitions and synth lead expressiveness.

Not too bad so far!


Yeah I dig the contrasting middle section a lot. Nice touch with the acoustic guitar!

I agree that some of the levels and EQing still need some work. Not sure if you worked on that since the last update, cause I still have the same concerns I raised in my previous comments.

Nice work!

  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the feedback. The arrangement and......well most aspects of the mix just weren't gelling for me so I've completely re-done it.


Its shorter and more focused. The structure is finished but from about 2:11 the remix is incomplete. The production is almost there but I'm currently afflicted with tempory deafness so I'm sure there is a lot I'm missing in terms of EQ and potential ducking on the limiter.

Anywho, as usual, feedback is appreciated. If you listened to the previous version let me know if you prefer this one :)


The first thing that jumped out at me was the saw wave patch. Actually, it seems to be panned too widely. Center it a bit, and lower the resonance a tad. Definitely add in some modwheel vibrato at some parts.

The rhythm guitar seems to clutter up the mix a lot. Try lowering the volume, but keeping the mix level at about -7dB, then raising the volume until it reaches about -6dB. Then, try raising the bass volume to its "default maximum" (i.e. FL Studio's default maximum is 78%) and reducing its mix level until it's at about -5dB. Together, the bass and rhythm guitar should add up to about -4dB for a well-packed guitar mix. The lead should be at about -5dB mix level, but at the "default maximum" volume.

If you can make something quiet sound loud, then you'll have lots of headroom for other things. You'll also have lots of leeway and you can raise the amplitude until it's good if you have to. ;)

Drums are great enough in tone, just bump them up to about -0.5dB safely (other things should bump them up to -0.2dB-ish). :D


Aw man... I liked this a lot within just the first few seconds. I'm not familiar with this particular Wily theme, but I think I might have pegged it as one just form those fantastic bendy notes the lead guitar keeps doing.

This style fits Megaman music perfectly, it sounds like it's exactly what the 8-bit sound was always trying to be.


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