djpretzel Posted February 27, 2006 Posted February 27, 2006 Hello Please consider this track for inclusion: I have attempted to set the ID tags as per your guidelines although you may want to check for yourself. With regard to the rest of the info on your list: o ReMixer name: 465T o Your real name: DarkeSword Edit: This guy asked me to remove his real name because he doesn't want it publicly displayed anywhere. I edited it out. o Your email address: OR (removed) o Your website: o Userid (number, not name): 37467 o Name of game(s) ReMixed Famicom Detective Club 2 o Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: "Title" o Composer of original: Kenji Yamamoto o Platform: SNES/Super Famicom o Link to the original soundtrack: SPC file uploaded to my site (see URL above) o Your own comments about the mix: heavy heavy business Regards, 465T -- --
Liontamer Posted March 15, 2006 Posted March 15, 2006 - "Title" (ftc2-04.spc) Awkward opening direct sampling the original as a transition into the arrangement. Sounds a bit unintentionally bumbling, but not a big deal. Cool fade-out of the sampling along with the fade-in of the arrangement at :02. Lead synth there sounds familiar; not in good way, but neither here nor there. Some nice and simple trip-hop beats came in at :17. Reminds me of stuff by Baby Fox. I'm sure Vigilante has a better handle on any trip-hop analogies, but nonetheless very nice stuff. Production was too lo-fi for me; a VBR encoding could have helped this out a little. There were seemingly these odd rises in the volume (e.g. 1:10, 1:30, 1:41, 1:56, 2:06, 2:24, etc.) that seemed to have no real purpose there. Not really sure what the deal was; sounded like turning the volume knob up and down real fast on a Walkman. Even stranger than none of that happened in the second half of the track, but it may just be me feeling it doesn't work well. Sounded like something was direct sampled or some beats were added from 1:10-1:19 but didn't layer well. Should probably scrap that. I do appreciate the subtleties of the arrangement here. Though liberal-sounding aside from the synth lead clearly taken from the melody, the bassline here is derived from the source melody as well. After 3:29 though, I was looking for further variation to keep things going, as the whole track further cruise controls in a way that I don't believe jives with the standards without further development of the material. Unfortunately a byproduct of the genre to some extent, though again Vigilante's more qualified to speak on it. The was some annoying clicking/percussion/something that started around 4:05 that seemed to be going with the bassline, but then went off into something seemingly random. Gotta get rid of that. Same at 5:33 right before the ending. And also right at the ending at 5:34, another synth was used for the last few seconds. Involve that or some other ideas somewhere in the track to provide a little more variation. Beyond some of the seemingly odd volume jumps and clicks, this was an otherwise very enjoyable track. Production could be cleaner without harming this atmosphere. The composition doesn't need any dramatic overhaul, but does need some further ideas to sustain nearly 6 minutes and still sound like it has something to say at the end. The track does change around subtly by adding/dropping elements throughout, but nonetheless after about 2 minutes you've basically heard what's to come in the other 4. It's somewhat of a shame to me, as I think other pieces with very subdued builds or changes don't stand as much of a chance as they did say 3 or 4 years ago, for example the Super Mario Bros. 2 ReMix "DarK Underground". I'll be keeping this though, and best of luck on the rest of the vote, he who shall not be named. I could understand this getting support. If rejected, we could really use a piece like this on OCR, so I'd ask you to definitely consider resubmitting. NO (borderline/resubmit)
DarkeSword Posted March 15, 2006 Posted March 15, 2006 I don't think those are trip-hop beats. I think they're just regular old boring beats with too much reverb on them. This arrangement is boring. I'm already 2:30 into it and nothing new has happened at all. The percussion is repetitive, the soundscape is barren, and the instruments are playing the same thing over and over again. This piece uses about 1 minute's worth of material to fill up nearly 6. NO
JJT Posted March 16, 2006 Posted March 16, 2006 repetitive, overlong. as darkesword said, if you're going to make an arrangement 6 minutes long, give us 6 minutes of material, not 1 or 2 on repeat. NO
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