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RWS 1-5 ReMixing With the Stars: Season 1 Episode 5: "Ultra-Modern"

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for technicalities, does Minecraft XBLA count?

Not sure if I want to use this as my source, just wanting to know if it's an open option for me to choose from.

EDIT: probably need to get in touch with Flexstyle ASAP too

Hmm... it's a port of a PC game, but the PC version came out in 2009, well after the 360 was around, so sure.
I'm guessing 3DS is okay then, since it released in 2011?
Release date doesn't matter, just whether it's still being made. So even DS games count. Same with the Wii and Wii U. The PS2 is no longer being made, as of last month, so on the Sony front it's just the PS3, PSP, and Vita, and Microsoft only has the 360. I'll give you Android and iOS, too (especially with Ouya coming out). Anything else in question?
There are a ton of great PC games that were released after 2006. Shouldn't those count? Granted, most of them do have a console counterpart, but still.
PC (only) games aren't popular choices around here, so I didn't think I needed to come up with a rule. I guess the closest counterpart would involve finding out what the oldest Intel/AMD processor is that's still being manufactured; any PC game released after the date that processor hit the shelves. So if someone really wants to do the research to answer this, go for it.

Oooh boy, that's a bit of a slippery slope, as CPU manufacturing tends to do a yearly turnover kind of thing, unlike consoles.

A better metric would probably be the minimum requirements for the game--if the hardware for the minimum requirements was manufactured X amount of years ago, that would probably do the trick.

Thankfully, the issue is made moot by the abundance of console/PC ports, but there are some PC-only gems like Nitronic Rush that have great soundtracks, were released only a couple years ago, but might not have the single most demanding set of requirements.

This, however, is why the PC is generally held up as an example of the best possible quality of gaming, in terms of processing power--the technology just moves SO much faster than any console can.

PC (only) games aren't popular choices around here, so I didn't think I needed to come up with a rule. I guess the closest counterpart would involve finding out what the oldest Intel/AMD processor is that's still being manufactured; any PC game released after the date that processor hit the shelves. So if someone really wants to do the research to answer this, go for it.

Maybe you could just approximate it by setting the date as the earliest manufacture date for the current gen consoles (Wii/PS3/XBox360, since only WiiU is out for the "next" generation)? Which would make it ~ late 2005 for the XBox 360, if my memory serves. Although that does seem a bit far back...


Minimum requirements would be tricky... you'd have to consider CPU, GPU, and RAM. RAM in particular is complicated, because the amount of RAM needed to run Crysis was available for many years before the game came out... in high-end servers.

Tell you what, I'll save an upcoming month for non-console games, so hold onto your Nitronic Rush idea for a little while.


To be honest I'd kind of like to see somewhat more open-ended themes for this competition. I liked the pilot and ep. 1 a lot because they didn't really limit what games participants could choose from and yet they still maintained solid themes. It seems a bit unnecessary to me to put restrictions like no PC games on the theme.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the subject, Probably not the best place to put this, but I just thought it was worth mentioning. I know coming up with themes isn't the easiest thing to do and otherwise I think you're doing a great job with the competition :).

To be honest I'd kind of like to see somewhat more open-ended themes for this competition.

Don't forget about option B: "Be based on any source, and done in a futuristic or sci-fi style."

I see what you're saying, but personally, I like the more limited themes. I find it easy to choose a source. On my own, I have trouble settling on a source to remix. :)

Don't forget about option B: "Be based on any source, and done in a futuristic or sci-fi style."

I see what you're saying, but personally, I like the more limited themes. I find it easy to choose a source. On my own, I have trouble settling on a source to remix. :)


I totally like being boxed into a corner and then overcoming the challenge. <3


does goa trance count as futuristic sci fi? i feel like it conveys that vibe pretty well. they used alot of it in the matrix ost, which i would say is pretty future scifi. dunno if id do it, but i just wanna clarify before i decide.

does goa trance count as futuristic sci fi? i feel like it conveys that vibe pretty well. they used alot of it in the matrix ost, which i would say is pretty future scifi. dunno if id do it, but i just wanna clarify before i decide.
Sure, that's fine.
another question: are we allowed to pick two source tunes from the same game?
You can pick as many sources as you want, from as many games as you want, as long as they all fit the theme (assuming option A). With option B, pick anything you want, period.

Will be submitting tonight, just waiting for some last minute feedback. I second tuberz, i think this is my best ReMix so far. If even just for the fact that i learned a good bit about drum processing.

Quick no one else submit cause then i win by default

Well, you heard the guy - "Quickly" don't submit your remixes, but rather, slowly DO submit them by the deadline :)

You got caught in your own trap there, Tuberz :P

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