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Final Fantasy 7 Jenova Remix "Cetra Calamity"


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Hey guys I am a big fan of this site but this is really the first time I am joining the community. I know I have a lot to learn, but if anything I am looking forward to learning from all of you sound scientists.

I know this remix was done to death,but I had to give it shot. I wanted to try and capture the twisted mindset of jenova and sephiroth in this mix. I hope I came close. I always love feedback.:-P

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I really like this one. It has some great potential.

The 16th note bass run doesn't highlight the chord progression as well as it should especially midway through the piece and towards the end. Play around with some of those notes and see if you can smooth it out a little.

The glitches I don't think are necessary and don't add much to the mix overall. Otherwise the strings sound good and the background effects are really well placed.

Looking forward to any future versions!

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I like what you've done with the source tune; it was always a touch on the creepy side, and it feels like you've taken that creepy factor up several notches.

The one thing that really caught my attention that you might look into is the transition at around 2:35 in; it didn't feel... clean, I guess is the best word I can find for it. I think that's partially due to the suddenness of it, but there's something else to it that I can't quite put my finger on. I'm not saying it's wrong or that you need to scrap it, but it definitely snapped me clean out of the song for a few moments when I first listened through, so it's something that bears consideration.

I'm excited for the next version of this, though, for sure. :-) You've got an interesting take on it, and I can't wait to hear more.

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I love the atmosphere! It reminds me of some cyber-punk stuff by zircon's recent album, Identity Sequence. The resonant LFO panning sweeps are cool.

Arrangement/Production stuffz:

The EP in the intro needs some ping pong delay and slight reverb.

The mix does sound dissonant starting from 0:47. Everything before that is fantastic, don't change that part of the arrangement. :P So work on the harmonies after 0:47.

Nice occasional glitch effects on the drums. dBlue Glitch? If so, I think you'd love iZotope Stutter Edit (although it's $200).

Liking the lead at 1:40, but add vibrato to it, and a little bit more treble (maybe about a 2 dB boost on the EQ at about 10000Hz.

Like Melbu Frahma said, 2:33-2:36 is kinda sudden without a transition (though I noticed it before reading his post). How about dBlue Glitch's retrigger, plus a cymbal at 2:35 (or a resonant sweep of some kind)?

Afterwards it kind of repeats stuff we've heard before and fades out. Make the stuff after 2:35 a little more dramatically different, and make a better ending.

Great job so far! :)

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Thanks so much Timaeus I actually took your advice on the reverb and I noticed the intro improved dramatically. It just made it sound a lot less dry thanks for that. I can also see how a different variation on the ending could be a good idea. I will get to that eventually. As for dblue glitch I never heard of that. I used gross beat to get the chopping sound on the drums, but I will look into it. And that sudden transition is a bit rough now that everyone points it out. It kinda came out of nowhere. I think I will try the resonant sweep idea. Thanks for the critical analysis :)

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