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In celebration of the winter, I decided to start up a Metroid remix. I'm still working on that Tales remix I posted a long time ago (the one where the stupid file got corrupted), but this is something sort of similar to that I wanted to share.

I've still gotta figure out what to do with the intro, how to kind of build up to the song. Mixing may be a little awkward too - it's been a while since I've done mixing (or composition) of any sort, so sorry if it's kind of bad.

Remix: https://www.box.com/s/vw2v67eumrgnjhamcyaf


Enjoy what I have so far. Hopefully this song and the Tales remix will be finished within the next month or so. Just need to actually have time to finish them D:


Very nice!

The Prime games - especially the first one - are so atmospheric and memorable. The track from Phendrana Drifts is so very much itself. When the song started, I thought to myself "Okay, this is either going to absolutely sound like Phendrana, or absolutely not sound like it at all." You captured the mood and feel of that song extremely well, and it was probably because of all kinds of tiny things I shouldn't pretend to be able to recognize, so I won't try. But you did a really good job.

1:05 - I don't know how you did it, but that piano is perfect.

  • 2 weeks later...

I finally updated this song. I'm debating on putting it on finish or not --- I just gotta figure out a better ending at this point, but I think I'm gonna wait until I get some opinions from you guys about mixing / whatever else is on ya'lls mind.

It's pretty much done arrangement-wise though. I only spent about 6 hours on this song overall so it's not the best, but it sure was fun to make.


(Samus is my mascot on the upper right for this page. Good job, website.)

This is just plain good. The ending was actually the only thing that stood out to me as needing improvement, then I saw your post again and remembered you'd mentioned it.

It's calm, but with a satisfying, punchy beat, and I can't listen to it without thinking of snow...:shock:..... I think any really helpful suggestions are out of my league at this point...


Well, you don't have any problems with things being too quiet. :D Drums are mixed well in general. The only thing I would look into is the timbre of certain instruments, the repetitiveness of the current arrangement, and the mechanical playing on the piano.

Here's what I have:

0:23.620 - 1:06.257 --- The piano plays the exact same four notes repeatedly for 42 seconds. That's quite a long time, about 16% of the piece. Definitely fix that. Change it up a little, maybe a new arpeggio every four instances? Or maybe link those with more happening after every other arpeggio instance? Overall, in the entire piece, the piano could use some more personalization on the writing. It seems to play nearly the same arpeggio. Instead of putting slight variations on the arpeggio, try adding your own notes to that part of the source tune that work well with it.

0:39.927 - The open hi hat could sound even better with a little less in the mids. Not too much less, but it should feel more airy, not acoustic, in this type of a soundscape. Kind of like the ride at 0:39.119. As the open hi hat was completely exposed there, definitely watch the tone of it. :-D

1:04.474 - Same with the cymbal. It's nice, but it could also be better. :) Maybe more like the instance at 2:16.291? That might just be a lower velocity round robin, but that sounds better, to me.

Personally, the bass (fretless?) tone could be crafted a little bit more. It could benefit from slightly less bass and a little more in the low mids... just a little bit. A good amount of the timbral character of a (let's say fretless) bass comes from the low mids, and the presence comes from the bass, at least from my experience with basses. Since you use it throughout the entire song, you might want to take a look at it.

And the last thing is to have an ending. You really just ended the drums and left it there. See if you can create an ending! :D

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