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OCR02701 - *YES* Street Fighter 2 'Murkan Supreme' *RESUB*

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original decision

This was my one entry for the Street Fighter contest thing. I had Sixto re-amp the guitars for me because at the time, my amp was getting interference from something. Didn't really set out with a goal in mind apart from making it rock, happened across a bit of a "techno metal" area with the synths and really liked it, and everything just fell into place very nicely. - Brandon Strader

Edited by djpretzel

Comparing this to the original, while the plucked string is still slightly muddy, this track shows a marked improvement against the original sub with mixing, and there is a slightly crisper sound to the mastering as well which brings out the highs a bit more.

And of course, everything that was great about the original is still here too.

Cool stuff - YES


It's still too loud, and there's definitely some cluttered spots in here, but overall it's nowhere near as problematic as the previous version, which was just redone too quickly and without the proper care.

Brandon's mixing ear could just be off sometimes, but the important thing is that when push comes to shove, when he gets corrected, he'll eventually fix it. He just goes too fast most of the time, but he's trying a lot of things and learning along the way; 5 years ago with a situation like this, he wouldn't have been able to fix it at all. But now he's been bugging people like Sixto and learning, and that's exactly the kind of guidance he needs to be seeking.

With this arrangement, now most of these parts can breathe and the Chun-Li integration no longer sounds shoehorned in, because it gets some more breathing room of its own. All in all, not a perfect mixdown, but definitely in much better shape, which allows the great writing and interpretation here to stand out.

Laughed at the Schala cameo. :-)



I find it humorous that I got way more behind this with the Chun-Li parts largely marginalized. My big beef with the last version was that those parts were getting in the way. In this version, Guile takes the center stage for most of the song with the Chun-Li riff adding some texture that isn't even that obvious unless you're listening for it. The important thing is it works. Definitely in a YES state now, great job fixing this one up.


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