DragonAvenger Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Link to the ReMix: ReMixer Name: Red Rum Real Name: Greg Costa Email Address: Website: http://twitter.com/Real_Red_Rum (Don't know if Twitter is valid.) UserID: 15997 Name of Game: Streets of Rage Name of Arrangement: Souled Out Name of song arranged: The Last Soul Source: Comments: Before anything is said, let me just say this. If this arrangement does not make it, I honestly don't know what will. It doesn't matter anyways, this is my one last final attempt. Even if it gets a *RESUB*, I won't be trying anymore. I will move on completely from all of this. Keep in mind, it has been a few years since I've touched anything VGM, much less the Streets of Rage soundtrack, which is what I'm best known for in the VGM area. I have had no internet for a while now, which is a burden. So, I put all of my time and effort into this. Yes, this. An arrangement of The Last Soul, probably the track I've mixed most during all of my years working with the Streets of Rage OST. I have boosted up my production for just this one time. No rush job here, just hard work and dedication. I have never had a single mix on OCReMix, and I've been trying to reach that pinnacle for well over ten years. To me, once I do that, I have accomplished all I wanted to accomplish in VGM. Anyways, this is Souled Out. The title I thought was fitting for many reasons. For one, the name of the source track. Secondly, I've been working with wrestling music for a good while. "Souled Out" is a wrestling pay-per-view. Thirdly, this track is just that. It's (Last) Souled Out. Much was added in this. You'll notice off the bat that this mix isn't like any of my other mixes. Traditionally, my mixes are often chip-like and a bit like covers. Only in certain instances was I innovative, like blending in "Sadeness" by Enigma within my S.O.R. Super Mix remix "Soul of Rage." Anyways, listen for yourself. Even if it doesn't make the cut, I know you guys will enjoy this very much. Production, I know for a fact is 100% perfect. I've listened to it many times between lo-fi earphones to HQ speakers. This is my legacy: Souled Out. Enjoy.
Liontamer Posted January 30, 2013 Posted January 30, 2013 The additive piano writing, first brought in at :38 & which was well-written, was basically the only thing significantly different from the source tune, which is a huge favorite of mine. Otherwise, this arrangement was basically just a (well done) sound upgrade of the original; same structure, same tempo, same mood, basically the same feel. There were some brief sections where other things happened, like liberally using the beginning buildup part of the source from 1:55-2:14 and the original dropoff writing from 2:43-3:01, but those were 15 seconds a pop. The original section on top of the source backing from 4:19-4:47 followed by the dropoff and original piano & keyboard writing from 4:48 into the finish were cool (though the piano was exposed as mechanical-sounding). But those felt like too little too late in the big picture of a 5 1/2 minute piece. It's OK to have a cover-ish arrangement, but you've really got to do more to personalize this arrangement. Alter some rhythms, change the structure or tempo. Right now it's original piano on top of a super-close sound upgrade with some brief cameos of different ideas. It's definitely cool and well-made, Greg, but it's falling outside of our scope on account of the arrangement approach. NO (resubmit)
WillRock Posted February 3, 2013 Posted February 3, 2013 Yeah i'm digging this. That piano seemed a little piercing to me but my headphones seem to emphasis high mids so that could be why. Sounds like an offical capcom style remix, which gets thumbs up for me. Might be a too conservative like larry says, but i'm detecting alot of original material and variations here that could make this a closer call for me. So production as I said, is very good. Clearly passable. The arrangement is a little trickier, because I can tell you've tried to add some personalisation here and there with some rather cool original sections. There is a bit of variation on the brass part during 1:26 onwards compared to the source but other than that, there is very little variation, its mostly original melodies thrown over the top, and with no variation on the theme itself (even the instruments sound close to the original in timbre), and as I result, I can't quite sign off on this. Sorry that you won't be revisiting this, it would make a great track on the site in some form. NO (resub)
Vig Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 Is my download screwed up, or does this track start too late? It just cuts in in the middle of a note. Really dig the triplet feel; was not expecting it, and it was a pleasant surprise. I'm really digging the vibe. It's very moody and slightly disconcerting in a mysterious kind of way. Biggest problem I'm noticing though is that It's awfully repetitive. The drums and rhythm section in general don't change a lot at all, to the degree that the melodies just sound slapped on because they aren't interacting with the rest of the instrumentation. Great vibe, needs some help in the groove arrangement. NO
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